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Merc Quest, a town building simulator! (Quest log added)
Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 6:46 pm
by son0fgrim
I've been kicking around the idea of having a Game in which the players help build a town. from humble beginnings to a bustling city state if you please, or maybe commit to a faction, perhaps turn this little town into your own mercenary stronghold, the choices will be up to the players.
but all of this, will require caps, traders, and ponies willing to help you. You'll need guards, food, water, medicine, and defenses to keep the first band of raiders from burning your new home down and stealing everything you own.
Setting is post sunshine and rainbows, but Pre- GECK deployment. I am willing to draw up a map for this game to assist in tracking how big the town is. as I plan on making a fairly nlarge world for the group to explore if they wish.
Channel names: #MercQuest #MercQuestOOC
Application sheet
IRC Chat name:
Character Name:
Race: You may be a pony, Changeling, Gryphon, Minotaur, diamond dog, Alicorn, zebra, buffalo, and any Ghoul version of those races. Custom Races must be approved by me.
Sheet: ... HbEE#gid=0 level your character to lvl 5
Your characters Backstory:
Players and slots:
InkwellTailbrush: Mural Compass
IRC Chat name: Ask18Carrot
Character Name: Mural Compass
Race: Earth Pony
Sheet: ... _web#gid=0
Your characters Backstory: Mural Compass has the uncanny knack of winding up where she needs to be instead of where she wants to be. This particular knack has gotten her into more trouble than she's comfortable with. While she's armed with a Magical Energy Pistol, she still prefers to talk out situations and make friends instead of bringing about the end of another's life - but with how dangerous the wasteland is, she realizes that she has to be realistic about her beliefs. Due to her tendency to wind up damned near anywhere at a given notice though, she is always packed up like she is going to be gone for days - because she never knows whether or not that might be the case, or when she'll be able to return home - if she even has anything remotely equivalent to a home to begin with.
Nito: the Tea twins.
]IRC Chat name: NitoKa
Character Name: Natural Twin Tea and Natural One Tea
Race: Earth pony and Zebra (Both are Zonies)
Sheet: ... MYVE#gid=0 and ... _web#gid=0
Your characters Back story: Twin was well, a Twin, the male one in a set. His Sister was Natural One Tea, and the two of them were inseparable. Raised in a tribe of zebra who integrated with wasteland ponies, their mother was a earth pony and their father a zebra. There were some slight complications with their birth, but luckily they both made it out okay. The two did everything together, from learning to talk, to learning how to shoot. One was a terrible shot, almost hitting their father from a rebound. Twin however was a near perfect shot, not wasting a single bullet. One was not, she was more beneficial towards potion making.
Now then, for those confused, well Grim said he'd find it fun if I tried playing both twins, and guess what, I will be.
Shatara: Tani
IRC Chat name: Eridani, Shatara, Tani
Character Name: Tani
Race: Gryphon
Sheet: ... rYlE#gid=0
Your characters Backstory:
An Ex-Talon sniper, fairly typical in appearence of a mercenary gryphon, though her torn cloak and battered rifle with forlornly empty scope mounting brackets seem to indicate being down on her luck. Her formal employment with the Talons ended when a merchant caravan under her escort was ambushed, and falsified evidence pointed towards her having leaked it's route for a bribe. She since worked whatever freelance she could, keeping an eye out to put a bullet through the one who set her up.
Mister Specter: Wraith
IRC Chat name: Changes frequently, it's all bundled under MisterSpecter however.
Character Name: Wraith
Sheet: ... fOGc#gid=0
Your characters Backstory: Born in a sciency stable, stable trained doctor. I'll write up a better backstory later, as it stands Grim knows pretty much everything.
Godna: Gold Lionheart
Character Name: Gold Lionheart
Race: Unicorn.
Background: Born to unintentional inherit the legacy of a prewar Hero sharing in name...and perhaps even blood he grew up expecting great things of himself...even after he lost his parents. Unfortunately Greatness does not come so easily and he's had a tough upbringing none the less he has managed to stay upbeat. Set back after setback has previously made him question himself, but once more he is ready to throw his hoof in and try and make the wastes a better place.
WhirlyBird: Warm front
IRC Chat name: Whirlybird
Character Name: Warm Front
Race: Pegasus Pony
Sheet: ... sp=sharing
Backstory: Born up above the clouds, child to Storm Front and Cold Snap, she led a regular life for any pegasus, safe from the surface below. Her mother was a Captain in the Enclave, and her older sister Cold Front joined when she was old enough to, so Warm Front followed in their hoofsteps. She passed basic training without much difficulty, showing an aptitude for both long range combat and close range fighting with the standard Tail blades, and an Initial Wing Power of 7.34, showing quite a bit of potential for somepony so young and before proper flight training.
Shortly afterwards though, Operation Cauterize went into effect, and Warm Front was Friendship City. Nopony quite knows what happened, but her squad was dead, and she was MIA, but a missing Private wasn't all that important with all the chaos of the incident. From that day onward Warm Front has stopped using lethal energy weapons, using only pulse weaponry, and she has always been on moving, always flying, because she dare not look back.
PNP rules.
Map of town:
Quest Log and Town Resources: ... sp=sharing
Session Logs!
