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Friday Night IRC: Nickel-and-Diming the Wasteland

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 4:41 pm
by Viewing_Glass
The Story thus far:

Beginning in the town of Silver River, just outside the shadow of Hoofington, our unfortunate story focuses on the exploits of a Unicorn and two Griffons. The unicorn is named Shadow Step, and he is the cook and partial owner of The Rusty Bell along with True Delight and her daughter, Bright Bubbles. In the middle of a normal lunch rush for the sleepy little town walked a Griffon by the name of Percy, asking about the Radscorpions that infested the sandpit just outside of town. He was giving directions and left, though had he not been rescued by the towns local Guardian, Randall, would have died because of the venom and an allergic reaction to an antitoxin.

The next day the little group traveled to pick up some medical supplies from the local bandit, I mean, healer. The group stopped a pair of radscorpions from killing the town's healer, a Unicorn by the name of Bittersweet, and they were still overcharged on medical supplies. Arriving back in town, they came upon The Rusty Bell surrounded by raiders. They dispatched the raider, despite Percy's torso being an effective magnet for almost every bullet from the raiders.

Inside The Rusty Bell was another group of raiders, and what can only be described as a Misty Terror that looked like an amalgamation of a pony and a minotaur. The raiders had formed a semi-circle around an unconscious True Delight and Bright Bubbles, and both were wearing slave collars. The Terror, introducing himself as Menace, wanted one thing in exchange for True Delight and Bright Bubbles. A pony by the name of Copper Jacket. Our heroes, having no choice other than to agree, agreed and left the next day.

The day's travel was uneventful, and they decided to investigate a group of four buildings. Spotted by the watchman, they discovered that Ditzy Doo of Absolutely Everything had set up shop in the plaza between the buildings, and was planning to clear out the raiders to gain access to a printing press. Joined by the unicorns Angel Hair and Quick Shot, the ponies and griffons managed to clear the building, take some prisoners, and even manage to safely free a mare and her foals. They were getting ready to question the raiders when a group of slavers showed up. With the help of Angel Hair's good looks and Ditzy's bargaining skills, the group managed to charge a ridiculous number of caps to just spend the night, not including food and any medical expertise they might need.

With only a few issues coming up that night (Randall's hatred of Slavers, especially this one), the party managed to make it through the night alive and well. They were also able to purchase all but one of the slaves, and made it to Dodge 2 where Angel freed them all. They spent the night in Dodge, finding out that they had made good time on Copper Jacket and the colt he had rescued. The party manged to resupply, even going so far as to pick up a quest from Dr. Synthesis for some medical data.

They set off early, avoiding all forms of side-tracking and conflict, continuing to gain on Copper Jacket. They arrived at the camp of the Ghostlies, a group of bandits in the area, only to find three of the five buildings on fire! The group put out the fires and rescued several ponies that otherwise would of burned alive. Welcome to Nickel-and Diming the Wasteland, or Seeds of Hope.

Re: Friday Night IRC: Nickel-and-Diming the Wasteland

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 5:02 pm
by Viewing_Glass
The Player Characters (My apologies for misspelling any names) :

Train Wreck: This Cybernetic Earth Pony takes after her name quite handily. She is a master of hoof-to-hoof combat and is quite the expert on public speaking and with explosives. Her past is a pretty touchy subject with [REDACTED] and then [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]. However, while wearing a slave collar she becomes quite submissive, but otherwise speaks in the third person.

Percival Ignacious Pigeonfeather (Percy, for short): This griffon seems to be quite the scientist, though it is unclear how much Wasteland experience he has had in the past. He definitely is attractive, in the sexy librarian sort of way (especially with the glasses), and is in a relationship with Randall.

Shadow Step: A unicorn who has a coat and mane splotched with purple and black, he is an alright cook. He seems to have some skills with Imbuing and manipulation magic, and he is more than happy to use his telekinesis and a sledgehammer to knock some sense into any Raider that they may meet. Shadow Step seems to have been struck dumb on meeting Angel Hair, losing control of his Telekinesis and having his Sledgehammer hitting him in the head upon first meeting Angel Hair. His Cutie Mark is a machete crossed over a frying pan in the shape of a letter X. He is close to Hawkeye. Virtue confirmed to be Dependability.

Burnt Toast: A pegasus prospector, found in a Solaris Power Station. Unknown history, but has a very strange code of ethics.

Ishantea of the Demon-Tongue Tribe: Brewer of alchemical goodies and speaker to the spirits. She has a small gift for explosives, though her luck is pretty terrible...

