If you are looking to play a game fill out this application:
Spoiler: show
Forum Name:
IRC Chat name:
Preferred Rule-set:
character list:
Preferred Game Times:
Best Pony: (not required)
IRC Chat name:
Preferred Rule-set:
character list:
Preferred Game Times:
Best Pony: (not required)
Spoiler: show
Forum Name: Shady_Steps
IRC Chat name: Shady_Steps
Preferred Rule-set: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H-5 ... rw5EU/edit icekatze's rules or https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fsN ... k0xo4/edit# FOE revised
Timezone: 0GMT (England YAY)
character list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc ... QaFE#gid=0 Shady_Steps
Preferred Game Times: friday, saturday, sunday afternoons
Best Pony: Princess celestia
IRC Chat name: Shady_Steps
Preferred Rule-set: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H-5 ... rw5EU/edit icekatze's rules or https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fsN ... k0xo4/edit# FOE revised
Timezone: 0GMT (England YAY)
character list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc ... QaFE#gid=0 Shady_Steps
Preferred Game Times: friday, saturday, sunday afternoons
Best Pony: Princess celestia
-a friendly hobo (looking for game)
Spoiler: show
Forum Name: a friendly hobo
IRC Chat name: Hobo
Preferred Rule-set: Any (I'd prefer not to deal with XP, instead just the GM saying when we level or not.)
Timezone: UTC/GMT+10, PST 18, Sydney Australia.
character list: Corrigan, the griffin bounty hunter/thief https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc ... oNmc#gid=1
Tagged in firearms, sneak, lockpick.
Preferred Game Times: teusday 4pm-10 (latest) Thurs 2pm-10pm, sunday anywhere between 10am-10pm.
Anytime from the 20th dec to Jan 16th (school holidays.)
Best Pony: all of them.
IRC Chat name: Hobo
Preferred Rule-set: Any (I'd prefer not to deal with XP, instead just the GM saying when we level or not.)
Timezone: UTC/GMT+10, PST 18, Sydney Australia.
character list: Corrigan, the griffin bounty hunter/thief https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc ... oNmc#gid=1
Tagged in firearms, sneak, lockpick.
Preferred Game Times: teusday 4pm-10 (latest) Thurs 2pm-10pm, sunday anywhere between 10am-10pm.
Anytime from the 20th dec to Jan 16th (school holidays.)
Best Pony: all of them.
Spoiler: show
Forum Name: Rabbs
IRC Chat name: Mad_Modd
Preferred Rules Set: Doesn't matter
Timezone: GMT-5
Character List: Example my char from the LFG group Mad Modd https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc ... 3dHc#gid=0
Preferred Game Times: Wednesday,Thursday, Saturday, Sunday (all after 5pm)
Best Pony: Sweetie Belle
IRC Chat name: Mad_Modd
Preferred Rules Set: Doesn't matter
Timezone: GMT-5
Character List: Example my char from the LFG group Mad Modd https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc ... 3dHc#gid=0
Preferred Game Times: Wednesday,Thursday, Saturday, Sunday (all after 5pm)
Best Pony: Sweetie Belle
Spoiler: show
Forum Name: DocMaxwell
IRC Chat name: Solis-Ignis
Preferred Rule-set: Any
Timezone: GMT -8(Pacific Time)
Character list: Minuet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc ... Icmc#gid=2
Preferred Game Times: Evenings in my timezone, but I am very flexible.
Best Pony: Trixie, of course.
IRC Chat name: Solis-Ignis
Preferred Rule-set: Any
Timezone: GMT -8(Pacific Time)
Character list: Minuet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc ... Icmc#gid=2
Preferred Game Times: Evenings in my timezone, but I am very flexible.
Best Pony: Trixie, of course.
Spoiler: show
Forum Name: Beep Beep
IRC Chat name: Beep_Beep
Preferred Rule-set: Any
Timezone: GMT -5 (EST)
Character list:Zephyr; Uncharted Territory PnP
Preferred Game Times: Monday - Thursday 4pm+ (Note; due to time issues, I'll need to get off at eleven everyday.)
Best Pony: Vinyl Scratch.
IRC Chat name: Beep_Beep
Preferred Rule-set: Any
Timezone: GMT -5 (EST)
Character list:Zephyr; Uncharted Territory PnP
Preferred Game Times: Monday - Thursday 4pm+ (Note; due to time issues, I'll need to get off at eleven everyday.)
