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FoE: PnP Darkest Days

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 7:09 am
by Ilushia
Long before LittlePip left her Stable, before Sunshine and Rainbows, before there was a Red-Eye staring into the future, ponies lived and died beneath the clouds of Equestria shattered by war. Heroes and villains, great and small, struggled day by day to survive and make something of themselves in the ruins, and amongst it all the horrors of the wasteland thrived in forgotten places where nopony dared travel. These were the Darkest Days, and while history may never remember them, even the darkest days have their tales to tell.

Chapter 1: The Drowned City. Trottingham, the oldest settlement in Equestria, the shining beacon of determination of the ponies not to lose the war, proof that even a city destroyed could be rebuilt. When fire rained from the sky and scoured the land, this place of aged buildings and new construction was not left unscarred. Changed weather patterns mixed with blockage of the great river running through the city's heart has left the ruins flooded and overrun with radigators. Ancient buildings, dating back to the first ponies to visit Equestria, hold fast even against the onslaught of elements and flood waters, as new constructs have plunged into the darkness below or fallen to disrepair and destruction. But not everything in the city is known and explored. Rumors of a secret haven where ponies can live in peace persist even a century and a half after the end of the world. Foreign forces have begun to move through the city in search of something of great value. The raiders living near the edges of the city can smell blood in the water and see an opportunity to make good on their desires. Change is coming, for good or for ill.

Session 1 Log
Session 2 Log

Rosemary Thyme (Kkat)
Father White-Eyes (Scorch Mechanic)
Eclipse (Somber)
Excellence (Aegis Steadfast)
Sephie (Dimestream)
Cherry Topping (Tosxychor)

Re: FoE: PnP Darkest Days

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 8:43 am
by Scorch_Mechanic
:rainbowdetermined2: Clippitty-Cloppity guys, here be a log.

Re: FoE: PnP Darkest Days

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 3:53 pm
by Ilushia
Woohoo. Log link added to the first post. Will continue to update it as more logs go up.

Re: FoE: PnP Darkest Days

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 6:45 pm
by SilverlightPony
Welp. There are now two different PNP versions of Trottingham. XD Octagon group is also using the Trottingham area.

Not that this is a bad thing. Always interesting to see someone else's take on a region that hasn't been officially described anywhere. :)

Re: FoE: PnP Darkest Days

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 12:53 am
by Scorch_Mechanic

Re: FoE: PnP Darkest Days

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:38 pm
by Ilushia
Game -is- still ongoing. And currently looking for one or two more people to join the game. Dunno how many folks will see it here, but contact me on IRC if you're interested in joining. Not many spots.

Re: FoE: PnP Darkest Days

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 1:03 am
by Scorch_Mechanic
Session twelve-ish

Re: FoE: PnP Darkest Days

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 11:29 pm
by Scorch_Mechanic
Session from today (Ilushia, you missed the very last couple of messages you should read them).

Re: FoE: PnP Darkest Days

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 6:46 pm
by Dimestream
Seraphim "Sephie" Anathema: Character Aesthetic

A young, small-framed griffon who has the unfortunate mutation of a pair of smaller vestigial wings tucked behind her regular, functional set. In comparison to a normal griffon's wing size, the vestiges are closer to pegasus-wing size, or smaller, like Scootaloo's. Her eyes are green, her feathers are generally coppery-brown, and her hide tawny, with a few scars leftover from surprisingly successful suicide missions. A black and red tattoo of the Talon Company logo has been tattooed onto her hindquarters. She seldom, if ever, stops smiling.

The extra wings make it impossible for her to find armor that fits, so her gear is a patchwork of pieces of other mismatched combat armors and Talon combat armors. She typically wears a speckled red bandanna, a battle-saddle with linked service rifles, and carries a shiny red acoustic guitar across her back. In combat, she's usually wearing a gas mask as well, lending her the look of a post-apocalyptic hippie from hell.

In look and speech, she is otherwise vaguely Hispanic, as the griffon clan she is from shares similarities to Spain.

Re: FoE: PnP Darkest Days

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 6:59 pm
by Tosxychor
Posting the character sheet for Cherry Topping: ... NMnc#gid=0
