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Rocket Tag Gameplay [Poll]

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 10:50 pm
by Cyberpunked
Before I go any further, let me explain what Rocket Tag Gameplay is.

Rocket Tag Gameplay is what you get when you make the ratio between damage and the ability to defend, reduce, or resit it so lopsided it becomes laughable, with extreme focus on dealing damage. It's like playing Tag, but instead of lightly tapping someone on the back of their neck, you're firing superfast rockets in your skivvies while riding a crack-addicted jet-powered cheetah, and a single brush with a projectile is enough to turn you into one big mushy pile of red chunky salsa.

While the Fallout Equestria PnP isn't THAT extreme, I have heard that, past Level-12, the gameplay starts to become less and less about skill and more about who goes first, as the ratio between damage dealt and damage reduced has become lopsided far past the point of balanced. It's less about figuring out how to outsmart your opponent, but who got heads on a coin flip.

So, I'd like your opinion and honest thoughts; do the rules and mechanics of the Fallout Equestria Pen and Paper RPG facilitate Rocket Tag Gameplay? And if they do, how do you think they could be improved upon?

Re: Rocket Tag Gameplay [Poll]

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 1:35 am
by SilverlightPony
I voted "no", but it may depend on which ruleset and item stats document you're using. I've only used Kkat's rules, and almost all of that has been with TenMihara's equipment doc (which I feel has item stats that make more sense) as opposed to Mad_Modd's stuff.

Re: Rocket Tag Gameplay [Poll]

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 3:51 am
by f1r3w4rr10r
That may be yes. I had situations where people got almost killed by one or two attacks in one round. But then again, that was almost always a more fragile character and their player thought it would be a good idea to put them right at the front lines. At the same time you had well armored, more tanky characters that just laughed at the damage.

I think Rocket Tag happens most often when players don't use tactics and cover and GMs let their enemies fire on just a few select characters constantly.
Seen it way too many times that players and enemies just stand in one spot and throw blows at each other, be it directly or with guns. It can be avoided however, if players and GMs make use of cover and other such systems.

I guess you could say that in this way the PnP behaves more like Fallout 3 with Wanderer's Edition or New Vegas with Project Nevada. More deadly and fast paced combat. You usually don't fight longer than a few seconds, because everything that's stupid enough to go in the open dies in just a few hits.

Re: Rocket Tag Gameplay [Poll]

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 1:20 pm
by Undostrescuatro
i had 1 character get killed by an unicorn spell in 1 shot. so i dont know.

Re: Rocket Tag Gameplay [Poll]

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 3:33 pm
by icekatze
hi hi

While I haven't played the game, I do recall listening to some tales of people's exploits. I can't remember exactly how many thousands of HP were dealt in a single combat round, in one recounting I heard, but needless to say, the boss monster didn't survive the round. It had something like 50 DT too, and from what I've been told, that is a lot.

Sometimes though, fast combat is what an overwhelmed GM wants. :raritywink: