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Fallout Equestria : SkyFire (accepting reserve sheets)

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 2:25 pm
by AdamusKane
Hello all,
I intend to start up a new game of FoE, by the name of SkyFire. I intend to run a fairly grim FoE game. How dark you ask? Darker than the original story but still a bit lighter than Project Horizons. The game will follow the general flow of the two stories, in that there will be alternating sections of serious/dark and comedy/light. Ultimately how truly dark the game is and how hard i go on the players will be up to you lot.

About me : I have been palying in and running RPGs for around three years now. That does not seem like much, but when you take into account that my group typically has around 5 to 10 games going on at any given span of time, (roughly a game every night, sometimes doubling up) it ends up being a lot of time over my three years. The second game I ever ran was an IRL FoE game. It was a blast. Both the players and I enjoyed the setting and game immensely. This past summer I learned that a member of my secondary group (from back home, I am at college for 9 months of the year) was a huge FoE fan, some of you may know him as Rabbs or Mad Mod :D . Well, long story short, he told me that there were a lot of you here who wanted more GMs running games. So here we are!

--The Game : I plan on running the game using a combination of Teamspeak and Roll20. links to these programs are as follows. This being said, expect to be talking in character quite a bit. Virtually all interactions will be through in character speech. The game will be weighted towards role play, having no greater than a 50x50 mix of combat and role play. This allows combat characters time to shine, as well as out of combat characters having room to work their own brand of magic.
--Schedule : Every Thursday night, likely starting in the area of 6-8 (EST) depending on what works for the party. Note, this is the only time that works for me, so please only apply if you can make Thursdays and on a regular basis.
--System : FoE PNP, I love how the system works, especially the well crafted magic system. I also intend to use Mad Modd's weapon sheet. Beyond that, I will evaluate supplements and documents as the game progresses.
--Setting : I will not say much here, as I want to keep a fair amount of the story to myself for the moment. What I will say is this. Expect a fairly low tech game for the first chunk (at least 5 to 10 sessions), from there the tech level will start progressing upwards. With that said, my favorite aspect of the Fallout mythos in general is the ability to explore the past through the relics it left behind. As such, this will play a huge part in my game.
--Who can play? : Anyone who can meet the requirements I have set forth above, though it is important to note that I will give priority to players who have not played FoE before, and likely first choice to those who have never played in an RPG before. The rationale here is simple, I was introduced to RPGs not too long ago, and they have become a great passion of mine. I strive to return the favor to the RPG community by getting as many new players involved as possible.
--How many seats? : I intend to have 6 slots open for players, combined with the two private invites I have sent out, expect a 7 to 8 man game. Note, if I hit 6 seats and there are some applications I really want to accept, I will do my best to accommodate. tl;dr if I want you in my game, you will get in. :D
--A note on GM style : I run very logical games, if it makes sense, go for it. If it does not make practical sense, it likely wont happen. I reward a well prepared group. If you prepare and execute a plan well, I will not mess with you just for the sake of not letting it go perfectly. That is not to say that bad luck or circumstances beyond your control dont intervene, but generally if you reason it through things should go fairly well for you. I WILL NOT! WILL NOT! KILL PEOPLE FOR NO REASON. I hate when GMs pull stunts like this, my game will be challenging, but again, if you plan and are ready, the difficulty will decrease simply through your own foresight. There is not much that will get you killed aside from truly horrible luck in combat. Thus if you end up in a fight you likely should not be in, all bets are off. I also usually warn players at least three times if an action could lead to your death. Just about the only time I will intentionally kill someone would be a situation like the end of Fallout 3. Sacrifice for the better of the party or world. A final note, I realize that sometimes you know exactly what your character would say, and some of us just aren't that eloquent when trying to persuade an NPC. I accept both a flat die roll or a talked out conversation, either will work. Exception being I will force a die roll on low CHA characters. If your stats say you likely would not be able to say it, I will make you roll.
--Application : please send me an application similar in format to the LFG thread, along with any other relevant information I discussed in this post or you think I should know (that may bite me in the ass :D ). Post the application in this thread and I will PM you if accepted.
--Start Date : ASAP, if I have enough accepted players by this Thrusday, we will play then.

Well, that about sums up what I have to say on the matter. Apologies for the wall of text but it had to be done :bjpshrug:

--A final note : Any players or GMs please contact me with any questions. I know the system fairly well and I would be glad to answer questions.

Thanks for listening Fillies and Colts! I eagerly await your responses. :bwalk:


Re: Fallout Equestria : SkyFire (Open Seats! Apply now!)

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 4:32 pm
by SilverlightPony
A "serious business" style game, heavy on IC conversation, done over voice chat? Pass, thanks.

Have fun though!

Re: Fallout Equestria : SkyFire (Open Seats! Apply now!)

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 5:16 pm
by Fordregha
Sounds good to me.

Forum Name: Fordregha

IRC Chat name: Fordregha

Preferred Rule-set: FoE PnP

Timezone: EST

Character: I have two finished and not in a game at this time:
Matchstick the earth pony: ... IVnc#gid=0
Faultless the pegasus: ... 1ekE#gid=0
I am comfortable using either.

Preferred Game Times: I can play any time after 4:30.

Re: Fallout Equestria : SkyFire (Open Seats! Apply now!)

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 11:24 pm
by AdamusKane
Game recruitment post updated.

Re: Fallout Equestria : SkyFire (Open Seats! Apply now!)

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 11:05 pm
by PlazmaticBrony
'Ello, Plaz here.

I haven't made a character yet, but I should very much like to join this game. Character creation will commence posthaste!

Re: Fallout Equestria : SkyFire (Open Seats! Apply now!)

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 1:16 am
by f1r3w4rr10r
Argh, another group I can't join because time zones! >.<

Re: Fallout Equestria : SkyFire (Open Seats! Apply now!)

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 12:39 pm
by PlazmaticBrony
Alrighty. Got my character and other infostuff all ready to go. :lwalk:

Roll20 Name: Jay Crow
Teamspeak Nickname: Plaz

Character: Zen Star (Unicorn Filly, Blank Flank): ... Od2c#gid=0

Le's do this! :pinkiebounce:

Re: Fallout Equestria : SkyFire (Open Seats! Apply now!)

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 11:17 pm
by samueltrex11
i can join in at 3:30 pacific time, i already have a character made ... _TMt4/edit

Re: Fallout Equestria : SkyFire (Open Seats! Apply now!)

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 12:01 am
by PlazmaticBrony
samueltrex11 wrote:i can join in at 3:30 pacific time, i already have a character made ... _TMt4/edit
I took a look at your character, and it made my day, since I'm starting a character journal for my character. Here's an excerpt that I think is relevant.
Entry One: Hell(o) wrote:There was that one trip, but that ended me up in the middle of a minefield. Nearly didn’t make it out of that one… Just remember, explosives are not your friends. Anypony who tells you otherwise is either crazy or an idiot. Or both. Probably both.
I wrote that just minutes before I read your post here. :rainbowlaugh:

Yup, we're gonna get along great.

Re: Fallout Equestria : SkyFire (Open Seats! Apply now!)

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 12:45 pm
by AdamusKane
Nice submission Samueltrex11.
quick edit that will need to get made, you have 400 starting caps (i count 300 on the sheet), also weapons will be off of this ( ... 3UGc#gid=9) list. the limit for starting is tier 0 weapons (this only changes the grenade rifle, i have no issue with a light grenade rifle though)

Further information is to come for the game in general