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Get in the Van

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 4:41 am
by Zepheniah
Up in the western north of Equestria, beyond the Galloping Gorge and the Thundercloud Peaks, there's a city in the wasteland: Vahoover
Not nearly as devastated as it's neighbor Tall Tale, the location was chosen and fortified by several tribes working together for mutual gain.
Basic Map of the Vanhoover Area

Major Factions: These factions make up the city guard.
Ice Talons: They control the mercenary work in the area, transferring and managing contracts over their many outposts in the region.
The Ironhearts: A split-off Steel Ranger chapter, which opened Stable 404. While not going around confiscating most technology from the citizens, they are sometimes encountered outside the city, breaking into discovered bunkers and safe-houses. People outside Vanhoover or towns with Ice Talon outposts still must take care to avoid them.
Kingdom: With their seat in the Kingdom Stadium, this faction controls the arena games and most of the slave-trade in the city. Criminals are sent there to fight for their freedom and the audience's amusement.
Enclave: They are the Enclave. Going up too high will get you their attention and you don't want that.

Moderate Factions:
The 404: Originally from Stable 404(a stealth-research stable), this faction is an allied faction of The Ironhearts, due to their limited military might, but strong equine resources. Most trade in the city runs through their organised marketplaces and they control a large part of the food in the city. While not illegal in Vanhoover, the 404 does not deal in slaves.
Mares of Honor: They control the a little bit of everything in Vanhoover, from food, to ammo, to slaves, to scrap metal. Their competence and discretion keeps them independent and in the game, with the other faction's superior firepower.
Swifthoof: This faction has very little presence in Vanhoover itself, outside of being closely allied with Kingdom. They hunt both animals and people for sale, operating outside the city for the most part. Purchasing a travel-pass from the Ice Talons outposts is a smart move, when going anywhere in the area.
Gunsmiths: Allied closely with the Ice Talons, this faction controls most of the arms-factories in the city, producing most available non-MEW weapons.

300 Caps worth of equipment.
Equipment starting condition is (Luck+Barter+Mechanics)%
100 Caps

Signed Players: [pending confirmation]
The Custodian Gabrielle (Hippogriff) GMT-7
Faindragon Ophde (Griffin) GMT+1
King Kasai Cretin (Minotaur) GMT-5
EDiGron Rusted Silver (Earth Pony) GMT-6
sgtlukeeng_3 Beauty Dazzel (Unicorn) GMT-6

Session Logs:

Times: Pending
Sat: ??:?? GMT // ??:?? CST
Earliest Start-Time: Sat: 12:00 GMT // 06:00 CST
Latest Start-Time: Sat: 19:00 GMT // 13:00 CST
IRC Channels are:
#VanPnP, #VanDice

Re: Get in the Van

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:44 pm
by Rabbs
Sorry I'm going to have to withdraw. But thanks for giving me a chance :pinkiesmile: .

Re: Get in the Van

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 11:34 am
by The Custodian
Reportin in.

Im good to go anytime after 10ish (1700GMT) am on Saturday and Sunday 11 (1800 GMT) ish friday.

Re: Get in the Van

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 1:14 pm
by Faindragon
Saturday works any time really, as long as it is the same every week, or close to.

Fridays I rather wait until ~18.00 (GMT), seeing that I have lectures until 17.00 some days.

Re: Get in the Van

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 10:09 pm
by EDtiGron
Sorry for the delay, medicom apperently doesn't like rain...

Anyway, Rusted Silver a.k.a. High Tech is ready for play. ... STGc#gid=0

Let me know if I missed or messed something up.

sgtlukeeng_3 should have his up tomorrow.

I'm available anytime on Saturday.

Re: Get in the Van

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 1:30 am
by Zepheniah
Updated the topic with the character sheets and possible start times.
The introductory session will mostly be answering any leftover open questions and character-introductions.
Depending on how quickly and cleanly that goes, there'll be an instance of combat, too. If not, it'll be in the next session.

Re: Get in the Van

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 4:39 pm
by EDtiGron
What channel will we use?

Nevermind, found it.

Re: Get in the Van

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 6:59 am
by sgtlukeeng_3
Beauty Dazler is redy to play here is the url ... 3eFE#gid=0

Re: Get in the Van

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 7:03 am
by sgtlukeeng_3
Saturday any time between 0730 - 1300 CST works for me as a start time

Re: Get in the Van

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 8:55 am
by Zepheniah
sgtlukeeng_3 wrote:Beauty Dazler is redy to play here is the url ... 3eFE#gid=0
That's the wrong sheet.
Check the "Resources" link for the correct sheet.