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Help Converting Roleplaying is Magic to FoE

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 3:18 pm
by G-man64
A while ago, I made a thread looking for someone who wanted to do Roleplaying is Magic while waiting on season 5.

Well, season 5 is now here, but I've been thinking a bit.

See, I've been playing Tales from the Borderlands, and it got me thinking about this, and I hope someone else will be interested.

I'd like to see what can be done with Roleplaying is Magic to basically make a wasteland version.

It's noted in the Notes for Developers section that the last version was made with the purpose of being easily modified with some simple changes, so I'm wondering if anyone would mind helping with those changes.

Now I'm sure plenty of you are still confused, Roleplaying is Magic is made to basically act like acting out an episode, it doesn't fit all that well with the notion of the wastes.

But like I said Tales from the Borderlands made me think of this, the basic idea of playing a game with it would be you aren't heroes.

You aren't the atypical wasteland badflanks running around blowing things apart, you're just some normal whatevers who get caught up in some insanity.

You aren't heroes, but using skills that would have been more useful a hundred some-odd years ago you can be legends.

Basically, if there were episodes set in the wasteland.

So, anyone interested in doing some work? All the information is in the earlier link provided to the website, feel free to read up as much as you want.

I don't know, I just think it seems like a fun little idea.

Re: Help Converting Roleplaying is Magic to FoE

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 1:45 pm
by SilverlightPony
It could be done, and there are probably some folks here who would get a kick out of it, but personally I'm here for "Fallout (with ponies)" not "Ponies (in the wasteland)".

Re: Help Converting Roleplaying is Magic to FoE

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 3:37 pm
by G-man64
Completely understand, I'm for the most part with you I love the PnP, just looking for an interesting alternative.

Who knows, it may help us all out by getting some on edge people into the waters.

Also, I just think the concept of non-heroes getting caught up in some crazy situation is entertaining idea, like I said Tales From the Borderlands basically.

Re: Help Converting Roleplaying is Magic to FoE

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 5:39 pm
by icekatze
hi hi

Pay no attention to the neigh sayers! Fallout Equestria was written with Ponies first, and the Wasteland second. It's a story about hope and friendship rising above the uncaring and heartless world. When people try to tear you down, you've just got to turn to face the whirlwind and move forward.

(Is there anything in particular that you feel that Roleplaying is Magic needs in order to work with Fallout Equestria? I'm not terribly familiar with the system myself, but at first glance, it seems pretty flexible. Perhaps converting a list of perks into edges would help?)

Re: Help Converting Roleplaying is Magic to FoE

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 9:42 pm
by G-man64
There hasn't been any neigh sayers, just someone who said they wouldn't enjoy it after saying how others would probably enjoy it.

As for modifications like you said edges that are more wastelandic, some modifications to the plot point system (change some, maybe remove some all together so that we can fit in more wasteland based ones things of the sort), and maybe looking over the rules to figure out a way to include some armed combat and the things that go with it (armor, weapons, the like), it won't be the center focus but this is still the wastes, and there still will be the occasional need.

I'll look over the system a bit more later (I haven't read it in probably almost a year) and see what I can do, but more help is always good.