Zepheniah's "Hardcore" Sheets
Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 11:44 am
First of all, I've finally decided to post the sheet I've developed over my time as both a GM and a player, adding in features that would benefit both.
This sheet is designed with playing on "Hardcore Mode" in mind and has several additions that will not perform much of a purpose in more casual play.
I will go over the sheet page by page and explain the features and if need be, how to use them.
Page 1: Equipment & Vital Statistics
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc ... HZGc#gid=0
Vital Characteristics: This box is pretty straightforward and self-explanatory.
SPECIAL and Afflictions:
-The Base(Permanent) column contains your starting special points, extra special and any other effects that have an indefinite effect on your character.
-The +/- column contains all temporary SPECIAL penalties, such as crippling and withdrawal and all temporaty SPECIAL bonuses, such as drug effects or armor effects.
-The Total values are automatically modified and should not be changed. Sleep Deprivation, Starvation and Thirst levels are automatically applied and will cause a -10 penalty to the stats they affect if the level of deprivation that the character has achieved is fatal, causing the character to die.
-Heat and/or cold penalties are not included in this.
-The affliction box also outlines penalties for crippled limbs.
Movement Speed:
-The biggest noticeable change here is the addition of 'Travel' speed. This represents the approximate sustainable over-land speed of the character and is best used to calculate how fast the group can move between major locations.
-The 'Armor Class' box below modifies the base movement speed, depending on how heavy the armor is that you're wearing.
-Carry Weight is also a factor and starting at 50% of your capacity, small penalties will be applied to your movement speed. If you are over-encumbered, your movement speed will be cut in half.
Health and Limbs:
-The formula for health is a little different, focusing more on the Endurance score.
-The formulas for limb HP is now independent of any temporary modifiers, both positive and negative.
-Added a box for both the tail and the horn, although with creatures such as Dragons that have thicker tails, the GM is encouraged to raise the HP to the equivalent of a normal limb.
-There's now a 'fatigue' bar below your health points.
-And Stunning damage you sustain is added to the field on the right and if the number in the field on the left is lower than the total fatigue damage, the character passes out.
-The threshold at which a character passes out becomes lower, the lower the characters main HP becomes.
-Once the character passes out, the fatigue damage is reset to 0.
Action Points: No changes.
-This initiative value is a combination of Perception, Agility and Luck, reflecting not only the characters' speed in a combat scenario, but also their reaction time.
-Armor Class is either "Heavy", "Medium", "Light" or "None"(for clothing). It modifies movement speed.
-The Condition value is the % condition of the armor and it will modify the amount of DT that it provides. The DT of a piece of Armor starts to degrade once the condition is below 50%.
-Natural DT is things like a hellhound's hide or a dragon's scales and the 'Tough Hide' perks. Certain attacks ignore this value and certain attacks don't (acid doesn't ignore natural DT, but most other DT).
-Other DT is things that aren't armor, but still provide an amount of DT that can't be classified as 'Natural', such as Cloaks or Cyberpony Perks.
Weapons Boxes: (A 9mm Pistol is already stated out as Example.)
-The Damage field displays the weapon's damage after it has been modified by it's condition % value.
-The Damage(Dice) field is where the player inputs the respective dice that are rolled for damage when that weapon lands a succesful attack.
-The Crit Damage field is where the player inputs the amount of damage the weapon does on a critical hit. This damage is independent of damage perks or dice, but also independent of condition modifiers.
-The AP field outlines how much AP it costs to fire that weapon.
-The Crit Chance and Crit Fail Chance fields are automatically calculated and display the first value of each. (Ex.: 5 is the first number at which you crit and 94 is the first mumber at which you critfail.)
-The Base Damage field is where the player enters the weapons base damage, plus any bonuses or penalties to it that come from ammunition types.
Quick Skills: The items here will be explained more in-depth on the next page, but they are color-coded for your convenience.
Skill Modifier Calculator: (Optional)
This is a bit more advanced and is a custom modifier system that uses 'difficulty'.
The calculator requires three inputs: the difficulty value of the check, the effective skill of the character and the modifier given by items and conditions at GM discretion.
The basic idea behind this system is to make truly hard checks require more skill, while higher skill makes easy checks much easier for more skilled characters.
An 'easy' check that previously was a +15, in this case it's a difficulty of 25. Someone with 25 skill will have a 40% chance to succeed(25+15+15), but someone with 50 skill will have an 80% chance to succeed(50+15+15). A master with 100 skill will have a whopping 160% chance to succeed(100+15+15+15+15)!
Conversely a 100 difficulty check at 100 skill is still 'very hard' at a success chance of 70%, in line with the previous -30%. However somepony with only 75 skill will have a harder time at succeeding with only a 30% chance.
As is visible it's +15 for every 25 skill you are above the difficulty and vice-versa with a starting +30% at 0 difficulty.
What does this system mean for the game?
Most importantly it removes arbitrary levels, such as a check requiring 50 mech to even attempt. Instead that check now has a difficulty of 50, so someone with less skill may still attempt it, but unless they have put points into that skill their chance of success will tend to be low.
