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How much gun is too much?

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 6:47 pm
by Dance_Explosion
The system, generally speaking, heavily favors the idea of "golf bagging" your weapons around. I myself find that at this time my main character is currently carrying:

2x rifles

1x Shotgun

2x swords

and 1x goddamn chain saw :bjpshrug:

along with a small pile of explosives, mostly grenades, and a Bale Fire Egg.

This leads me to ask, do other people do this? Or am i weirdly kelpto in my approach to packing weapons? My combined whight for weapons and armor [i wear medium armor!] is around 70Lb's.

I'd like to hear some feed back from others playing Fallout Equestria, as well as players of Fallout 3 and New vegas, to find out how many goddamn guns others we carry into a fight.


Re: How much gun is too much?

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 7:26 pm
by Night Light
Let's see, Night Light has: Battle-Saddles with Linked Magical Energy Rifles, Battle-Saddles with Linked Tranquilizer Rifles, and will very shortly have Battle-Saddles with Linked Missile Launchers. Net weight is 67 pounds between the three of them, putting him at 107 pounds carried between weapons and armor. Given I rarely have to use anything other than my spell, I'd say you're probably fine there, heh.

While I'm here, might as well note Muddy. Mud Pie has: Battle-Saddles with Linked Grenade Launchers and will very shortly have Battle-Saddles with Linked Grenade Machine Guns. She also has a a silly amount of grenades and mines. Net weight is 55 pounds for her weaponry, total of 90 between weapons and armor.

Re: How much gun is too much?

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 7:47 pm
by Shady_steps
This is why i want to limit how much players can carry buy taking off AP with higher Weight, it does get silly at some point... i also entertained the idea of a box you had to fit items in with the weight system.... was going to test it in an experimental game.

Re: How much gun is too much?

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 7:53 pm
by TyrannisUmbra
None of my characters have more than one weapon per skill they're proficient in, which tends to be 2 skills. In FO3/NV, the biggest reason to carry multiple weapons is ammo concerns, and I tend to not have that in the PNP.

Re: How much gun is too much?

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 8:10 pm
by Shady_steps
Just done a little mock up of the idea i have had for a while, might change it if it becomes TOO restrictive. ... keUE#gid=0

Tell me what you think.

Re: How much gun is too much?

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 9:12 pm
by SilverlightPony
Dance_Explosion wrote:This leads me to ask, do other people do this?
My one PNP character that uses guns, Silvermane, carries his trademark rifle, a pistol, a shotgun, and a PAR-T Cannon.

My FNV character, which is based on Silvermane, carries a full quick-swap wheel (8 slots) worth of guns (Li'l Macintosh, .223 Pistol, Medicine Stick, Dinner Bell, Mercenary's Grenade Launcher, Nail Gun, and the Fat Man) plus a few others.

Re: How much gun is too much?

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 5:07 am
by f1r3w4rr10r
I usually don't get far enough with my groups, that I carry more than two or three weapons at most.
The most weapons has Mayhem, with one APGL, a knife spear and a magical energy lance.

But then again, it's not different as you would do it in Fallout 3 or New Vegas anyways, right? As long as you don't play Wanderer's Edition, that is...

Re: How much gun is too much?

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 1:32 pm
by Viewing_Glass
Viewing Glass
Doesn't really get the chance to shoot things much. Looking at a Zebra Rifle, a Railway Rifle, a Hunting Shotgun and a Hunting Rifle. One gun for each range, really.

Shadow Step
Melee Primary, just starting into MEW weaponry. Has a machete (for cooking, primarily), a Sledgehammer, a Pick-Axe, and a Recharger Pistol. The Pick-Axe is a custom weapon invented by Dimestream. It is a Warclub that does an additional 1d10 of damage, and has the special attack: Gold Rush. For an additional 5 AP (total, 30 AP attack) the attack is considered to have Armor Piercing Light.

No ranged weapons, but she is a pegasus, so why does she need ranged weapons when you are that fast? She currently only has brass shoes, but is about to have a pair of boxing socks (Mad_Modd's list) and some wingblades. She is also known for bucking lightning out of clouds.

Strange Brew
Explosives, Firearms, and Melee Zony. She has an Anti-Pony Grenade Rifle, a few frag mines, THE JUDGE (a .45 auto revolver that can fire either shotgun shells (damage as per the caravan shotgun + 1d10) or .45 ammunition (damage as per the .45 pistol +1d10)) and an Enchanted Bush Gun. The Bush Gun may be cursed...don't know yet. She also has a nasty little Hatchet.