Best Pony: Vinyl Scratch.
Spoiler: show
Forum Name: TicTac
IRC Chat name: TicTac
Preferred Rule-set: Kkat's Revised, though I'll play with anything really.
Timezone: -6 GMT (CST)
character list: Desert Eagle, Swept Wing, Proverb, Doc, Qindeo
Preferred Game Times: Looking specifically for a Friday evening game (between 4PM and 6PM CST) , though a Wednesday evening would work too.
IRC Chat name: TicTac
Preferred Rule-set: Kkat's Revised, though I'll play with anything really.
Timezone: -6 GMT (CST)
character list: Desert Eagle, Swept Wing, Proverb, Doc, Qindeo
Preferred Game Times: Looking specifically for a Friday evening game (between 4PM and 6PM CST) , though a Wednesday evening would work too.
Spoiler: show
Forum Name: Retainer
IRC Chat name: Whenever character I'm currently PNPing
Preferred Rule-set: Any, but the 2.0
Timezone: BRT (-3 GMT)
character list: You know... the Runt
Preferred Game Times: Evenings according to my timezone (21h or later) , except on saturdays.
Best Pony: Lyra! :3
IRC Chat name: Whenever character I'm currently PNPing
Preferred Rule-set: Any, but the 2.0
Timezone: BRT (-3 GMT)
character list: You know... the Runt
Preferred Game Times: Evenings according to my timezone (21h or later) , except on saturdays.
Best Pony: Lyra! :3
Spoiler: show
Forum Name: Faindragon
IRC Chat name: Faindragon (Although I'm barely ever active, mostly lurking and answering PM's)
Preferred Rule-set: Anyone, really, as long as it is balanced and/or nonexistent
Timezone: GMT +1
character list: Like, characters I have played? That would be none, forever GM that doesn't got the time to build up more campaigns, and want to play for once.
Preferred Game Times: Any day between ~18.00 to 00.00 GMT+1. I'm mostly focusing on school right now, so I don't want the games to draw out to long into the nights. The exceptions are weekends, Friday and Saturday, when I can play mostly at any time.
Best Pony:
Around Mane 6: Fluttershy, closely followed by Rarity.
Other canon characters (with voice acting and "established" characteristics): Princess Luna and Zecora.
"Fan made" characters: Octavia. How can you not love that color scheme?!
A small warning, though. At times I might not be the best person to play with, it all depends on my character. I will most likely try to wait and do my character last, so to make a character which the group might need to work. Neither am I what some would call a "power gamer", I'm not picking the best things just to have them, instead I'm picking things I want my character to work around with, and I'm happily creating strange characters. (Like an earth pony who's dreaming about magic, and have studied how it works, or a pegasus who's rather on the ground than soaring through the sky). (This last note with powergame is only added since some I have met thinks that power gaming is everything, just making clear that I try to avoid that.
IRC Chat name: Faindragon (Although I'm barely ever active, mostly lurking and answering PM's)
Preferred Rule-set: Anyone, really, as long as it is balanced and/or nonexistent
Timezone: GMT +1
character list: Like, characters I have played? That would be none, forever GM that doesn't got the time to build up more campaigns, and want to play for once.
Preferred Game Times: Any day between ~18.00 to 00.00 GMT+1. I'm mostly focusing on school right now, so I don't want the games to draw out to long into the nights. The exceptions are weekends, Friday and Saturday, when I can play mostly at any time.
Best Pony:
Around Mane 6: Fluttershy, closely followed by Rarity.
Other canon characters (with voice acting and "established" characteristics): Princess Luna and Zecora.
"Fan made" characters: Octavia. How can you not love that color scheme?!
A small warning, though. At times I might not be the best person to play with, it all depends on my character. I will most likely try to wait and do my character last, so to make a character which the group might need to work. Neither am I what some would call a "power gamer", I'm not picking the best things just to have them, instead I'm picking things I want my character to work around with, and I'm happily creating strange characters. (Like an earth pony who's dreaming about magic, and have studied how it works, or a pegasus who's rather on the ground than soaring through the sky). (This last note with powergame is only added since some I have met thinks that power gaming is everything, just making clear that I try to avoid that.