Session 1: the adventure begins! ... 9et98/edit
Session 2: electric boogaloo! ... hFNAI/edit
Session 3: Guns ... sYtbQ/edit
Session 4: Scavenging ... iBUoI/edit
Re: Merc Quest.
Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 7:19 pm
by Rabbs
Content removed by a Moderator.
Re: Merc Quest.
Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 7:29 pm
by BackwardsCompatible
Content removed by a Moderator. This reaction was unnecessary anyways. Stay on topic.
Re: Merc Quest.
Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 8:05 pm
by son0fgrim
Content removed to stay on topic.
Re: Merc Quest.
Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 10:03 pm
by NitoKa
IRC Chat name: NitoKa
Character Name: Natural Twin Tea and Natural One Tea
Race: Earth pony and Zebra (Both are Zonies)
Sheet: ... GTkE#gid=1
Your characters Back story: Twin was well, a Twin, the male one in a set. His Sister was Natural One Tea, and the two of them were inseparable. Raised in a tribe of zebra who integrated with wasteland ponies, their mother was a earth pony and their father a zebra. There were some slight complications with their birth, but luckily they both made it out okay. The two did everything together, from learning to talk, to learning how to shoot. One was a terrible shot, almost hitting their father from a rebound. Twin however was a near perfect shot, not wasting a single bullet. One was not, she was more beneficial towards potion making.
Now then, for those confused, well Grim said he'd find it fun if I tried playing both twins, and guess what, I will be.
Re: Merc Quest.
Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 9:53 am
by son0fgrim
NitoKa wrote:IRC Chat name: NitoKa
Character Name: Natural Twin Tea
Race: You may be a pony, Changeling, Gryphon, Minotaur, diamond dog, Alicorn, zebra, buffalo, and any Ghoul version of those races. Custom Races must be approved by me.
Sheet: ... _web#gid=1
Your characters Back story: Twin was well, a Twin, the male one in a set. His Sister was Natural One Tea, and the two of them were inseparable. Raised in a tribe of zebra who integrated with wasteland ponies, their mother was a earth pony and their father a zebra. There were some slight complications with their birth, but luckily they both made it out okay. The two did everything together, from learning to talk, to learning how to shoot. One was a terrible shot, almost hitting their father from a rebound. Twin however was a near perfect shot, not wasting a single bullet. Soon they went on scavenging missions together, and it was on one such mission that their lives were changed. A raider attack suddenly happened. Twin had learned that he was naturally lucky, and he relied on this luck in that battle, and as he saw his sister die from a raider he had missed, he realized it failed him. He now always keeps a dice bag, having developed an OCD trait to roll the dice before making any chance at skill, not wanting more of his friends or families blood to be on his hooves, instead trusting it to Lady Luck.
(Note, I'll transfer the sheet over to the new format whenever you like, but I had this one on hand and done.)
Alright, theres my cast in this. I honestly Trust Grim despite what he's done to his other group and what I've heard about it. The reason being, I sucked that bad, and Grim can attest to this with my first pnp game. I railroaded the characters along terribly, and ended up doing it again in my second one. We all make mistakes, and we learn from them. Grim seems to have learned and will be trying to fix them, so why not give him a shot?
Nito, please state your characters race you silly filly. and please convert to the sheet posted in the application sheet.
I also like that concept of a character having OCD, I'll think of something fun to buff and Debuff him with those rolls.
Re: Merc Quest.
Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 11:57 am
by InkwellTailbrush
IRC Chat name: Ask18Carrot
Character Name: Mural Compass
Race: Earth Pony
Sheet: ... _web#gid=0
Your characters Backstory: Mural Compass has the uncanny knack of winding up where she needs to be instead of where she wants to be. This particular knack has gotten her into more trouble than she's comfortable with. While she's armed with a Magical Energy Pistol, she still prefers to talk out situations and make friends instead of bringing about the end of another's life - but with how dangerous the wasteland is, she realizes that she has to be realistic about her beliefs. Due to her tendency to wind up damned near anywhere at a given notice though, she is always packed up like she is going to be gone for days - because she never knows whether or not that might be the case, or when she'll be able to return home - if she even has anything remotely equivalent to a home to begin with.
Re: Merc Quest.
Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 12:44 pm
by son0fgrim
InkwellTailbrush wrote:IRC Chat name: Ask18Carrot
Character Name: Mural Compass
Race: Earth Pony
Sheet: ... _web#gid=0
Your characters Backstory: Mural Compass has the uncanny knack of winding up where she needs to be instead of where she wants to be. This particular knack has gotten her into more trouble than she's comfortable with. While she's armed with a Magical Energy Pistol, she still prefers to talk out situations and make friends instead of bringing about the end of another's life - but with how dangerous the wasteland is, she realizes that she has to be realistic about her beliefs. Due to her tendency to wind up damned near anywhere at a given notice though, she is always packed up like she is going to be gone for days - because she never knows whether or not that might be the case, or when she'll be able to return home - if she even has anything remotely equivalent to a home to begin with.
well, that's our first player.
Re: Merc Quest, a town building simulator!
Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 2:05 pm
by Undostrescuatro
you dint post the time the games are supposed to be played.
Re: Merc Quest, a town building simulator!
Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 2:46 pm
by son0fgrim
Undostrescuatro wrote:you dint post the time the games are supposed to be played.