Zepheniah's "Hardcore" Sheets

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Zepheniah's "Hardcore" Sheets

Post by Zepheniah » Tue Mar 05, 2013 11:44 am

First of all, I've finally decided to post the sheet I've developed over my time as both a GM and a player, adding in features that would benefit both.
This sheet is designed with playing on "Hardcore Mode" in mind and has several additions that will not perform much of a purpose in more casual play.
I will go over the sheet page by page and explain the features and if need be, how to use them.

Page 1: Equipment & Vital Statistics
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc ... HZGc#gid=0

Vital Characteristics: This box is pretty straightforward and self-explanatory.

SPECIAL and Afflictions:
-The Base(Permanent) column contains your starting special points, extra special and any other effects that have an indefinite effect on your character.
-The +/- column contains all temporary SPECIAL penalties, such as crippling and withdrawal and all temporaty SPECIAL bonuses, such as drug effects or armor effects.
-The Total values are automatically modified and should not be changed. Sleep Deprivation, Starvation and Thirst levels are automatically applied and will cause a -10 penalty to the stats they affect if the level of deprivation that the character has achieved is fatal, causing the character to die.
-Heat and/or cold penalties are not included in this.
-The affliction box also outlines penalties for crippled limbs.

Movement Speed:
-The biggest noticeable change here is the addition of 'Travel' speed. This represents the approximate sustainable over-land speed of the character and is best used to calculate how fast the group can move between major locations.
-The 'Armor Class' box below modifies the base movement speed, depending on how heavy the armor is that you're wearing.
-Carry Weight is also a factor and starting at 50% of your capacity, small penalties will be applied to your movement speed. If you are over-encumbered, your movement speed will be cut in half.

Health and Limbs:
-The formula for health is a little different, focusing more on the Endurance score.
-The formulas for limb HP is now independent of any temporary modifiers, both positive and negative.
-Added a box for both the tail and the horn, although with creatures such as Dragons that have thicker tails, the GM is encouraged to raise the HP to the equivalent of a normal limb.

-There's now a 'fatigue' bar below your health points.
-And Stunning damage you sustain is added to the field on the right and if the number in the field on the left is lower than the total fatigue damage, the character passes out.
-The threshold at which a character passes out becomes lower, the lower the characters main HP becomes.
-Once the character passes out, the fatigue damage is reset to 0.

Action Points: No changes.

-This initiative value is a combination of Perception, Agility and Luck, reflecting not only the characters' speed in a combat scenario, but also their reaction time.

-Armor Class is either "Heavy", "Medium", "Light" or "None"(for clothing). It modifies movement speed.
-The Condition value is the % condition of the armor and it will modify the amount of DT that it provides. The DT of a piece of Armor starts to degrade once the condition is below 50%.
-Natural DT is things like a hellhound's hide or a dragon's scales and the 'Tough Hide' perks. Certain attacks ignore this value and certain attacks don't (acid doesn't ignore natural DT, but most other DT).
-Other DT is things that aren't armor, but still provide an amount of DT that can't be classified as 'Natural', such as Cloaks or Cyberpony Perks.

Weapons Boxes: (A 9mm Pistol is already stated out as Example.)
-The Damage field displays the weapon's damage after it has been modified by it's condition % value.
-The Damage(Dice) field is where the player inputs the respective dice that are rolled for damage when that weapon lands a succesful attack.
-The Crit Damage field is where the player inputs the amount of damage the weapon does on a critical hit. This damage is independent of damage perks or dice, but also independent of condition modifiers.
-The AP field outlines how much AP it costs to fire that weapon.
-The Crit Chance and Crit Fail Chance fields are automatically calculated and display the first value of each. (Ex.: 5 is the first number at which you crit and 94 is the first mumber at which you critfail.)
-The Base Damage field is where the player enters the weapons base damage, plus any bonuses or penalties to it that come from ammunition types.

Quick Skills: The items here will be explained more in-depth on the next page, but they are color-coded for your convenience.

Skill Modifier Calculator: (Optional)
This is a bit more advanced and is a custom modifier system that uses 'difficulty'.
The calculator requires three inputs: the difficulty value of the check, the effective skill of the character and the modifier given by items and conditions at GM discretion.
The basic idea behind this system is to make truly hard checks require more skill, while higher skill makes easy checks much easier for more skilled characters.

An 'easy' check that previously was a +15, in this case it's a difficulty of 25. Someone with 25 skill will have a 40% chance to succeed(25+15+15), but someone with 50 skill will have an 80% chance to succeed(50+15+15). A master with 100 skill will have a whopping 160% chance to succeed(100+15+15+15+15)!
Conversely a 100 difficulty check at 100 skill is still 'very hard' at a success chance of 70%, in line with the previous -30%. However somepony with only 75 skill will have a harder time at succeeding with only a 30% chance.
As is visible it's +15 for every 25 skill you are above the difficulty and vice-versa with a starting +30% at 0 difficulty.

