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Who wants to help me make a campaign?

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:38 pm
by G-man64
I already have some plans for it but I have a few snags. I need help creating and balancing the custom perks, traits, and especially weapons. It's going to be based on Borderlands (A.K.A. one of the few FPS's I can stomach). But I never technically completed the game or played any of the DLC's (not my fault it was my Step brothers game and they traded it in before I was done and never got the DLC's). So who want's to help me bring Discordlands to life?

We need those who can convert weapons, grenades, shields, vehicles, skill trees, and all that other stuff that makes Borderlands well Borderlands from Borderlands into the PnP format and make new traits. We also need to convert the important NPC's into the FoE universe along with the quests and side quest's into the format. We'll run off the Kkat rule set ( ... k0xo4/edit) for the mechanics. Anyone who want's to help just tell me how in a reply and send me a PM with your Gmail and I'll add you as an editor.

Main Doc: ... zucL8/edit

Jakolt Weapon list: ... tbWc#gid=0

Re: Who wants to help me make a campaign?

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 12:47 am
by TicTac
I'd be interested in helping with the weapons aspect of this.

Re: Who wants to help me make a campaign?

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 12:08 pm
by Shady_steps
sounds fun i might be around to help but im busy with New Bridle at the moment.