Crafting however stays unaffected.
[Next up: Skills]
This sheet is designed with playing on "Hardcore Mode" in mind and has several additions that will not perform much of a purpose in more casual play.
I will go over the sheet page by page and explain the features and if need be, how to use them.
Page 1: Equipment & Vital Statistics
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc ... HZGc#gid=0
Vital Characteristics: This box is pretty straightforward and self-explanatory.
SPECIAL and Afflictions:
-The Base(Permanent) column contains your starting special points, extra special and any other effects that have an indefinite effect on your character.
-The +/- column contains all temporary SPECIAL penalties, such as crippling and withdrawal and all temporaty SPECIAL bonuses, such as drug effects or armor effects.
-The Total values are automatically modified and should not be changed. Sleep Deprivation, Starvation and Thirst levels are automatically applied and will cause a -10 penalty to the stats they affect if the level of deprivation that the character has achieved is fatal, causing the character to die.
-Heat and/or cold penalties are not included in this.
-The affliction box also outlines penalties for crippled limbs.
Movement Speed:
-The biggest noticeable change here is the addition of 'Travel' speed. This represents the approximate sustainable over-land speed of the character and is best used to calculate how fast the group can move between major locations.
-The 'Armor Class' box below modifies the base movement speed, depending on how heavy the armor is that you're wearing.
-Carry Weight is also a factor and starting at 50% of your capacity, small penalties will be applied to your movement speed. If you are over-encumbered, your movement speed will be cut in half.
Health and Limbs:
-The formula for health is a little different, focusing more on the Endurance score.
-The formulas for limb HP is now independent of any temporary modifiers, both positive and negative.
-Added a box for both the tail and the horn, although with creatures such as Dragons that have thicker tails, the GM is encouraged to raise the HP to the equivalent of a normal limb.
-There's now a 'fatigue' bar below your health points.
-And Stunning damage you sustain is added to the field on the right and if the number in the field on the left is lower than the total fatigue damage, the character passes out.
-The threshold at which a character passes out becomes lower, the lower the characters main HP becomes.
-Once the character passes out, the fatigue damage is reset to 0.
Action Points: No changes.
-This initiative value is a combination of Perception, Agility and Luck, reflecting not only the characters' speed in a combat scenario, but also their reaction time.
-Armor Class is either "Heavy", "Medium", "Light" or "None"(for clothing). It modifies movement speed.
-The Condition value is the % condition of the armor and it will modify the amount of DT that it provides. The DT of a piece of Armor starts to degrade once the condition is below 50%.
-Natural DT is things like a hellhound's hide or a dragon's scales and the 'Tough Hide' perks. Certain attacks ignore this value and certain attacks don't (acid doesn't ignore natural DT, but most other DT).
-Other DT is things that aren't armor, but still provide an amount of DT that can't be classified as 'Natural', such as Cloaks or Cyberpony Perks.
Weapons Boxes: (A 9mm Pistol is already stated out as Example.)
-The Damage field displays the weapon's damage after it has been modified by it's condition % value.
-The Damage(Dice) field is where the player inputs the respective dice that are rolled for damage when that weapon lands a succesful attack.
-The Crit Damage field is where the player inputs the amount of damage the weapon does on a critical hit. This damage is independent of damage perks or dice, but also independent of condition modifiers.
-The AP field outlines how much AP it costs to fire that weapon.
-The Crit Chance and Crit Fail Chance fields are automatically calculated and display the first value of each. (Ex.: 5 is the first number at which you crit and 94 is the first mumber at which you critfail.)
-The Base Damage field is where the player enters the weapons base damage, plus any bonuses or penalties to it that come from ammunition types.
Quick Skills: The items here will be explained more in-depth on the next page, but they are color-coded for your convenience.
Skill Modifier Calculator: (Optional)
This is a bit more advanced and is a custom modifier system that uses 'difficulty'.
The calculator requires three inputs: the difficulty value of the check, the effective skill of the character and the modifier given by items and conditions at GM discretion.
The basic idea behind this system is to make truly hard checks require more skill, while higher skill makes easy checks much easier for more skilled characters.
An 'easy' check that previously was a +15, in this case it's a difficulty of 25. Someone with 25 skill will have a 40% chance to succeed(25+15+15), but someone with 50 skill will have an 80% chance to succeed(50+15+15). A master with 100 skill will have a whopping 160% chance to succeed(100+15+15+15+15)!
Conversely a 100 difficulty check at 100 skill is still 'very hard' at a success chance of 70%, in line with the previous -30%. However somepony with only 75 skill will have a harder time at succeeding with only a 30% chance.
As is visible it's +15 for every 25 skill you are above the difficulty and vice-versa with a starting +30% at 0 difficulty.
What does this system mean for the game?
Most importantly it removes arbitrary levels, such as a check requiring 50 mech to even attempt. Instead that check now has a difficulty of 50, so someone with less skill may still attempt it, but unless they have put points into that skill their chance of success will tend to be low.
Crafting however stays unaffected.
[Next up: Skills]