FoE KnS Group 0 - II:New Dawn [6/6]

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Re: FoE KnS Group 0 - Epitaph

Post by DontAskForCookies » Thu Feb 14, 2013 9:59 am

Royal Lace would very much like a bath and new cloths!
Oh yes and her freedom, but also those other things as well.

More short term she wants her horn freed from its magical binds.

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Re: FoE KnS Group 0 - Epitaph

Post by DontAskForCookies » Thu Feb 14, 2013 7:01 pm

To whoever Finds this scratching under the hay here in the slave house. Odds are quite good that you and I have never and never will meet, but for a time we shared the same fate. Tomorrow I will most likely be taking a very dangerous risk attempting to flee that fate, one that may see me and a small number of other ponies killed in the attempt. What happens to me is of little importance, what is important is what I leave behind, and what Im leaving behind is a room full of other ponies who deserve freedom just as much as myself. The thought of it kills me, but thankfully its not the only thing Im leaving behind.

Hidden nearby the food trough is a small folded rag with a few bobby pins inside, you can find them half a hoof south from the leg nearest the cabin just below the topsoil. If im not caught hiding them, If you can find them, and If they are still there, then I wish you the best of luck and remind you to choose what you do with them wisely.


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Re: FoE KnS Group 0 - Epitaph

Post by LuckyLeaf » Fri Feb 15, 2013 12:15 am

Have a list, of lists: Player Tables

Stashes: Hidden stashes and collective storages, in case of ball emergencies or any other. These are yours... if you can make keep them.

Wishlist: Things you want to find, material or not, valuable or simple. Some may be easy to find, some may be heard, some may be just by your hooves, just waiting for you to look for them. Sometimes you will have to make do with something else, sometimes you can only find the one thing you are looking for, sometimes it's best to be vague...

Fetchlist: ...and sometimes it may already be there, unasked for, but ready to be taken. Anything in here is free to those within reach, but not forever.

Researchlist: Ingenuity and effort can take a pony a long way. A machine, a brew, a spell, a technique, a trick, a tactic. Everything can be be done with time and means, and with enough investment, it can be easier than it seems. In practice, it is a place where you can suggest creation and adaptations to the game mechanics. New recipes and schematics, spells, new perks, twists to the game mechanics to fit each character, new utilities to old content. Not all may turn out exactly as suggested or be available as soon as approved, but with the group contribution, the characters may bring their own flavor to the gameplay.
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Re: FoE KnS Group 0 - Epitaph

Post by Dance_Explosion » Fri Feb 15, 2013 12:32 am

Alright sorry for being slow to getting around to this! i have a slight aversion to forms due to another game i was in :raritydespair:

Now as a player: I'm looking to play Whiskey Heart as a kind of grumpy Spark [assuming you know girl genius comics!] which is a kind of mad scientist. which as his talent is "building dangerous things" while not always useful, is well a reason he was made into a slave hundred of miles from were he use to live. So, building new weird things like new explosives, robots and cybernetics. I also plan to take the new cyber ponies perks for earth ponies [i need to find the parts to start!] also i plan to learn battle saddles and/or power armor, pretty much since I'm a earth pony who uses big guns. :ajsmug:

As a character: travel, experiment, invent! he may be a bit of a grumpy alcoholic he is however not a intentionally bad pony, he is more likely to do bad by collateral damage. :twilightoops:

also i like emotes, sorry :bjpshrug:
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Re: FoE KnS Group 0 - ???

Post by LuckyLeaf » Tue Feb 19, 2013 10:22 pm

Logs One more day passes. Hope grows.

I wonder what our ponies have to say.
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Re: FoE KnS Group 0 - Epitaph

Post by Viewing_Glass » Wed Feb 20, 2013 4:17 pm

Firefly: I got to meet a dragon! Ooooh! And I thought the big mare was scary, but I don't think so anymore. She just looked lost...and like maybe she needs a hug? I dunno. i wish she could have gotten us back for food in time though. I hope we meet the ponies with the tools tomorrow!

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Re: FoE KnS Group 0 - Epitaph

Post by DontAskForCookies » Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:09 pm

Today I met a monster, surprisingly it didnt seem to bad. As a matter of fact I am certain I made quite the fool out of myself upon seeing him for the first time, I can only hope he (Ignis I believe his name was) accepted my apologies. Maybe I should take this lesson to heart and not jump to conclusions. Just because something has large pony rending teeth docent mean they are necessarily out to flay my fragile unicorn body and eat me whole.... Ok, maybe Ill go with my intuition in the future but still this "Dragon" seems alright as far as monsters go.

...Ill keep an eye on him, just in case he starts getting hungry.

In another bit of good news I found a mirror, maybe now I can get this infernal contraption off my horn! Still, even if I do so I am quite stuck as I have met a few ponies I am not willing to leave behind. If Im going to help get them out I need to find a way to sneak about undetected, my last few attempts were less than successful. I was able to talk my way out of trouble twice now when caught but who knows how long my luck will hold out? Better that I find some way to remain unseen before it even comes to a situation where I have to talk my way out. Going out at night will help but I still think I can do better...