Spoiler: show
I would also like to test New Bridle
Forum Name: f1r3w4rr10r
IRC Chat name: Whomever character I'm currently PNPing (Mayhem, Arx_Sanare, Jessy, Mouse)
Preferred Rule-set: any
Timezone: Germany. (UTC+2 (soon wintertime-> UTC+1) or GMT+1)
character list: Mayhem, Arx_Sanare, Jessy, Mouse
Preferred Game Times: evenings midweeks from around 17:00 to 0:00 or weekends
Best Pony: inkie Pie, Vinyl Scratch, Octavia, Little Pip, Blackjack, Lyra, BonBon
Forum Name: f1r3w4rr10r
IRC Chat name: Whomever character I'm currently PNPing (Mayhem, Arx_Sanare, Jessy, Mouse)
Preferred Rule-set: any
Timezone: Germany. (UTC+2 (soon wintertime-> UTC+1) or GMT+1)
character list: Mayhem, Arx_Sanare, Jessy, Mouse
Preferred Game Times: evenings midweeks from around 17:00 to 0:00 or weekends
Best Pony: inkie Pie, Vinyl Scratch, Octavia, Little Pip, Blackjack, Lyra, BonBon
Spoiler: show
Forum Name: LuckyLeaf
IRC Chat name: LuckyLeaf
Preferred Rule-set: Tango, but will accept playing others.
Timezone: GMT -3 (BRT, Brazil)
Character list:
Haywire (G8{Sunrise, old})
Steel Innocence (G10{Tango})
Sunshine Blues (G15{Tango})
Onion Rings(Raider{Tango})
Wishbone (Tavern/Crossroads)
Silky Shackles & Nameless (Crossroads)
Rib "Ribbon" Crusher (Crossroads)
Skittish (Crossroads)
Gee (Crossroads)
Funeral (Tavern)
Preferred Game Times: 8+ PM GMT -3, any day. 6+ PM weekends
Best Pony: Discord
"We thought you two would be perfect together... To test it... Together. So, ah, we'll just leave you two alone... Together, to test it."
"Yes i want to TEST play New Bridle"
IRC Chat name: LuckyLeaf
Preferred Rule-set: Tango, but will accept playing others.
Timezone: GMT -3 (BRT, Brazil)
Character list:
Haywire (G8{Sunrise, old})
Steel Innocence (G10{Tango})
Sunshine Blues (G15{Tango})
Onion Rings(Raider{Tango})
Wishbone (Tavern/Crossroads)
Silky Shackles & Nameless (Crossroads)
Rib "Ribbon" Crusher (Crossroads)
Skittish (Crossroads)
Gee (Crossroads)
Funeral (Tavern)
Preferred Game Times: 8+ PM GMT -3, any day. 6+ PM weekends
Best Pony: Discord
"We thought you two would be perfect together... To test it... Together. So, ah, we'll just leave you two alone... Together, to test it."
"Yes i want to TEST play New Bridle"
Spoiler: show
Forum Name: NitoKa
IRC Chat name: NitoKa
Preferred Rule-set: Any
Timezone: Eastern Standard
character list: I'll make a character for the group.
Preferred Game Times: Friday 5-10 P.M. EST
Best Pony: Rarity
Yes I want to play in the New Bridle Alpha
IRC Chat name: NitoKa
Preferred Rule-set: Any
Timezone: Eastern Standard
character list: I'll make a character for the group.
Preferred Game Times: Friday 5-10 P.M. EST
Best Pony: Rarity
Yes I want to play in the New Bridle Alpha
Spoiler: show
Forum Name: RadioHooves
IRC Chat name: RadioHooves
Preferred Rule-set: Any one will do.
Timezone: PST
character list: Skyrocket, Missile Rush, Rising Sun
Preferred Game Times: Weekdays after 3 PM PST.
Best Pony: Twilight Sparkle
I would like to be considered for the Alpha game.
IRC Chat name: RadioHooves
Preferred Rule-set: Any one will do.
Timezone: PST
character list: Skyrocket, Missile Rush, Rising Sun
Preferred Game Times: Weekdays after 3 PM PST.
Best Pony: Twilight Sparkle
I would like to be considered for the Alpha game.
Spoiler: show
Forum Name: 18Carrot
IRC Chat name: Ask18Carrot
Preferred Rule-set: Would like to try Fallout: Equestria Revised PnP, willing to use any ol' system.
Timezone: Arizona Time
character list:
18 Carrot https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LEd ... zsoc0/edit (of 'Fallout Equestria: On The Bright Side of Death' AKA 'Ask 18 Carrot' fame)
Potential Characters:
Doctor Bailing Wire and Nurse Bubblegum
Radscorpion Pie
Preferred Game Times: Any time other than Wednesday Evening.
