Automated and Less-Automated Character Sheets

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Re: Automated and Less-Automated Character Sheets

Post by f1r3w4rr10r » Thu May 01, 2014 4:33 pm

I extracted the movement calculator from the sheet. You can find it here: ... 604#p12604

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Re: Automated and Less-Automated Character Sheets

Post by The Custodian » Thu May 22, 2014 2:31 am

So... THis is me tossing it out there if any of you guys are crazy enough to spend the time doing it...

Think you can automate the unicorn spell section in the same way you did the perk area? In addition make it so the effect cell calcs automatically based on POT and VER?

I realize how much time it would take to do it but... *whistles*

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Re: Automated and Less-Automated Character Sheets

Post by f1r3w4rr10r » Thu May 22, 2014 4:17 am

As of now that isn't possible, since all spell descriptions only exist in text form in the main rule document. If they were in a table it would be different, but I don't want to create one and then having to check every week if there has been another unannounced update or change.

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Re: Automated and Less-Automated Character Sheets

Post by EDtiGron » Sat May 24, 2014 1:38 pm

After some more research, that's unfortunately true. The thing that could be done as far as I've been able to find, is it would be possible to have it automatically give you a link to the spell description in the rules doc. However this would require that doc to have a bookmark for each individual spell.
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Re: Automated and Less-Automated Character Sheets

Post by SilverlightPony » Sat May 24, 2014 3:19 pm

On that subject, I've been thinking about creating a "Big Book of Magic" spell-database spreadsheet for some time now. Just lack the motivation and time to sit down and get it done.
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Re: Automated and Less-Automated Character Sheets

Post by The Custodian » Sat May 24, 2014 4:08 pm

THat would be the best way it seems. And then have someone keep an eye on rule changes and update the sheet as necessary. (Which is that often mind you. Give 4-5 people editing priveledges and the sheet should remain up to date)

What im hoping for is spell descriptions that also calculate out the effects within their descriptor. Ive been doing it manually on my sheets but its a real pain overall.

I have the alicorn school, some imbuing, and by the end of today should have most manipulation school all typed up so if anyone does want to make such a sheet.... :derpyderp2:

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Re: Automated and Less-Automated Character Sheets

Post by TyrannisUmbra » Sat May 24, 2014 4:31 pm

The Custodian wrote:What im hoping for is spell descriptions that also calculate out the effects within their descriptor. Ive been doing it manually on my sheets but its a real pain overall.

I have the alicorn school, some imbuing, and by the end of today should have most manipulation school all typed up so if anyone does want to make such a sheet.... :derpyderp2:
That would be a tough thing to do, considering in order to do that you need to have everyone's personalized POT and VER accessible and referenced individually to the /original/ document that you're copying from... which is impossible, or you'd have to have multiple copies of each spell description for every combination of POT and VER, and copy the right one based off your own stats... which is unfeasible.

It's very easy to automate it by hand, but almost impossible to automate it by automation.

EDIT: A third, less unfeasible task would be to make an extra database page on the sheet itself, with the correct POT and VER references to use for retrieval. Everyone would have their own 'copy' of the spells though, and if spells change then they're SOL unless they update it themselves. But then again, maybe GMs prefer not to have spells changing every 2 weeks in their games.
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Re: Automated and Less-Automated Character Sheets

Post by The Custodian » Sat May 24, 2014 4:47 pm

Could the master sheet with all the spells already be in equation form though? All the sheets have POT and VER in the same two cells and so long as it copies the 'equation' correctly, and those 'equations' refference the correct cells, it would all work out fine.

My google sheet knowledge is not the greatest though so what im suggesting could be completely impossible.

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Re: Automated and Less-Automated Character Sheets

Post by TyrannisUmbra » Sat May 24, 2014 7:28 pm

The Custodian wrote:Could the master sheet with all the spells already be in equation form though? All the sheets have POT and VER in the same two cells and so long as it copies the 'equation' correctly, and those 'equations' refference the correct cells, it would all work out fine.

My google sheet knowledge is not the greatest though so what im suggesting could be completely impossible.
What your sheet imports isn't the 'content' of the cell, it's the final 'image' of the cell, after all calculations are made.

For an example, This is a sheet of imports that I compiled that pulls spell descriptions from One of my unicorns' spell page (Which uses formula-based descriptions). As you can see, despite not having certain references on that first sheet, it's still showing the final result of the calculations that are on my unicorn's sheet.
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Re: Automated and Less-Automated Character Sheets

Post by The Custodian » Sat May 24, 2014 7:55 pm

Damn, and here i was hoping it would be possible. Seems like the 3rd option would be the easiest or a variation on it

Have a document with all the spell descriptions/equations and people can either copy the entire thing onto their character sheets or just copy and paste the individual spells

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