I do have this old rad dress I could turn into a cloak of some sort, I wont need it after I leave now that I have my dress. Still, for this to work I need a few things... Needle, thread, and some sort of dark dye for the fabric. Not sure how im going to lay hoof on any of this but I need to try!

In the mean time I have my horn lock to worry about...

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Re: FoE KnS Group 0 - Epitaph

Post by Retainer » Fri Feb 22, 2013 9:40 am

Funny, isn't it? Now that I finally got my claws on a paper and pen, I am not sure where to start...

Eh...hello, my name is Ignis...whomoever may read this. First, I am a dragon...yes, yes, that we got that out of the way, I may begin...

My current situation is probably an improvement, considering what kind of shit was shoveled into me so far. Long ago (not really long ago, but it seems) I, a stray, youngish runt, joined one of the motley-est group of impromptu "heroes" that roam this wasteland, all is right...had my share of putting up with their differences in lieu of "a greater good", on that given case, the life of a colt, right...that meant taking a buckshot to the face and coughing it up like a real dragon and other minor problems...all is well, hard feelings. Yet, when we finally put through out combined efforts to help that little creature, all the cards faced up...

I die.

Or so I should, the cocksucking long-eared harbringer of doom didn't expected that I had a wild card. I ate her, I life for another...the phoenix on my belly was able to hold up me alive as chaos wrought its twisted way around me...

Heh, in the end, all you got is yourself to rely on. Playing dead was pretty as slouching my way out as shit struck the fan, hard. I may be a failure, but I am alive...that's more than you can say for most wastelanders.

Eventually, I got my wounds patched up...yet, destiny, funny as it is, decided that it should be by one of the surviving packs of slavers that nabbed me. Days and weeks went by as they took me to their own compound, I lost every hope of being rescued, in everypony's minds, I was dead, they saw me falling dead. Such is the way of the wastes.

I grew...I became a bigger, things begun to fit into place...otherwise incomprehensible "adult" chitter-chatter made sense to me.

The dealings around my possesion made their way, eventually the highest bidder was some southern "salvage baron" of sorts, which meant... I was shipped here, to the south...not sure where, if its even below the late changeling kingdom... shouldn't matter.

Well, I am...a dragon, tending to an old furnace and fending off boredom most of the days. They keep me away from most of the slaves, I understand the reasons...all I got is my little hoard of junk to play king. It isn't so bad... sure that Knicks is an unnapreciative spoiled brat that has a gravity field of her own, and her pop is even bigger...with a family like that, I should be grateful there is any food left for me, as little and gross as it is...luckly, I have never been a picky eater. yet, still, I could use a better meal, and being chained sure doesn't help my humor.

Ah yes, I got some run-ins with Gab nad her goons...silly little griffoness, let her believe she is the toughest piece of flank around, her pride will crumble in due time, if not by me, certainly by somepony else. The chickens revolve around my little kingdom, watching...I'll give them something to watch someday.

On a related note...I met a particularly interesting group of ponies today, another band of slaves...yet, those seemed...different than the usual bunch of poor sods they send to me. They seemed to have...hope. A zebra, named Sotho... dude was rather quiet and focused...didn't exchanged much words with him. A filly, Firefly, I guess... was quite happy to meet me and gather metal, sometimes I believe they are luckier than us. Whiskey, a stallion...did quite an...errr, coulda say interesting...job on the cart,fortunately, he knows his craft and is mentally sound, unlike SOME OTHER mechanics I crossed my path with. Then, comes miss Royal Lace, an unicorn...was scared of me. Eh, figures...should be used to it, yet...well, she looks okay, if only a bit cray-cray...seems rather displaced as a slave. And lastly, miss Wintergreen, an earth pony which helped me out with a nail that got caught on my tail the other day...she is really nice on my book, told me that they were going to make a run for it...I've seen that story before...still, something tells me that they might have a better shot at it.

I should help them...

I found some batteries and a broken spritebot, perhaps I can get something good out of this...should search further for resources, talk to them...I'm tired of being a vanity pet for these fat slavers.

Begun to search away for pieces to make a far, I'm on a reasonable pace. I'll need a shooter sooner or later, if not to escape, to fend for myself outta here. crafting one should take off a load from my head. The junkyard should yield most of the stuff if I search it throughtly, the pain will be getting bullets...I'm gonna need a good ammount. I figure that whisky can hopefully put it togheter once I get all the parts.

Oh, and I talked to the jenny who fed me...Hearty Broth. hmmm, she is nice...though, a bit scared of me. eh... she even stowed a jet into one of my meals, guess that...she cares? Either way, I wonder...where she got it?

Ah, Celestia...too many questions. Things should be clearer tommorow.

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Re: FoE KnS Group 0 - ???

Post by LuckyLeaf » Sat Feb 23, 2013 11:51 pm

Logs A shadow looms over all.

Speak your minds ponies.
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Re: FoE KnS Group 0 - Epitaph

Post by LcUN8o5M » Sun Feb 24, 2013 1:42 am

You've probably already figured this out, but I won't be joining. FoE: Revenge starts two hours later than I had though and overlaps with this more badly than I had thought. Sorry for taking so long to make up my mind, and thanks for keeping me in mind.

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