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Enhanced Racial Perks Project [WIP]
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 12:07 am
by TyrannisUmbra
Current version of the Enhanced Racial Perks Project list can be found
Please keep in mind that this list is a work in progress. If you have any suggestions, do not hesitate to post them below.
This is a little project I've decided to undertake. The goals are as follows:
- Expand the current Revised Ruleset perk list to create a respectable number of viable race-specific perk options for each current playable race as defined under the Revised Ruleset.
- Separate Cyberpony specific perks and Cyberpony suites from Earth Ponies, instead addressing needed limitations based on a pony's END stat (or other limitations). For the purposes of this revision, "Cyberpony" is a separate Race.
- Design a suitable replacement for the ever-complained-about Flight line of perks -- whether designing entirely new perks or adding much needed flavor.
- Make sure each race has equally strong racial perks that are competitive with basic perks of the appropriate level.
Goals may be updated at a later time, if the goals of the project change.
Keep in mind, my views on how perks should work do not necessarily reflect the views of any other PNP ruleset designers, nor are these intended to be the final, end-all set of racial perks. I only intend to expand upon the currently existing list to provide more fun, compelling options to choose from. If you have no desire to use this list, then you don't have to! This is designed to be an alternate to the current list for anyone who wants a little more from their racial perks.
And please! If you have any thoughts, concerns, suggestions, or questions, do not hesitate to post. However, please keep in mind that I have the final say about what the project will ultimately contain. I will try to give everyone's opinion due thought, but remember, I can't please everyone! I can only make my best attempt to make a list that the majority of people would be comfortable using in their games.
Re: Enhanced Racial Perks Project [WIP]
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 12:29 am
by SilverlightPony
Your mention of the Flight perks reminded me of one of my chief pet peeves with perks.
A player creating an adult adult Pegasus, Griffon, Alicorn, or any other race that can typically fly like a Pegasus should not be limited to hovering a few feet off the ground just because the group is starting at Level 1. Basic, Level 1 flight should allow one to keep up with the average Pegasus from the show. Being limited to hovering and such should be either a separate (quest?) perk, or—more likely for a starting lvl 1 character—the downside to a Trait.
The one group I have a flying character in, this was solved by the GM granting me Flight 2 for free in addition to my two Traits. IMHO, this shouldn't be something we have to house-rule.
Re: Enhanced Racial Perks Project [WIP]
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 12:39 am
by TyrannisUmbra
SilverlightPony wrote:Your mention of the Flight perks reminded me of one of my chief pet peeves with perks.
A player creating an adult adult Pegasus, Griffon, Alicorn, or any other race that can typically fly like a Pegasus should not be limited to hovering a few feet off the ground just because the group is starting at Level 1. Basic, Level 1 flight should allow one to keep up with the average Pegasus from the show. Being limited to hovering and such should be either a separate (quest?) perk, or—more likely for a starting lvl 1 character—the downside to a Trait.
The one group I have a flying character in, this was solved by the GM granting me Flight 2 for free in addition to my two Traits. IMHO, this shouldn't be something we have to house-rule.
I pretty much agree with this completely. Part of my want in regards to Flight perks is to try to eliminate the "I can't fly good until I hit Level x" thing, but at the same time leave some way to 'improve' a character's ability to fly -- not directly (You can fly 50% faster/higher!), but moreso indirectly (You can do x special thing).
I especially want to separate the "RP" effects of the flight perks from the concrete "numbers" benefits.
Re: Enhanced Racial Perks Project [WIP]
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 5:47 pm
by Viewing_Glass
Hrm...shouldn't that be just left to a player thing? I mean, if you are using the PnP Revised ruleset (Kkat's Rules), Flight Rank 1 means you fly twice as fast as you can move on your hooves. In comparison to Flight Rank 2, you are moving pretty damn slowly. In comparison to Flight Rank 3, you might as well be standing still.
I guess I am just not sure which ruleset/perk list this project would be for. Could that be clarified?
Re: Enhanced Racial Perks Project [WIP]
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 6:26 pm
by TyrannisUmbra
Viewing_Glass wrote:Hrm...shouldn't that be just left to a player thing? I mean, if you are using the PnP Revised ruleset (Kkat's Rules), Flight Rank 1 means you fly twice as fast as you can move on your hooves. In comparison to Flight Rank 2, you are moving pretty damn slowly. In comparison to Flight Rank 3, you might as well be standing still.
I guess I am just not sure which ruleset/perk list this project would be for. Could that be clarified?
Hmmm, that's something that I wasn't aware happened. Last I checked, there wasn't any definition for flight movement speed. I'll keep that in mind.
This list is based on the Revised Ruleset, and will mostly be focused on being compatible there first and foremost, though I won't exclude compatibility with other rulesets without first taking a look in-depth to see how feasible it would be.
Re: Enhanced Racial Perks Project [WIP]
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 7:42 pm
by Viewing_Glass
Yeah. I ran the numbers and managed to figure out a good comparison for flight. A Pegasus or Alicorn with Flight 1 and a 9 Agility, 7 Endurance flies at 25 yards for 15 AP move. Griffins with the same values at level 1 fly at 50 for a 15 AP move. Your stat blocks may very, of course. XD
Was there any other lines of perks that you were wanting to look at? I know, personally, that I would love to see Matrix caster actually become something more than a quest perk (Cause seriously, unless you build a party with at least two unicorns with the same spell, the perk is pretty much worthless).
Re: Enhanced Racial Perks Project [WIP]
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 8:29 pm
by TyrannisUmbra
Viewing_Glass wrote:Was there any other lines of perks that you were wanting to look at? I know, personally, that I would love to see Matrix caster actually become something more than a quest perk (Cause seriously, unless you build a party with at least two unicorns with the same spell, the perk is pretty much worthless).
I think I'm going to avoid tweaking unicorn perks too much on a widescale basis, though some individual perks may be looked at. Unicorns are pretty solid at the moment, and there are other races that need looking at more. For the most part, the first races to get some love will probably be the ones that have a lack of racial perks, followed by the races that have a defined 'problem' spot. As much as I've grown attached to unicorns, they're probably last on the list.
As an afterthought, seeing about making a comparison between 'Matrix Caster' and 'Raise That Barn' might be worth looking into.
Re: Enhanced Racial Perks Project [WIP]
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:52 pm
by Viewing_Glass
Okay. that makes sense. So...Buffalo, then Zebra I take it? XD
Re: Enhanced Racial Perks Project [WIP]
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:52 pm
by Viewing_Glass
Okay. that makes sense. So...Buffalo, then Zebra I take it? XD
Re: Enhanced Racial Perks Project [WIP]
Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 1:15 am
by f1r3w4rr10r
That looks pretty promising. Keep at it.