Best Pony: Pinkie Pie! She's watching you... FOREVER! Even in the future!
IRC Chat name: Ask18Carrot
Preferred Rule-set: Would like to try Fallout: Equestria Revised PnP, willing to use any ol' system.
Timezone: Arizona Time
character list:
18 Carrot https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LEd ... zsoc0/edit (of 'Fallout Equestria: On The Bright Side of Death' AKA 'Ask 18 Carrot' fame)
Potential Characters:
Doctor Bailing Wire and Nurse Bubblegum
Radscorpion Pie
Preferred Game Times: Any time other than Wednesday Evening.
Best Pony: Pinkie Pie! She's watching you... FOREVER! Even in the future!
-Mister_Clacky (in game)
Spoiler: show
Forum Name: Mister_Clacky
IRC Chat name: Mister_Clacky
Preferred Rule-set: Any.
Timezone: Central
character list: No generic characters made, will build for setting.
Preferred Game Times: Weeknights after 4:30pm CST or Sunday
Best Pony: Spitfire
Howdy all. I figured I would jazz this up with a little more about myself. I'm an old D&Der from way back with some experience in Deadlands and Vampire as well as a plethora or console and computer rpgs and mmorpgs. I've recently been bitten by the rp bug, and need a good outlet, and obviously a Fallout: Equestria related outlet is best.
I have not done pen and paper roleplay through a chat interface before, so that might take some getting use to, but I'm eager to learn.
As for my 'place in the fandom' as it were, I've read a substantial amount. I've also penned FoE: Homecoming. I consider myself knowledgeable to very knowledgeable of the FoE canon.
IRC Chat name: Mister_Clacky
Preferred Rule-set: Any.
Timezone: Central
character list: No generic characters made, will build for setting.
Preferred Game Times: Weeknights after 4:30pm CST or Sunday
Best Pony: Spitfire
Howdy all. I figured I would jazz this up with a little more about myself. I'm an old D&Der from way back with some experience in Deadlands and Vampire as well as a plethora or console and computer rpgs and mmorpgs. I've recently been bitten by the rp bug, and need a good outlet, and obviously a Fallout: Equestria related outlet is best.
I have not done pen and paper roleplay through a chat interface before, so that might take some getting use to, but I'm eager to learn.
As for my 'place in the fandom' as it were, I've read a substantial amount. I've also penned FoE: Homecoming. I consider myself knowledgeable to very knowledgeable of the FoE canon.
Spoiler: show
Forum Name: The Custodian
IRC Chat name: (Varies, Lyra_Heartstrings, Stargale, Kalros, Gabrielle are all most used
Preferred Rule-set: Fallout Equestria: PNP (Revised) ? Dunno XD
Timezone: UTC-7 Mountain Time
character list: Gabrielle the Hippogriff: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc ... Bc1E#gid=1
Preferred Game Times: Weekends and evenings
Best Pony: Lyra! Followed by Rarity
IRC Chat name: (Varies, Lyra_Heartstrings, Stargale, Kalros, Gabrielle are all most used
Preferred Rule-set: Fallout Equestria: PNP (Revised) ? Dunno XD
Timezone: UTC-7 Mountain Time
character list: Gabrielle the Hippogriff: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc ... Bc1E#gid=1
Preferred Game Times: Weekends and evenings
Best Pony: Lyra! Followed by Rarity
Spoiler: show
Forum Name: EDtiGron
IRC Chat Name: EDtiGron or whatever character I'm playing
Preffered Rule-set: Any
Timezone: CST-6
Character list: None yet, will make for group
Preferred Game Times: Any time except Wednesday
Best Pony: Celestia
I've played Pathfinder (basically D&D) and Legends of Arcanis. I GMed a one shot of D20Modern/Macho Women with Guns (a ridiculously fun game). And, I'm familiar with several other games.
IRC Chat Name: EDtiGron or whatever character I'm playing
Preffered Rule-set: Any
Timezone: CST-6
Character list: None yet, will make for group
Preferred Game Times: Any time except Wednesday
Best Pony: Celestia
I've played Pathfinder (basically D&D) and Legends of Arcanis. I GMed a one shot of D20Modern/Macho Women with Guns (a ridiculously fun game). And, I'm familiar with several other games.
Spoiler: show
Forum Name: SilverNightRing
IRC Chat name: Zyrlana
Preferred Rule-set: Kkat's
Timezone: Central US (GMT -6)
character list: Zyrlana, Skyhoof, Summer_Squall
Preferred Game Times: Weekends
Best Pony: Applejack!
IRC Chat name: Zyrlana
Preferred Rule-set: Kkat's
Timezone: Central US (GMT -6)
character list: Zyrlana, Skyhoof, Summer_Squall
Preferred Game Times: Weekends
Best Pony: Applejack!
Spoiler: show
Forum Name: Viewing Glass
IRC Chat name: Viewing_Glass
Preferred Rule-set: Kkat's
Timezone: PST (GMT - 7:00)
character list: Viewing Glass, Shadow Step, Firefly
I can come up with concepts and characters on the fly if need be.
Preferred Game Times: Monday, Wednesday: 4 PM - 12 AM. Thursday: 6 PM - 12 AM. Saturday: Any time.
Best Pony: (not required) Spike
IRC Chat name: Viewing_Glass
Preferred Rule-set: Kkat's
Timezone: PST (GMT - 7:00)
character list: Viewing Glass, Shadow Step, Firefly
I can come up with concepts and characters on the fly if need be.
Preferred Game Times: Monday, Wednesday: 4 PM - 12 AM. Thursday: 6 PM - 12 AM. Saturday: Any time.
Best Pony: (not required) Spike
Spoiler: show
Forum Name: DamnfoolBrony (Feel free to PM to contact.)
IRC Chat name: DamnfoolBrony
Preferred Rule-set: None
Timezone: -8 GMT
Character List: Lucky Charm, Cranberry Cookie, Lemon Cookie, Breakneck (Custard Cup), Ketchup, Green Gust... but I'll probably make an entirely new character for a new Group.
Preferred Game Times: Not Saturday. Not Monday.
Best Pony: Spike
IRC Chat name: DamnfoolBrony
Preferred Rule-set: None
Timezone: -8 GMT
Character List: Lucky Charm, Cranberry Cookie, Lemon Cookie, Breakneck (Custard Cup), Ketchup, Green Gust... but I'll probably make an entirely new character for a new Group.
Preferred Game Times: Not Saturday. Not Monday.
Best Pony: Spike
Spoiler: show
Forum Name: Sparkplug70
IRC Chat name:Don't have one....computer isn't working
Preferred Rule-set: I'm up for anything, so long as I stay alive and save the damsel in distress it's all good
Timezone: Central time
character list: My one and only, Sparks
Preferred Game Times: Anytime, anywhere, anyplace, just PM me
Best Pony: Rarity
IRC Chat name:Don't have one....computer isn't working
Preferred Rule-set: I'm up for anything, so long as I stay alive and save the damsel in distress it's all good
Timezone: Central time
character list: My one and only, Sparks
Preferred Game Times: Anytime, anywhere, anyplace, just PM me
Best Pony: Rarity
Spoiler: show
Forum Name: Razi
IRC Chat name:none yet
Preferred Rule-set: any
Timezone: PST
character list: none yet, trying to find a game 1st
Preferred Game Times:anytime during the week mon-thurs 6pm-3am PST
Best Pony: (not required) Spike
IRC Chat name:none yet
Preferred Rule-set: any
Timezone: PST
character list: none yet, trying to find a game 1st
Preferred Game Times:anytime during the week mon-thurs 6pm-3am PST
Best Pony: (not required) Spike
Spoiler: show
Forum Name: Thrackerzod
IRC Chat name: Thrackerzod
Preferred Rule-set: any
Timezone: GMT-7
character list: Trying to find a game first
Preferred Game Times: weekends work, afternoons on some weekdays.
Best Pony: Pinkie Pie
Ok, so i've never done a Role-Play before, but I am determined to learn.
IRC Chat name: Thrackerzod
Preferred Rule-set: any
Timezone: GMT-7
character list: Trying to find a game first
Preferred Game Times: weekends work, afternoons on some weekdays.
Best Pony: Pinkie Pie
Ok, so i've never done a Role-Play before, but I am determined to learn.
Spoiler: show
Forum Name: Sev
IRC Chat name: Sev
Preferred Rule-set: Any really, new to pony PnP so have yet to form a real preference. Though I trust Kkat is doing a good job helping to make a working game and may have slight lean in the direction of that rule set.
Timezone: (UTC-07:00) Arizona
Character list: None finished, but 10 potential characters scribbled down for use. Also as a (so called) writer can scribble new ones up at the drop of the hat as needed.
Preferred Game Times: Afternoons and nights my time are best time, but am open to earlier times with a warning ahead of time for those surprise early morning games; am generally open to whenever is good for the group though and very flexible.
Best Pony: No pony is truely the best, but Rainbow Dash is totally the most awesome. <3
I have several years D&D ranging from 2nd to 4th edition, some WoD Vampire and Werewolf, and a bit of misc other PnP games so I feel like I'd pick up any game type fairly quickly.
IRC Chat name: Sev
Preferred Rule-set: Any really, new to pony PnP so have yet to form a real preference. Though I trust Kkat is doing a good job helping to make a working game and may have slight lean in the direction of that rule set.
Timezone: (UTC-07:00) Arizona
Character list: None finished, but 10 potential characters scribbled down for use. Also as a (so called) writer can scribble new ones up at the drop of the hat as needed.
Preferred Game Times: Afternoons and nights my time are best time, but am open to earlier times with a warning ahead of time for those surprise early morning games; am generally open to whenever is good for the group though and very flexible.
Best Pony: No pony is truely the best, but Rainbow Dash is totally the most awesome. <3
I have several years D&D ranging from 2nd to 4th edition, some WoD Vampire and Werewolf, and a bit of misc other PnP games so I feel like I'd pick up any game type fairly quickly.
Spoiler: show
Forum Name: Aqu
IRC Chat name: Aqu
Preferred Rule-set: Any really, new to pony PnP so have yet to form a real preference. Though I trust Kkat is doing a good job helping to make a working game and may have slight lean in the direction of that rule set.
Timezone: (GMT - 5:00) Eastern
Character list: None yet, I've started creating several, but I am looking for my first game.
Preferred Game Times: Mid-day to late on weekdays, any time weekends.
Best Pony: Vinyl Scratch
I can pick it quickly, I've been playing D&D for years, 1st ed and 4th.
IRC Chat name: Aqu
Preferred Rule-set: Any really, new to pony PnP so have yet to form a real preference. Though I trust Kkat is doing a good job helping to make a working game and may have slight lean in the direction of that rule set.
Timezone: (GMT - 5:00) Eastern
Character list: None yet, I've started creating several, but I am looking for my first game.
Preferred Game Times: Mid-day to late on weekdays, any time weekends.
Best Pony: Vinyl Scratch
I can pick it quickly, I've been playing D&D for years, 1st ed and 4th.
Spoiler: show
Forum Name: GozerTheEquestrian
IRC Chat name: Observer
Preferred Rule-set: Fallout Equestria: PNP (Revised)
Timezone: PST (GMT-8)
Character List: Blustering Fury http://bit.ly/Wn7axE
Preferred Game Times: Later than 9 PM on weekdays, Later than 2 PM on weekends.
Best Pony: Lightning Dust
IRC Chat name: Observer
Preferred Rule-set: Fallout Equestria: PNP (Revised)
Timezone: PST (GMT-8)
Character List: Blustering Fury http://bit.ly/Wn7axE
Preferred Game Times: Later than 9 PM on weekdays, Later than 2 PM on weekends.
Best Pony: Lightning Dust
Spoiler: show
Forum Name: Pinkamena
IRC Chat name: SteadfastWatch
Preferred Rule-set: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fsN ... f5hpuebg36
Timezone: PST -8
character list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc ... nMXc#gid=0
Preferred Game Times: It's hard for me to get a good time, when I'm open is soon to fluctuate. Assume it'll be for now Noon to Midnight, this is subject to change though.
Best Pony: Flitter
Me and FearlessXIII are a package deal
Forum Name: FearlessXIII
IRC Chat Name: FearlessXIII
Preferred Rule-set: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fsN ... uz9dqqwe84
Timezone: EST (GMT -5)
Character List: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc ... LZUE#gid=1
Preferred Game Times: I'm good for most evenings after 7:00 p.m.
Best Pony: Lyra
Yup. Pinkamena and I are looking for a game together.
IRC Chat name: SteadfastWatch
Preferred Rule-set: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fsN ... f5hpuebg36
Timezone: PST -8
character list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc ... nMXc#gid=0
Preferred Game Times: It's hard for me to get a good time, when I'm open is soon to fluctuate. Assume it'll be for now Noon to Midnight, this is subject to change though.
