Kkat wrote:Unfortunately, considering its prominent use in the book, I can't see removing Paralyzing Hoof entirely. (Remember, Xenith uses it to dramatic effect in The Pit.) Trying to balance it more is definitely desirable (although Dimestream's fear of nerfing it into uselessness is a concern). Perhaps making it a special attack, as Dance Explosion suggests, with a significant AP cost? (I'm thinking a base 40 AP, as any unarmed attacker will be reducing that to 35 AP with Gladiator Pony.) With that, we could keep it's chance to succeed high, although I would want to alter the current chance. (Ilushia and I ran into the issue with pure multiples creating too vast a gulf when dealing with spell damages, and the same mechanical ideal we used to fix spells could be applied here: if Paralyzing Hoof is a special attack, make the chance of success 15 + Agility.)
Keep in mind that we can't necessarily depend on a pony taking another perk when we balance this (with the exception of certain perks that require more than one rank, or have a prerequisite). Leave it at 35 AP (More than 1/3 of an unarmed combatants AP, even with a 10 AGI.). If they take gladiator pony, huzzah, they get a benefit on this attack. If not, it still is left at an intensive AP cost...
Kkat wrote:Is an extra roll to avoid the attack, or a penalty to the attack, actually necessary? This is already an unarmed attack, and unarmed is inherently a more difficult and dangerous combat style -- I would suggest the fact that the defender can attempt to parry the attack is already a sufficient counter.
I feel it is, as five rounds of paralysis is pretty much an instant kill. I mean, can you imagine an ability like this at range? In fact, unicorns have a way to reliably do this already at level 14 with an Elemental Strike: Lightning (requiring the expert version of the spell to do so). And the target gets a flat Luck roll to resist the paralysis. As you have pointed out, unarmed is an inherently harder to pull off... giving the target a varied END or AGI check (which ever is higher) at the penalties I've listed makes the perk shiny while keeping it in the theme of only making a couple of fairly solid hits.
Kkat wrote:
Other options: should the special attack deal less or even no damage? Or, conversely, be required to do at least a point of damage in order to be effective?
Actually, again referencing the story, Xenith referenced that her style did not work well with weapons. Perhaps require that a paralyzing hoof attack, along with the above things I have noted, requires you to make an attack with a bare hoof. It doesn't have to deal damage to a target (cause she manages to do it, even through power armor). This makes the attack a truly
disabling strike without causing a large amount of damage.
Kkat wrote:Dimestream wrote:I believe this is a needed nudge into the running with the diversity of spells and pegasus tricks, isn't a huge change, and doesn't hurt the EP flavor or pigeonhole characters into one archetype. Thoughts?
I really like the idea, and barring any good arguments against it, I'd like to implement this promptly. I even like the spread, as the Earth Pony gets a bonus perk at first level, and then every five levels after that.
I have changed my mind on this and agree wholeheartedly with this change.
As for Knockout Gas Grenades, I would suggest the AoE(10). If you are in the first increment, (unless you are in Environmentally sealed armor) you must make a poison resist roll or be suffering from the effects of the poison. For every increment outside of the first, you make a poison resist roll at a +10 bonus. Thus, if you are in the fourth range increment, you get a roll at +30.
In an enclosed space, the gas will eventually fill the room. Every round, on the creature who threw the grenade's turn, the first range increment of the gas will increase by 10 feet. After 5 rounds, the grenade stops exuding gas, but the gas takes 1 minute (or a steady breeze, with an exit, as per the Buffet Pegasus Trick) for the gas to be dispersed/degrade. In an outdoor environment, the gas is subject to winds as per a smoke cloud is.