Factions (As currently met by the party):

The Drug Mules (Classification: Raiders): A group of Raiders. Not much is known about them, other than than they seem to be making significant moves in taking over several settlements around Dodge 2. These include (that the party knows about); Silver River and Picket Mills. They are led by Menace. Party Reputation: Neutral

Dodge 2: (Classification: Major City/Home Base): A technological jewel in the luddite Wasteland, they have fresh food and purified water...if you have the caps. They have a fully functioning Hospital as well. NPCs associated with Dodge 2 are Faith and Doctor Synthesis. Current Leadership is unknown. Party Reputation: Neutral

The Ghostlies (Classification: Bandit Group): This group of outcasts has chosen to live in the entrance of the Ghastly Gorge facility. Whether they are bandits, or have been vilified by the surrounding community, is another story entirely. The Ghostlies seem to treat each other as family, even going so far as to have the current leadership running in to burning buildings to save other members. They are currently led by Shell Burst. Other NPCs associated are Inkblot, Chuckles, Brandywine, and Hawkeyes. Party Reputation: Accepted

Solaris Vault 5 (Classification: Crime against Nature): What looks like a stable beneath an active Power Station is actually a Vault. Built using stolen designs from Stable-Tec, it seems something has gone terribly awry. There are no lights, only speakers in the Vault, and it is filled with ponies that have been enhanced to be extensions of a computer. The computer appears as a holographic male alicorn, complete with god complex. It has impressive Offensive Spells.

Mountain Ranger Station (Classification: Steel Rangers): At the top of a coal and gem mine (with a hidden Ministry of Arcane Science Complex) is a Steel Ranger Station in what looks like a Stable. The rangers seem to be a mixed group who are Traditionalist and what could be Applejack, depending on party interactions. Notable PCs are Paladin Bass Clef, Paladin Foghorn, Elder [Forgot name, sorry], Scribe Minty Cake and Mane Scribe [Forgot Name].

Major NPCs:

Randall Cadance Chainbreaker (Classification: Helpful NPC): Named after this dad, the best Princess in all the worlds, and his casual hobby, this griffon is skilled with rifles and likes to hide in the clouds, sniping individuals before they have a chance to strike him or his friends. He will sleep with anyone, regardless of race or gender, and would be very happy to simply kill every slaver he comes across. After running into a group of slavers run by Piston Jack, Randall went into a rage and almost killed Piston Jack and himself. He apologized for his actions, and has since stopped traveling with the party. He has asked the party to meet with him in Dodge 2.0 when they arrive. He personally apologized to Percy, and is now in a relationship with the science griffon. He has rejoined the party as well. Current allegiance is to the party.

Menace (Classification: Villain): Controls a group of raiders known as the Drug Mules, holding True Delight and Blue Bell hostage until Shadow Step, Randall and Percy give him a pony by the name of Copper Jacket.

Copper Jacket (Classification: Unknown): Currently pursued by the party, this Earth Pony seems gifted in the crafting of Ammunition and the use of Explosives. He has rescued a yet unnamed unicorn colt, and has since disappeared with the Ghostlies' former leader, Blazer. Current allegiance is Unknown.

Unicorn Colt (Classification: Unknown): Rescued from raiders by Copper Jacket, not much is known about this colt. However, he seems to be very persuasive, almost to the point of being described as downright 'spooky' by the Ghostlies. Current allegiance is to Copper Jacket.

Blazer (Classification: Unknown, Possibly Dead): Unicorn and Former leader of the Ghostlies, seems to have used his Flamer to accidentally set one of his buildings on fire. Experienced in combat with not just his Flamer, but Hoof-to-Hoof and Melee weaponry as well. Current Allegiance, if alive, is Unknown.

Faith (Classification: Mother of Hostage): Owns the Flophouse in Dodge 2. Mother of True Delight, some fall out between mother and daughter. Current Allegiance is to Dodge 2.

Dr. Synthesis (Classification: Cybernetic Surgeon): Runs the hospital in Dodge 2. Has given the NPCs a quest to check the labs of Ghastly Gorge for information to help stop the rejection of Cybernetic parts in ponies. Current Allegiance is unknown.

Hawkeye (Classifcation: Watchpony of the Ghostlies): Former Trader, lost an eye in an Enclave attack on the factory they were sleeping in. She has since joined with the Ghostlies to protect her brother in Dodge 2. She is found of dogs, and is close to Shadow Step. Cutie mark is a set of Cross-hairs on a Shield. Current Allegiance is to the Ghostlies.

Angel Hair (Classification: Retired PC): A very pretty pink unicorn with blonde mane, this Stable pony seems to be a skilled doctor and quite the public speaker. She is also willing to sacrifice herself for what she views as the greater good, including, but no limited to, wanting to sell herself into slavery so a group of slaves would be able to go free. Whenever possible, uses nonlethal forms of combat. This includes rubber bullets and stun grenades. Her Cutie Mark is a roll of bandages wrapping around a hoof. Virtue confirmed to be Kindness. She now works for Doctor Synthesis and is recovering from her Med-X addiction.

