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FoE Group: A Shining Station (Normal Time Back On)

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 5:15 pm
by G-man64
Shining Time, pre-war times it was a magical place, nowadays not so much. The once beautiful station now on the brink of collapse from two decades and disuse.

Now, things are going to change.

Those who care have returned, though they can't do it alone, a simple sign posted as far as they could manage.

A cry to action, for those who care, who would help restore this special station? Who would take the first steps to helping restore the rails of Equestria?

1. FreakSheet as Bitwise ... ring#gid=0
2. Cyberpunked as Powermane ... WbWc#gid=0
3. Reggie the Griffon as Fenrir ... _web#gid=0
4. Sophos as Rolling Gears ... 1579479895
5. Spankflank as Oatmeal ... 6a2c#gid=0

Kkat Ruleset: ... 0xo4/edit#

Buffalo: ... lWqqo/edit

Changeling: ... _XNm4/edit

Mad_Modd's Tied Equipment List: ... 3UGc#gid=9

-Any race except Alicorns viable, please provide the rules for any race outside of core ruleset, who does not have a ruleset provided above.

-Players start at level three, and must have a backstory with a reason as to why they want to assist in the restoration, examples might be a ghoul who loved it, your ancestors might have met there, you're just a traineac, the point is, you want to help.

-500 caps for starting equipment. Tier 0 or 1 weapons and armor only please.

-The GM is a beginner, please excuse any mistakes and feel free to jump in to help, I'm trying to learn.

-Time will be discussed when we have everyone, or some amount of people who are interested.

-If anyone's interested in a solo-session about how they learned of the project when we have everyone that can be arranged (might even get a perk outta it).

-Yes, this is a PnP based off Shining Time Station, the reason I decided to do this was because I wanted a unique playing experience, I'm a huge fan of triple crossovers and restoring a station seemed like an entertaining idea, don't worry though there'll be plenty of action and oddity's, and even if you didn't grow up with it it should still be an enjoyable experience (maybe even more enjoyable because of some of the surprises that you won't see coming).

Channels are
ShineStation ([url]irc://[/url]) and ShineOOC ([url]irc://[/url])

Not everything is up yet, though feel free to contact me with any suggestions or anything.

I hope we all have a great time. :twilightsmile:

Mini session 1 with Bitwise and Powermane: ... sp=sharing
Mini Session 2 with Oatmeal, Bitwise, and Powermane: ... sp=sharing
First session: ... cdvTo/edit
Session 2: The team split up, for the first part, and the continued adventures of Fenrir and Bitwise, go here ... AAz48/edit
After they split up, for Rolling Gears, Oatmeal, and Powermane's journey, go here ... jGK5s/edit
Session 3: This starts with the split up teams, for Fenrir and Bitwise talking to the Rangers, as well as everything when they teamed back up, click here ... zTm-A/edit
For Oatmeal, Powermane, and Rolling Gears talking with the Pinks, click here ... gJ2tE/edit
Session 4: ... sp=sharing
Session 5: ... sp=sharing
Session 6: ... sp=sharing
Session 7: The three in this session (Fenrir and Oatmeal, were unfortunately absent), split up at one point. When they're together, and Bitwise at the mayors: ... sp=sharing
Spider One/Powermane at the clinic: ... ryMjc/edit
Rolling Gears at the brothel: ... sp=sharing
Session 8: Main session, and Bitwise and Fenrir: ... sp=sharing
Spider and Oatmeal: ... b2vE4/edit
Rolling Gears: ... sp=sharing

Re: FoE Group: A Special Station

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 8:54 pm
by Curious
I'm interested in joining myself, I can play freely on Mondays and Wednesdays and certain times on Tuesdays and Thursdays, every other day i'm busy.

Re: FoE Group: A Shining Station

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 9:55 pm
by FreakSheet
I'll tentatively say I'm interested as well, with Mondays after 7pm and Tuesday-Thursday after 6pm (Eastern Time)

Re: FoE Group: A Shining Station

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 2:23 pm
by Cyberpunked
Heyo, homes. I'm up for a game anytime- weekdays and Saturdays are iffy, though Sundays are perfectly fine.

Re: FoE Group: A Shining Station

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 6:24 pm
by Reggie the Griffon
I would totally join if im still able to. I have plenty of time the next couple of weeks before I start my job so I can fill the spot

Re: FoE Group: A Shining Station

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 7:24 pm
by G-man64
Alright then, I'm gonna see if I can't find a common time between the four of you and make this happen.

Get some characters ready, and if possible, please give some time so that we could do a solo session so that I can try and get some barrings, you'll all get a quest perk from it.

Does Monday work for everyone? Cause I think that could work out.

Re: FoE Group: A Shining Station

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 9:24 pm
by Curious
I can totally do Mondays at anytime

Re: FoE Group: A Shining Station

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 10:15 pm
by G-man64
It's looking like 3:30 PST, get a character ready though and if you have some time before we officially start we'll do a solo session.

Re: FoE Group: A Shining Station

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 12:31 am
by Reggie the Griffon
Well im not 100% im going to be able to but ill work on getting things together and see what happens

Re: FoE Group: A Shining Station

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 6:26 pm
by sophos
What time table are we talking? I have a Buffalo I'd love to play.