Best Pony: Flitter
Me and FearlessXIII are a package deal
Forum Name: FearlessXIII
IRC Chat Name: FearlessXIII
Preferred Rule-set: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fsN ... uz9dqqwe84
Timezone: EST (GMT -5)
Character List: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc ... LZUE#gid=1
Preferred Game Times: I'm good for most evenings after 7:00 p.m.
Best Pony: Lyra
Yup. Pinkamena and I are looking for a game together.
Spoiler: show
Forum Name: Merciful_Devotion
IRC Chat name: Merciful_Devotion
Preferred Rule-set: any
Timezone: +6GMT
character list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/lv? ... VBQQjJGRFE
Preferred Game Times: any weekday except wendsday evenings before 8
IRC Chat name: Merciful_Devotion
Preferred Rule-set: any
Timezone: +6GMT
character list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/lv? ... VBQQjJGRFE
Preferred Game Times: any weekday except wendsday evenings before 8
Spoiler: show
Forum Name: Double
IRC Chat name: Double
Preferred Rule-set: Any
Timezone: UTC +1
character list: Sword Sandshifter
Preferred Game Times: Preffering evenings and Weekends
Best Pony: Classified
IRC Chat name: Double
Preferred Rule-set: Any
Timezone: UTC +1
character list: Sword Sandshifter
Preferred Game Times: Preffering evenings and Weekends
Best Pony: Classified
Spoiler: show
Forum Name: PurpleFox
IRC Chat name: PurpleFox
Preferred Rule-set: Any, really
Timezone: PST, GMT -8
Character list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc ... tZnc#gid=0
Preferred Game Times: Weekends
Best Pony: Luna and Applejack
IRC Chat name: PurpleFox
Preferred Rule-set: Any, really
Timezone: PST, GMT -8
Character list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc ... tZnc#gid=0
Preferred Game Times: Weekends
Best Pony: Luna and Applejack
Spoiler: show
Forum Name: Slicerness
IRC Chat name: Slicerness
Preferred Rule-set: I'm new, but I've read over and familiarized myself with this doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fsN ... k0xo4/edit
Timezone: Central Standard Time
Character List: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc ... fbFE#gid=1 Bolt the Griffon. His stats aren't set, nor is his gear, so if anything would be too OP or against the rules I can change it before the game starts proper.
Preferred Game Times: My schedule's pretty flexible, but evenings would be the easiest to work in.
Best Pony: Why, The Great and Powerful Trixie, of course. As if there was any doubt?
IRC Chat name: Slicerness
Preferred Rule-set: I'm new, but I've read over and familiarized myself with this doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fsN ... k0xo4/edit
Timezone: Central Standard Time
Character List: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc ... fbFE#gid=1 Bolt the Griffon. His stats aren't set, nor is his gear, so if anything would be too OP or against the rules I can change it before the game starts proper.
Preferred Game Times: My schedule's pretty flexible, but evenings would be the easiest to work in.
Best Pony: Why, The Great and Powerful Trixie, of course. As if there was any doubt?
Spoiler: show
Forum Name: FreakSheet
IRC Chat name: FreakSheet
Preferred Rule-set: First time, so I don't really know advantages/disadvantages of all of them. Tried to familiarize myself with the revised Fallout Equestria PnP rules, but willing to learn any really.
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
character list: Elektron, a Mechanics, Science and Energy Weapons specialist. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc ... tblE#gid=0) (Has a couple custom spells and trait if GM thinks its okay. Also item build left fairly empty till item rule set is known)
Preferred Game Times: Weekends
Best Pony: Twilight Sparkle
IRC Chat name: FreakSheet
Preferred Rule-set: First time, so I don't really know advantages/disadvantages of all of them. Tried to familiarize myself with the revised Fallout Equestria PnP rules, but willing to learn any really.
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
character list: Elektron, a Mechanics, Science and Energy Weapons specialist. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc ... tblE#gid=0) (Has a couple custom spells and trait if GM thinks its okay. Also item build left fairly empty till item rule set is known)
Preferred Game Times: Weekends
Best Pony: Twilight Sparkle
Spoiler: show
Forum Name: Jester
IRC Chat name: oVJesterVo
Preferred Rule-set: Anything and everything. Flexibility is magic.
Timezone: GMT +1 (Denmark)
character list: Frazzle (PnP Revised rule-set), can make new no problem.
Preferred Game Times: Saturdays and Sundays, Any time after midday GMT.
