Equestiran Wasteland Deliever Service!
Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 3:47 pm
For The Equestrian Wasteland Delivery service!
Apply now at your local post office location!
Help is need to restore the mail service of equestria, since the sky opened up many radical changes have happened, Equestria needs to rebuild starting with communication!,
This includes the mail!
Gear will be provided for ponies that don’t have any,we’re putting ponies to work!
See far off places, meet new and exciting ponies.
good pay!
First route leaves new appaloosa to Junction 7!
We have offices at New appaloosa,Tenpony tower,Junction 7,Shattered hoof,New canterlot! will have hoofington and Caledonia branches!
*warning this may be dangerous work and locations,blank flanks need not apply*
*Raiders and criminals also need not apply!*
Character requirement
Level 1 character of ANY race except alicorn, any flyer races cannot fly otherwise they’d be assigned a air route you’re ground crew, however you can glide!
Gear” Every ground crew pony is assign a 9mm pistol with two extra mags, security armor with the Equestria wasteland delivery service emblem,A pre war equestria mail mare/stallion hat[1DR +1 per], two healing potions. Last but not least 100 caps! the rest depends on your tags all gear will be assigned, the group has use of a 200lb carrying cart that has 20 pounds of mail heading to junction 7!
Play time will be on sundays 9pm-12am central
I will be taking 6 slots
1:Scythe the batpony [character pending]
3.Hivana[Character pending]
For The Equestrian Wasteland Delivery service!
Apply now at your local post office location!
Help is need to restore the mail service of equestria, since the sky opened up many radical changes have happened, Equestria needs to rebuild starting with communication!,
This includes the mail!
Gear will be provided for ponies that don’t have any,we’re putting ponies to work!
See far off places, meet new and exciting ponies.
good pay!
First route leaves new appaloosa to Junction 7!
We have offices at New appaloosa,Tenpony tower,Junction 7,Shattered hoof,New canterlot! will have hoofington and Caledonia branches!
*warning this may be dangerous work and locations,blank flanks need not apply*
*Raiders and criminals also need not apply!*
Character requirement
Level 1 character of ANY race except alicorn, any flyer races cannot fly otherwise they’d be assigned a air route you’re ground crew, however you can glide!
Gear” Every ground crew pony is assign a 9mm pistol with two extra mags, security armor with the Equestria wasteland delivery service emblem,A pre war equestria mail mare/stallion hat[1DR +1 per], two healing potions. Last but not least 100 caps! the rest depends on your tags all gear will be assigned, the group has use of a 200lb carrying cart that has 20 pounds of mail heading to junction 7!
Play time will be on sundays 9pm-12am central
I will be taking 6 slots
1:Scythe the batpony [character pending]
3.Hivana[Character pending]