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[Reboot] These Shatered Times (Recruiting)

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 11:40 am
by Mind's Eye
Rollem_bones is too busy to do his campaign right now, so I'm starting one myself.

The Game is going to be a PWoD game, as I don't have the full rule-set picked out just yet, as I'm still meshing WoD and FoE.

Unless otherwise noted the rules in the core book are correct. ... lebook.pdf

And Hunter: ... 0Vigil.pdf

Welcome to the world of joy that faded into darkness. The story begins as stable 76 opens it's doors just a few short decades after the mega-spells. The characters will be pushing against fate deciding the future of the world.
While some born to the stables have almost no knowledge of the conflict just passed some still remember the wars of the past, and the horror of the mega-spells. The characters will help to decide the fate of this wasteland, the fate of that which was Equestria.

This game will start out cannon, and through player actions anything and everything can change.

Characters posted in this topic take priority over PMs. First come first served. (due to being incomplete I will allow a player to request a slot if the character type is unfinished or tentative. After the rules regarding that char type are finished you will have 48 hours to post a character or your slot will be lost.)

I plan to start with 5 players - all slots open - though do note that if you send in a character sheet that is obviously meta-gamed I will bounce it back and leave the slot open until you fix it (you could loose your slot - note if you meta game after character creation you will get one warning before I use the blue dwarf spell.).
Spoiler: show
1.- Ricochet (No character info yet)
2.- Tom Foolery (Under special request...tentative.)
Up to 3 player minions are still open. If your character is more suited for the "Villains" side I will move your character to a minion slot.
Spoiler: show
V.- Oswin Mandias (Under special request from and experienced GM I know.)
Allowable races (Supernatural types are inborn, and non-transmittable. As an additional option you may chose to play a normal character of any of the non tilde races [--> ~ <--] with no supernatural template.):
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Earth ponies - Vampires or Geniuses [fan supplement](player choice)
Unicorns - Mages or Geniuses [fan supplement] (player choice)
Pegisi - Vampires or Werewolves (player choice)
Zebras - Werewolves or Geniuses [fan supplement] (player choice)
Changelings - Changelings (obviously), possibly modifying glamor - feed off friendship (not mana)
griffons - Promethean (The blight is blamed on them though they are not the cause in this game.)
*Dragons - Dragon the Embers - Modified [fan supplement] - feed off gemstones (not mana)
~*Alicorns - Princess The Hopeful - Modified [fan supplement] - use inner light (not mana)
~*Ghoul - Geist:The Sin-Eaters or Immortal of previous template (players choice) - feed off essence (not mana)
I am open to suggestions and will try and stay up to date on this thread. Please let me know if you have any ideas as I have not seen a full set of fan rules for MLP_WoD. just several good starts.

Here is an example, and I will likely rename the Power, Willpower, and morality traits to match these for consistency's sake as there will be multiple supernatural templates in play at any given time. (eg. morality is humanity/synergy/hubris...and is treated as default morality; determination is willpower; etc.) Please note that unless otherwise stated the power trait will be powered by mana. It is possible for a major event to alter a chars morality track replacing one step as per Hunter. (will add details soon)
Spoiler: show ... =drive_web Will be replaced when I make the custom Char sheet. ... =drive_web !Note I will not be using this rule set. This will be replaced with an abreviated copy of the rules when I am finished compiling it.
Fan Books Referenced:
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Earth Ponies:
Though they lack the flashier abilities of the other races they are comparable to zebras when it comes to knowledge - though the application is usually quite different. Where a zebra would make a potion to heal you an earth pony would make a stimpack or specialized surgical instruments. Where a zebra would find a plant to help you stay focused an earth pony would make a helmet that thinks with you.

Pegisi are generally lightly built fliers, though every so obtain one comes along who can rival even an earth pony in strength. These ponies are often known for their arrogance, pride, and athletic ability. Woe be to one who would try and flee and angered pegisi.