What does this system mean for the game?
Most importantly it removes arbitrary levels, such as a check requiring 50 mech to even attempt. Instead that check now has a difficulty of 50, so someone with less skill may still attempt it, but unless they have put points into that skill their chance of success will tend to be low.
Crafting however stays unaffected.

[Next up: Skills]
Last edited by Zepheniah on Wed Mar 06, 2013 4:47 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Zepheniah's "Hardcore" Sheets

Post by Zepheniah » Tue Mar 05, 2013 11:44 am

Next up we have the 'Skills, Perks and Traits' tab, the contents of which is pretty obvious by the title:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc ... HZGc#gid=4

The only major change is the 'Skills' section, so that's what I'll be covering.

Skill Points, TAG Skills and Skill Ranks:
-First it's worth noting that the character receives skill points at level 1. This is because this system is designed for slower games where every point and every level matters, while attempting to eliminate the gross flaws of starting at lower levels, such as low chances of success in fields that the character is supposed to be good at.
-Secondly, the starting value of skills has increased by seven for various balance reason and the fact that the PnP is a very different beast than the video game where actually hitting the enemy is player skill, rather than character skill and to compensate the damage of weapons fluctuates based on character skill.
-The amount of skill points received has been raised to 14+(INT/2) and the benefit of Egghead has been raised to +3 skill points. This is to accomodate the next item:
-TAG skills have received a major upgrade and rather than only being a +10 or +15 bonus to the selected skills, they now double the benefit of skill points on those skills, making the character much more proficient in the skills they're supposed to be good at.
-But the question as to why the amount of skill points increased while the benefit from skill points in certain areas increased as well still remains:
-You may notice that there are two 'Ranks' columns in which to insert skill points. This is important, because the 'Ranks' column may only have 25 skill points invested in it per skill. The 'Ranks > 25' column is where all points that exceeded 25 are inserted into and this column provides only half the normal benefit, which is why more skill points are provided.
How does this affect the game?
-With TAG skills leveling much quicker than other skills, characters become rapidly proficient in their particular area of expertise or talent.
-All non-tagged skills are slightly easier to bring up to a level of decent skill, but any kind of mastery requires a significant investment on behalf of the player, encouraging them to branch out after maxing their TAG skills. For example this makes it easier for a mercenary character to become adept at first aid to heal herself up when needed, although her ability to master the skill is there, but requires her to put up significant investment, so instead of going all the way, she decides to craft herself some Junk Rounds to save money on ammo and focuses on leveling up her mechanics skill to 45.

-What's also easily apparent is the fact that the number of skills that are available have also increased, with some others becoming merged or split.
-The weapons skills remain unchanged except for the 'Thrown' skill, which handles anything from throwing rocks, knives and spears, to throwing grenades and dynamite.
-Explosives remains unchanged, but it's up to your GM to rule whether or not you may throw grenades with the 'Explosives' skill or only with the 'Thrown' skill.
-Survivalism & Traps is basically the 'old' survival, but with the 'trap' aspect more explicitly singled out, also serving as the skill with which you can identify traps and ambushes. It also covers tracking, herb gathering, scavenging, skinning, tanning, certain recipes such as healing salve or antivenoms and being able to identify creatures. It does not, however, cover alchemy. If you don't have any ranks in this by level 10, then you don't get to complain to the GM when you walk into a rigged shotgun!
-Bluff & Disguise is the first half of the split and merged 'Speech' and 'Barter' skills, covering anything to do with deception, from lying to someone to attempting to make out an item you're selling to be more valuable than it actually is.
-Persuade & Negotiate is the second half of the split and merged 'Speech' and 'Barter' skills and is responsible for things from negotiating a fair deal while buying something, to settling a dispute between two parties by convincing them to back down, to seduction.
-Sneak and Lockpick remain unchanged, although Sneak now no longer covers pick-pocketing or concealing weapons.
-Sleight of Hoof (or Horn, or Claw, etc) covers a character's ability to manipulate items undetected (magical glow can be a large penalty) or conceal things on their person, as well as stealing. This skill can also be used to improve the result of a disarm action, by for example ejecting the magazine and the chambered round in one fell swoop.
-Hacking & Matrix Tech is the part of the 'Science' skill that it's named after and is used for things like recycling MEW ammo, hacking into terminals or other systems(provided you have the tools), fiddle with spell-matrix based equipment like power armor and pip-bucks or robots and last but not least gives the character the ability to identify such things.
-Alchemy & Chemistry is pretty straightforward and covers exactly what it says on the tin, from recipes for acid and poison, to healing potions and Bone-Strengthening Brew while utilizing the materials gathered through Survivalism, although it can be used at a penalty to gather materials. Additionally it can be used to identify potions and crafted poisons, covering even rarer variants that the Medicine skill can't identify itself.
-Medicine covers a character's ability to patch other characters up, apply bandages and potions, perform surgery and just generally be pretty awesome like that, as well as identify afflictions, addictions, poisons and all kinds of other nasties, although it heavily relies on the tools of the trade while actually attempting to cure someone. Don't leave the house without a medic!
-Academics & Lore is a skill that must either be TAGged or may only be leveled at GM discretion due to its nature. It covers identifying things from all the other skills at varying penalties and covers topics that they don't, as well as general knowledge of the regions the PnP plays in. Having a walking dictionary is better than you might think!
-Pilot is a pretty basic skill that's unlikely to find much use in most games. It covers maintaining and driving vehicles in general and receives bonuses, depending on the character's familiarity with a specific vehicle. Like Academics, this skill may only be taken at GM discretion.
-Repair & Mechanics covers crafting weapons and ammo and repairing weapons and armor as well as being used to identify all those things associated with it. It's fairly simple and straightforward, but nonetheless second only to Medicine in usefulness.
-Shamanism and Magic are exactly what they say on the tin and have been split from 'Barter' and 'Science' for balance reasons concerning the immense power and versatility these skills previously presented and still do. Having such powerful skill-sets combined into one skill each that each had additional applications, even going so far as to have science become a combat skill was simply too much and made it far too easy to break the game with a unicorn that somehow always knows how to hack terminals if it can aim a bolt of lightning.

[Next up: Weapons, Armor, Drugs, Items]
Last edited by Zepheniah on Wed Mar 06, 2013 4:43 am, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Zepheniah's "Hardcore" Sheets

Post by Zepheniah » Tue Mar 05, 2013 11:58 am

Weapons, Armor, Drugs, Items, etc
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc ... nVad2ZDX1E

-Weapons all sorted by ammunition type.
-A "-" stands for 1d5 points of damage and any perk that would normally increase damage by 1d10 will increase 1d5 damage instead.
-A "+" stands for 1d10 points of damage.
-The 'Crit' column contains a flat amount of damage that is added when you roll a critical hit. Damage dice do not factor into this damage and if you roll 2d5 on a normal hit, you still roll a total of 2d5 on a critical hit. This allows for more variation beyond 'double crit damage' and counter-acts 'dice-stacking' of damage perks.
-Capacity is the amount of units of ammunition that the weapon can hold in a single reload.
-Range represents the range class of the weapon.
-The AP column contains the AP cost required to fire the weapon. In some cases it's split into 'X/Y+Z', where X represents the total AP cost, Y represents the cost of actually firing the weapon and Z represents the AP it costs to load the next round. The 'Z' AP cost doesn't need to be paid on the last shot in the weapon's magazine.
-The Special Attack column contains the AP cost and associated penalties and/or bonuses for using it. Weapons with a RoF (Rate of Fire) shoot 'RoF' amount of shots on a Special Attack. For 10 AP extra and an additional 10% penalty to hit, a weapon with a RoF may fire double its RoF in shots.
-A weapons Special Effects are either outlined in the Special Effects column (possibly in conjunction with the Special Attack column) and in the Legend tab.

-All ammo is sorted by weapon type and then by caliber.
-Unique (non-interchangeable) variants are an easy way to create weapons that are simply 're-chambered' and use rare ammo, even if the standard version doesn't.
-Simplified Crafting contains recipes for crafting special ammunition for players and GMs that don't want to keep track of raw materials, although they are slightly less efficient.
-The Craft(Ammo) tab contains a few unique recipes such as 'Junk Rounds', which are very easy and cheap to produce. It also contains the full recipes for all ammo types other than MEW Ammo, which is exclusively 'Simplified Crafting'.

-All items are listed by their base price as opposed to the Ranged weapons' list, due to caliber grouping not being a factor.
-They are split into Melee, Thrown and Unarmed weapons.

-This list contains armor and clothing, sorted by weight and slot, with different sets of armor grouped into categories, oriented by the highest DT of each category.

-The END Value of a drug determines how quickly you can overdose on that drug. Once the total combined END Value is equal or greater to your base END, then you require immediate medical attention once the drugs wear off at a significant increase in difficulty for each point you went over. If you go over by more than four, then you can't be saved outside of having multiple organs replaced.

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Re: Zepheniah's "Hardcore" Sheets

Post by Rabbs » Sun Mar 31, 2013 2:48 pm

I have to say I really like the different skills breakdown. I went and modified the 'Perk revisions' sheet to be in line with these changes. I'm also in the process of making vehicle rules and some perks to go with them.
Mad_Modd's Perk Revisions
Belkar Bitterleaf
"I represent angry gun toting meat eating f--king people!"
Denis Leary

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Re: Zepheniah's "Hardcore" Sheets

Post by Zepheniah » Thu Apr 25, 2013 9:04 am

Perks, FoE: PnP - Zepheniah House
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc ... HJnQzlGOEE

The perk list has been split into tabs for easier navigation.
New Perks are marked in Green.
Modified Perks are marked in Yellow.
Disabled Perks are marked in Red.

The "Cyberpony" and "Augmented" Perk-lines are currently WIP.
The "Monster" tab is pending a major overhaul.
There is a "Robot" tab in the pipe for use in robot enemies and Robotics crafting.

Alchemy, Chemistry and their benefits can be found here:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc ... VlQNFJselE

Please note that not all perks and recipes have been fully adapted and some may still refer to old skills. This will be corrected in time.

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