Deadlands: Tartarus on Equestria

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Re: Deadlands: Tartarus on Equestria

Post by Viewing_Glass » Thu Mar 26, 2015 9:17 pm

Emerald Rose is a young and happy green mare, looking like she's in her late teens or early twenties. Her mane is bright red and falls in natural ringlets, though its kept short. She's surprisingly clean and well-kept for a pony in the Deadlands, and wears a homemade shirt with duster and hat. Sunglasses come and go as she decides she decides she needs them to hide her bright silver eyes.

A briefing would be lovely, as well as a time line. Which settlement was hit first, which was hit last?

Other than that... LuckyLeaf covered most of my questions.

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Re: Deadlands: Tartarus on Equestria

Post by DamnfoolBrony » Sat Mar 28, 2015 1:40 am

Description, eh? Well, I'll give it a go.

Golden Brass is a younger mare with soft, amethyst eyes, a lustrous golden mane and a deep, maroon coat. She has the slim, sinewy figure of a traveler, and she wraps herself in simple, often dirty wanderer's clothing-- partly out of practicality, partly to conceal her beauty from the unsavory. Though she doesn't mind getting her hooves -- and herself -- dirty, Brass considers her teeth her best feature and takes special care to keep them maintained. Whenever she wants to turn-on the charm, all she need do is flash her pearly-whites.

As for questions, we have a Roll20? I'd better see about getting myself an invitation to that one...
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Re: Deadlands: Tartarus on Equestria

Post by DontAskForCookies » Sat Mar 28, 2015 3:03 pm

Risky Fortune

A local Merchant from Shitakee farms has hired the services of captain Nutmeg Oil to transport herself and a team of mercenaries to investigate a quiet settlement nearby. The merchant is a Lime coated unicorn mare with soft blue mane named Risky Fortune, she seems the eager sort and is easily excited. After hiring the team she leaves to store her cart before returning with a small satchel of traveling supplies, rope, and a sawed-off shotgun. She will happily provides the following information and will answer any question to the best of her ability.

Welcome to the Dome

Risky Fortune explains the destination is a Hill Storm Industries facility known as the Bio-Dome. Originally some sort of Join venture between companies wanting good press and Phoenix University the bio-dome was an experiment in self contained environments, ultimately a failure the building was eventually purchased by Hill Storm who supposedly continued research for use with his space program. This is as much of the previous history of the facility as Risky knows, she dose however know a fair bit of its current events.

Well Staffed with security and untouched by bombing the HI facility continued to operate much as it did before the war. Tucked away inside a large mountainous valley with only one road in the scientists, workers, and guards there have further protected themselves by laying landmines around the facility. The facility and its inhabitants were always reclusive until a year ago when they started sending trade convoys with Massive Fruits and Vegetables.

Carrots as wide as a earth ponies leg, tomatoes bigger than a beach ball, coffee beans the size of a grape fruit, all this and more started to ship out from the Dome. The pony behind all this advancement is a scientists named Golden Harvest, and while Risky has never met the stallion she has heard that on top of being a genius he can be quite generous.

Eight weeks ago the trade caravans from the Dome came to a sudden halt with no word as to what happened. A few have talked about traveling to see if Golden Harvest and his ponies are all right but with the dangers already inherent with travel stacked on top of the land mines no pony has risked it so far.

Reopening trade with the Dome will bring a much needed source of food back to the region, until recently Shitakee Flats has filled the position but can no longer maintain the high demand from locals for food while also feeding themselves, not with mushrooms and water alone that is.

A Roll of the Dice

Before Shitakee flats grew into the small town it is today the small community of mushroom farmers was easy prey for a local gang known as the Pistons. The Pistons are lead by a mare known as Fuzzy Dice who is apparently as good with a wrench as she is with a gun. A fairly small gang, as far as road gangs go, the Pistons were easily repelled once fortifications were placed by the new inhabitants.

No pony at Shitakee Flats has seen hide nor hair of Fuzzy Dice or her gang for close to six weeks now, while no one exactly misses the Road gangers Mayor Tilled Pasture is worried.

Tilled Earth has payed Captain Nutmeg Oil to transport Hummel, a traveling soldier, to there headquarters to scout it out and see what Fuzzy Dice is up to. The gang hides out in an old Garage and storage lot for Industrial equipment known as Bits-N-Bolts. The Pistons like to strip the old machinery there for parts, heavy rams, mechanical arms, and spinning blades get tacked onto there rides as weaponry. Last time any-pony took a head count Fuzzy Dice had a just over a dozen followers outfitted mostly with small arms and no heavy weapons.

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Re: Deadlands: Tartarus on Equestria

Post by DontAskForCookies » Sat Mar 28, 2015 3:09 pm

The agreed upon payment for the above jobs looks like this:

Risky Fortune is paying Nutmeg Oil $25 worth of scrap and 5 Gallons of Spook Juice to transport herself and her team to the Dome.
Risky Fortune is paying each of her Mercenaries $35 worth of scrap each for joining her on this trip.
Tilled Pasture is Paying Nutmeg Oil $15 worth of scrap to transport Hummel to Bits-N-Bolts to scout out activity from the Pistons.

The HI Bio-Dome is to the East by North East of town and is between 40-50 miles away.
Bits-N-Bolts is to the South East and is about 20 miles away past the remains of a small town known as Welaraburg.

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Re: Deadlands: Tartarus on Equestria

Post by LuckyLeaf » Sat Apr 11, 2015 5:31 pm

Session #002

Now, lets loot! Lets also hope our undead neighbor didn't took the good stuff.

Meanwhile the junker can wait. :derpytongue2:
I found my shades!

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Re: Deadlands: Tartarus on Equestria

Post by LuckyLeaf » Sat Apr 25, 2015 6:00 pm

I found my shades!

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Re: Deadlands: Tartarus on Equestria

Post by LuckyLeaf » Fri May 08, 2015 8:39 pm

I found my shades!

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Re: Deadlands: Tartarus on Equestria

Post by DontAskForCookies » Fri Jun 19, 2015 8:47 pm

Just an update guys, we will be starting an hour or so late tomorrow, probably around 8pm my time (where we usually start around 7ish), have to close up at work but game IS ON! expect to go late ok? See you there for the exciting conclusion of Shitakee Flats and the Pistons!!!

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Re: Deadlands: Tartarus on Equestria

Post by LuckyLeaf » Sat Jun 20, 2015 7:04 pm

I found my shades!

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Re: Deadlands: Tartarus on Equestria

Post by DontAskForCookies » Fri Jul 03, 2015 12:47 pm

ok, so we are near the end of our first story arc here guys, also you are all just running head long with your leveling. Sure seems to happen fast with Savage worlds, lol. In any case this post is just to let you know we will be starting later again tomorrow, only this time an hour later so about 9ish should be when I get on after Im off work (for me at least). I know its inconvenient but hopefully I can get it worked out for next time since we have some new hires starting on monday which should free up the schedule a bit for me. Also I am curious if the holiday, 4th of July for the US, will interfere with anyone's ability to play?

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