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FoE PnP Group "In the Shadow of Seaddle" Closed

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 9:21 am
by Ragebrew
The Pacific Northwest. Towering mountains to the West, the endless blue ocean to the East, with a lush green land between, full of rolling hills and hard working ponies. A single vein ran through it, the I-5 Strip. From the sandy hills of San Dineighgo, to the small lumber town of Bellinghoof, the Strip was the great road that linked them all.

When the great balefire bombs scorched the land, it took it's share of punishment. Now, 175 years after the last bomb went silent, a group of five ponies step out onto the Strip. Shall they make their mark upon the great Evergreen land, or shall they be dashed upon the stones of the Cascades?

"In the Shadows of Seaddle" is a story of exploration, profiteering, community building, and cause and effect. Seen from a native's view on the Post-Apoc setting, a great many different sites await, each of them as close to reality as the DM can get them, and still keep true to the FoE feel.

PCs start at level 1, with the race Alicorn and trait Stablepony restricted. You need to convince me to let you have these, and you will suffer accordingly for the bonuses they provide.

Ruleset is FoE Revised

Alternate rules sets will be considered, but require approval before use.

Game is currently planned for 10PM PST on Wednesday. This is subject to change with DM situation and party ease.

Six Player Slots
1 Hobo
2 Matkingos
3 Stargale
4 Razi

You can contact me with PM here, Ragebrew on the IRC chat, or at kel.theoblivious on skype.

Re: FoE PnP Group "In the Shadow of Seaddle" Recruiting

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 9:30 am
by Ragebrew
Reserving for exploits, story time, pictures, what have you.

Re: FoE PnP Group "In the Shadow of Seaddle" Closed

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 6:35 pm
by Viewing_Glass
Damn, missed an open campaign. Oh well, have fun you guys!

Re: FoE PnP Group "In the Shadow of Seaddle" Closed

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 2:16 am
by Viewing_Glass
Things found by Strange Brew to be sold:

.357 Revolver (100% Condition)
Snub Nosed Police Revolver (91% Condition)
Sawed Off Shotgun (75% Condition)
10mm Pistol (100%)

36 10mm rounds
30 .32 Rounds
6 .357 Rounds
15 pounds of Pre-War Bits
Dash Inhaler

From the Bitsap High Loot List, I am keeping the hides.

Re: FoE PnP Group "In the Shadow of Seaddle" Closed

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 12:58 am
by Viewing_Glass
Going into the Marechester, we have the following unclaimed loot to be taken/sold:

5 Bits
A sparkle Cola
2 Packs of Cigarrettes
10mm SMG (50%) Condition
Hunting Rifle (100%) with 11 rounds
Magical Energy Pistol (100%)
Magical Energy Pistol (10%)
Reinforced Leather Armor (100%)
Reinforced Hat (4 DT)
Light Combat Armor (100%)
Reinforced Leather Armor x2 (25%)
Double Barrel Shotgun (12 Gauge 50%)
1 Pre-War Hat
Hunting Rifle (50%)
Caravan Shotgun (50%)