Four invitations such as this have mysteriously made their ways into mailboxes all across the Equestrian wasteland. Included in them are keycards and directions to Timely Manor, the Baltimare coast homestead of the very late Baroness Bronco Grimmane. A three-storey mansion that has gone untouched for at least a hundred years.
A few lucky mail-checkers and their plus ones, if applicable, will have the opportunity to attend the Nightmare Night party of the century. That is, if they have what it takes to substitute for pre-wastes Equestria's greatest sleuths.
What treasures could Timely Manor hold? A fortune in loot? Rare technology? Knowledge of the past? Food, a roof, and a clean bed? Perhaps the better question is: What obstacles will stand in the way?
The Nitty Gritty:
I'm looking for four to six players for a puzzle-centric PnP that will take place in a singular, complex location. Something between mystery and survival horror. No outside contact, no escape, and a limited amount of time. Players will have twelve in-game hours to complete their goals and make an exit; that's it.
There will be a focus on teamwork but some XP will be awarded individually.
We're adhering mostly to Kkat's ruleset.
Will occur on a combination of irc and Roll20.
Character details:
Available races are: Earth Pony, Pegasus, Unicorn, Zebra, Gryphon, Buffalo, Batpony, and their Ghoul variants (I may be convinced to accept other races with appropriate backstory and ruleset).
Characters will start at Level 4 with 800 caps worth of gear up to 2nd tier Mad_Modd's Equipment (Please convert skill bonuses to their appropriate Kkat's equivalent).
Characters must be Guests (those with invitation keycards) or a Guest's Plus One. Guests and their Plus Ones may share caps and up to two levels. This means two collaborating players may start with two Level 4 characters, one Level 5 and a Level 3, or one Level 6 and a Level 2. I'd like at least one paragraph of backstory per character's level.
We're using f1r3w4rr10r's Automated Sheet 2.0
Days and Times:
The official time is:
UTC (Time Zone) Monday, January 11, 2016 at 6:00:00 PM UTC UTC
Wetzlar (Germany - Hesse) Monday, January 11, 2016 at 7:00:00 PM CET UTC+1 hour
Los Angeles (U.S.A. - California) Monday, January 11, 2016 at 10:00:00 AM PST UTC-8 hours
New York (U.S.A. - New York) Monday, January 11, 2016 at 1:00:00 PM EST UTC-5 hours
Here is the timetable. It's useful for coordinating timezones.
IRC rooms are:
Current Players:
1. GraphicLee as Bandolier
2. Zen Harmonics as Mare Death
5.Hivana as Kiwi Cider
6. RadiantEclipse as Stellar Ascent
Former Players:
f1r3w4rr10r as Mayhem [KIA]
Solis as Violet Reverie [KIA]
SourCherry as Pretty Wreck [KIA]
Session 1: Watch that first step
Session 2: Let's split up, gang
Session 3: Shh, this is a library
Session 4: Rest, regroup, and repeat
Session 5: Let's never split up again... after this
Session 6: Highs and lows
Session 7: Bear with us here
Session 8: Counting cards, and other alternatives
Session 9: Going off the track
Session 10: In good company
Session 11-12: See no evil - Hear no evil
Session 13: Lighting the way
Session 14: "What's the worst that can happen?"
Session 15: This
Session 16-17: Having a gas
Session 18-19: