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Rehab (Grimdark)

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 10:46 pm
by John Colt
Hey Guys!
I'm making a more story based grimdark PnP.

War cripples and maims ponies in ways you can’t imagine. Sometimes it’s physical, sometimes it’s mental. Here at Fluttershy‘s Mercy - Center for Rehabilitation and Stabilization, we’ll make sure all your medical needs are tended to and help our fighting mares and stallions return to civilian life. Thanks to our wealth of medical expertise and equipment, including our new state of the art MWT Cybernetic Limb Replacement Service, you’ll be walking out of here right as rain before you know it. Visitors are always welcome!

But Rehabilitation might work better if you don’t have to do it alongside zebra…

System and Characters Creation/Improvement:
Spoiler: show
I’d like to use my own modification to the revised ruleset. It’s basically the same thing but skills are more specific, and gaining experience/upgrading skills is different. (no Character Levels)
Example: Because you used a rifle often I won’t let you level up your Lockpick-Skill, but the Rifle-Skill. However, if you would already have the MagicRifle-Skill (a related skill) high, you can level (regular) Rifles-Skill up much easier.
At the end of every session the GM will give out skillpoints in the area the character has used them, or was trained in (by book, PC or NPC)
Character Creation will be done together with GM as well, and you get as much as your backstory is plausible.
As the game is centered in a Rehab hospital I also will hand out some disabilities, like a character walking with a limp (permanent minus agility), or having sleep disorders (usually degree of sleep deprivation), or other things. They of course get something in return then. (They might also be able to get healed/stabilized/cyberponied)
Starting Gear: nothing/personal items/stuff they let you take into a hospital
Characters Profile (food for thought):
Spoiler: show
soldiers?, grew up in a nation at war, who may have enlisted for the perks of education when having served, or for whatever reason you can think of. Naturally things didn’t go perfectly. The character now has either a psychological issue because of the things he/she saw, or actually got wounded.
want a zebra? it changes minimally to them having ended up as prisoners of war.
want a griffin? the same rules can apply with them might have been griffin mercenaries (backstory can be that they were properly schooled for fighting, but then they have to have some serious issues that needs mending, or else their pride wouldn’t make then go into a hospital.
don’t want a soldier?, you still can have a hospital visitor in the hospital or a staff member.
[PC SLOT2] Scriber, Earth Pony, female, 22, played by Tennisdude9993
[PC SLOT3] Shuurasa, Zebra, 25, played by f1r3w4rr10r
[PC SLOT4] Songbird, Pegasus, 19 played by Strawberry Fields
[PC SLOT5] One Shot, unicorn, male, 18 played by G-man64

Game Time:
PST/UTC-7 Saturday, 1:00pm
EST/UTC-4 Saturday, 4:00pm
GMT/UTC+0 Saturday, 8:00pm
CET/UTC+1 Saturday, 9:00pm
Sydney/UTC+11 Sunday, 7:00am

Character Sheets

a few years ago:
Solosession 4: Dr. Apfelbaums job interview

Week 0
Solosession 5: Xuri - Part 1
Solosession 5-2: Xuri - Part 2
Solosession 2: Shuurasa gets orders from Qumoth
Solosession 3: Thunderhoof gets dragged into conspiracy by Volley

Week 1
Solosession 1: Scriber meets Dr. Stein in Room DUG1-41

- Session 1a: Shuurasa gets escorted to Rehabilitation in Room BUG1-38
Session 1: First session of Rehabilitation in BUG1-38
Session 2: Physical Therapy and a nice conversation in a café
Session 3: Everyone scream and panic like we practised, okay? One... Two... Three...
Session 4: Keep Calm and grab a gun
Session 5: Contact
Session 6: The first of many...

Solosession 6: Shuurasa
Session 7: One of these is not like the other

Spoiler: show
  • A Wing:
  • B Wing:
  • C Wing
  • D Wing
    • Underground Level
      • DUG1-41

Re: [NEW/OPEN] FoE: Rehab (Grimdark)

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 3:19 am
by f1r3w4rr10r
Color me intrigued. I want to see where this goes, especially since it's on game times I can actually play.

Re: [NEW/OPEN] FoE: Rehab (Grimdark)

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 1:19 pm
by Undostrescuatro
i would love to play in your campaign. but I´m actually dming at that time too. its nice to see more people submitting around this time-zone, before when i was looking for some i found none. i wish you luck in your journey.

Re: [NEW/OPEN] FoE: Rehab (Grimdark)

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 6:09 pm
by G-man64
I could probably join, but I'd need someone to explain IRC to me I've tried to join games in the past and literally that's the only thing that's stopped me.

Re: [NEW/OPEN] FoE: Rehab (Grimdark)

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 1:51 pm
by Strawberry Fields
This actually sound intriguing, i'd like to throw my own hat into the ring

Re: [NEW/OPEN] FoE: Rehab (Grimdark)

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 4:55 pm
by Jarulso
I've been needing a good excuse to help wake up earlier on Sundays - I'm up for it!

Re: [NEW/OPEN] FoE: Rehab (Grimdark)

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 5:36 pm
by Tennisdude9993
I would be interested as well.

Re: [NEW/OPEN] FoE: Rehab (Grimdark)

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 8:35 am
by John Colt
f1r3w4rr10r, G-man64, Strawberry Fields, Jarulso, Tennisdude9993, and another friend i already recruited, that makes a full set even though I hardly revealed anything of the story
#rehab_group and #rehab_ooc on canternet open their doors
I wrote everyone of you a pn with my skype acc, we should talk about your character creation (but I believe/hope everyone of you already has a little something in mind)

It's not hard, any information you might need i can explain to you over skype

happy to help ^^

that's too bad, if nessecarry i can always move the timeslot a few hours back and forth
we would have to move it later then though for Jarulso
I sent you a pn with my skype too

Re: Rehab (Grimdark)

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 1:21 am
by G-man64
So when's the first session going up? :rainbowhuh:

Re: Rehab (Grimdark)

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 6:52 pm
by John Colt
ok, added session two
I can say I enjoy peoples reactions so far.