Shell Burst (Classification: Leader of the Ghostlies): Was second in command, but after the disappearance of Blaze, has taken command. Experienced burn out in the process of saving the ponies under her. A good night's rest seems to have restored her, mostly. Current Allegiance is to the Ghostlies.

Minor NPCs:

Piston Jack (Classification: Slaver): Past history with Randall of some sort (knows Randall by the pet name "Cinnamon"). The party currently plans to use the money gained from charging his group of slavers and the slaves to purchase the slaves and free them. Ditzy approves! Current Allegiance is to Paradise Falls.

Sunshine (Classification: Rehabilitated Raider Colt?): Mother killed in fighting at the Ministry of Image Printing Buildings, Sunshine was talked into pursuing his dreams of architecture instead of becoming a Raider. Last seen with Ditzy Doo. Current Allegiance is to Ditzy.

Chuckles (Chuck) (Classification: Earth Pony of Enormous Size): Friend and guardian of Inkblot. Disapproves of 'meddlesome Stable Dwellers'. Current Allegiance is to the Ghostlies.

Inkblot (Inky) (Classification: Pegasus of mare-like stature): Surface Pegasus that seems almost like Fluttershy. The party has learned that he was formally a Raider, and is now the Ghostlies' torture specialist. His special talent is acupuncture. He does not enjoy torture, but his timid personality has not helped him find a way out. He has also mastered the STARE. Current Allegiance is to the Ghostlies.

Brandywine (Classification: Medic of the Ghostlies): A Zony with dark red stripes on a lighter red background, she takes after her Zebra half. She is skilled in medicine and alchemy, and has eyes for Angel Hair. Current Allegiance is to the Ghostlies.

Blast Radius (Classification: Explosives Expert? of the Ghostlies): May have stood a bit to close to some of her own explosions. She seems to know what she's doing, and is related to Shell Burst.

Ditzy Doo (Classification: Helpful Ghoul): Owner of Absolutely Everything. Wields a Grenade Launcher like an expert, would like to reprint her Wasteland Survival Guide. She hates raiders with a passion, seems indifferent to slavers (This may be because she lives in New Appaloosa). Current Allegiance is to New Appaloosa.

True Delight (Trudy) (Classification: Hostage): Addicted to Med-X, she is the partial owner to The Rusty Bell. Currently held hostage by Menace. Mother of Bright Bubbles. May have been in a relationship, at one point, with Shadow Step, but not anymore.

Bright Bubbles (Classification: Hostage): Daughter of True Delight, works at The Rusty Bell. Not the daughter of Shadow Step, though Shadow tried to help keep her out of trouble. Currently held hostage by Menace.

Whisper (Classification: Anomaly): Found in Solaris Vault 5. This colt seemed not to be able to 'take' the cybernetics implantation that the Vault Computer had implemented. As a result, he was left with a small group of similar anomalies till they were gunned down by Sentinel. Rescued by the group.

This post will be filled in as time goes on. Any members or the group (or Dimestream) can get ahold of me on IRC for any updates or possible changes you would like to see.

Re: Friday Night IRC: Nickel-and-Diming the Wasteland

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 2:13 am
by Viewing_Glass
This post is for memorable quotes from the sessions!

"By Luna, stable ponies will be the death of me!" ~Shadow Step, bartender.

Re: Friday Night IRC: Nickel-and-Diming the Wasteland

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 2:26 am
by SilverlightPony
Point of order: It may be too late to change it now, but the name "Starry Night" is already in use in the general FIM fan community.

Re: Friday Night IRC: Nickel-and-Diming the Wasteland

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 2:43 am
by Viewing_Glass
Oooh, good catch Silverlight. She's a relatively minor NPC (I may split this into major and minor NPCs later) and hasn't appeared since session...4, I think? We are on session 8 or 9 now.

Re: Friday Night IRC: Nickel-and-Diming the Wasteland

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 2:01 am
by Viewing_Glass
Updated the NPC list, separating the NPCs into major and minor NPCs, as well as added the current Factions the party has met. Pending approval from the rest of the group, of course.

[EDIT]: Removed Starry Night at Dimestream's request. We probably won't meet her again.

Re: Friday Night IRC: Nickel-and-Diming the Wasteland

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 12:47 am
by Viewing_Glass
Added a quotes section, by request.

Re: Friday Night IRC: Nickel-and-Diming the Wasteland

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 3:03 am
by Viewing_Glass
Added a new NPC and a new faction.

Re: Friday Night IRC: Nickel-and-Diming the Wasteland

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 7:33 pm
by Viewing_Glass
New faction has been added. New NPCs will be added once I can talk to Dimestream.