Unicorns are the scholars and the wizards of the world. They are powerful enough to twist reality to their image, but are weaker than other ponies. They are those who would make reality in their own image. and those who reality has a way of biting back.

Zebras are known as the medicine men. It's still true now as it was then. Though rhymes are knows as zebras tongue, that is a mistake too often done. They are proud what few remain, of the knowledge they still retain.




The spark of hope in an otherwise dark world: The alicorns that have come about are the nobility of the past world of light. They are the spark of hope that shines even in the deepest darkness.
While most of the time an alicorn is only little more powerful than a normal pony their strength shines when they embody their convictions. They are born by the strength of belief in their ideals and even the least among them know that the world can be changed if you strive for a brighter future.

Ghouls are those who while dyeing pleaded for life and where heard and answered. A ghoul is both more than a pony and somehow less. A ghoul is a spirit and pony(or other living creature) that share a body. While this makes them more powerful, and allows the spirit a chance to live after countless eons they don't always agree. Some - often the spirits of vengeance - make the pony attack someone, (this action is what started the rumors of the undead eating the living.) or commit some other crime that serve only the spirit.

Any questions may be addressed to me through PM.
Any line marked with a * is only allowed with GM approval. (That means write compellingly if you want it.)

The Fallen:
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Re: [Reboot] These Shatered Times (Recruiting)

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 3:30 pm
by Tankenstein_PhD
So, if I understand correctly this is still a Fallout Equestria game but run with a homebrew WoD rule-set, yes?

Also, two important bits of information that I can't find in the OP: the actual story/set-up for the campaign and the date/time for the group. I assume you're using IRC chat here on the Resource?

Re: [Reboot] These Shatered Times (Recruiting)

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 4:01 pm
by Mind's Eye
That is essentially correct. I'm going to try and fit as much as possible within the standard rules, but some fan books, and some (hopefully minor) changes will have to be made. (otherwise pegisi/griffins can't fly, unicorns don't have telekinesis, earth ponies will be under powered, general confusion due to the many supernatural templates, etc will occur.) As it is I will be reviewing every listed book in order to keep things simple for the players. Ghouls will likely be an immortal of their previous template unless someone knows a better fit for them. (as an example idea: Rads burn away at say 2 per hour when not in radiation, and they do not die from the effects age, but it quickly catches up to them when not irradiated.)

Thanks for the catch I forgot to put that in. and yes as the group gets together we'll set up the time based around their schedules. I would prefer to use teamspeak, Skipe or another VoIP, but if it is requested I'll use mIRC. Until that is decided I'm not going to list the method of communication in the opening post as I don't want to exclude someone without a mic.

Re: [Reboot] These Shatered Times (Recruiting)

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 6:17 pm
by Tankenstein_PhD
Ah, that all makes more sense. You're still missing any sort of story hook, though, which is kind of important since players usually want to know what kind of game they're in for.

Re: [Reboot] These Shatered Times (Recruiting)

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 8:51 pm
by Godna
Still interested I think you still have me on Skype?

Re: [Reboot] These Shatered Times (Recruiting)

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 8:57 pm
by Mind's Eye
Wait when did I get your skype?

Re: [Reboot] These Shatered Times (Recruiting)

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 9:06 pm
by Godna
oh wait that was Bones...

Re: [Reboot] These Shatered Times (Recruiting)

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 9:18 pm
by Mind's Eye
Sorry about the confusion...I probably should find a way to make it clearer that Bones isn't the one running it. Though I do plan to add some parts of that campaign. Like Vancouver, unless the players want to start somewhere else, and I plan to format an abbreviated rule-set using Bones format as a template for simplicities sake.

Re: [Reboot] These Shatered Times (Recruiting)

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 9:32 pm
by Godna
oh so my character I made for his won't work?

Re: [Reboot] These Shatered Times (Recruiting)

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 11:00 pm
by Mind's Eye
no, Open the spoilers for character type. The species determines the supernatural type you'll play. If it says tentative, then just mention you would like to play that species.