Best Pony: Very difficult question. If we have to chose a mane-6, I'll go for the element of greed and fabulousity, Rarity.
IRC Chat name: oVJesterVo
Preferred Rule-set: Anything and everything. Flexibility is magic.
Timezone: GMT +1 (Denmark)
character list: Frazzle (PnP Revised rule-set), can make new no problem.
Preferred Game Times: Saturdays and Sundays, Any time after midday GMT.
Best Pony: Very difficult question. If we have to chose a mane-6, I'll go for the element of greed and fabulousity, Rarity.

Spoiler: show
Forum Name: TenMihara
IRC Chat name: Same
Preferred Rule-set: Revised Core with TenMihara's weapon sheet (better balance than Tiered list)
Timezone: EST
character list: Several, but can make new also
Preferred Game Times: Anytime Saturday.
Best Pony: Pinkie Pie, duh.
IRC Chat name: Same
Preferred Rule-set: Revised Core with TenMihara's weapon sheet (better balance than Tiered list)
Timezone: EST
character list: Several, but can make new also
Preferred Game Times: Anytime Saturday.
Best Pony: Pinkie Pie, duh.
Spoiler: show
Forum Name: SilverlightPony
IRC Chat name: Silverlight
Preferred Rule-set: Kkat's Revised Rules w/ TenMihara's item/equipment list and my own Epic Skillz addendum.
Timezone: Eastern Daylight Time (UTC -4)
character list: Silvermane (works for most settings); Starshine (Only works for post-Goddess, preferably post-Sunshine and Rainbows settings). Could roll up a new one if necessary, but I'd rather not.
Preferred Game Times: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday evenings, after 9:30pm Eastern Time; and Saturday afternoons and evenings after about 4:00pm Eastern Time. (in Hellgate Canyon group Tuesday evenings, and Sunday evenings I'm busy with my podcast)
Best Pony: Littlepip
IRC Chat name: Silverlight
Preferred Rule-set: Kkat's Revised Rules w/ TenMihara's item/equipment list and my own Epic Skillz addendum.
Timezone: Eastern Daylight Time (UTC -4)
character list: Silvermane (works for most settings); Starshine (Only works for post-Goddess, preferably post-Sunshine and Rainbows settings). Could roll up a new one if necessary, but I'd rather not.
Preferred Game Times: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday evenings, after 9:30pm Eastern Time; and Saturday afternoons and evenings after about 4:00pm Eastern Time. (in Hellgate Canyon group Tuesday evenings, and Sunday evenings I'm busy with my podcast)
Best Pony: Littlepip
Spoiler: show
Forum Name: TyrannisUmbra
IRC Chat name: TyrannisUmbra
Preferred Rule-set: Have experience playing multiple variations of the original Sunrise ruleset, as well as Kkat's Revised ruleset. Am open to playing many different rulesets, as long as they have some kind of straightforward documentation. I prefer having a straightforward, comprehensive list of references.
Timezone: EST (GMT-5), though I tend to keep very strange hours and my sleep schedule tends to adapt to what I'm currently doing.
Character list: I prefer to make a new character for every game that I play. For a reference, the list of my characters is as follows:
Fire Lily - Magically gifted unicorn filly who's afraid of hurting other ponies.
Cloudy Breeze - Formerly known as Zephyr, a former Enclave captain who sacrificed family for her career, and could no longer live with herself because of the guilt. She subsequently faked her own death, dyed her mane, and started a new life under an assumed name.
Clara - A Changeling therapist aboard the starship Destiny. A kind and caring pony (despite not actually being a pony). She prefers not to be seen in her 'natural' form, and maybe even wishes she was /really/ a pony, deep down inside.
Ace - A suave, charismatic Earth Pony stallion. Life's his own personal game, and he /always/ wins.
Razor - A young unicorn mare out to become a Reaper. On the surface, she's tough, crude, impatient, and maybe even a little bloodthirsty. But on the inside, she has passion, tenacity, and a drive to teach the Wasteland that not everypony will just sit there and take it! Oh, and she wants to find her kidnapped mother, too.
Snack Cake - An Earth Pony mare from Stable P03. She's become timid since discovering the surface, though back in her stable she was friendly and outgoing. She hates violence, and that is the source of most of her fears. When left to herself, she enjoys nothing more than cooking! She was a dessert chef back in her stable, and loves sharing her delicious desserts with everypony.
Tracker - Monster Hunter unicorn. Not much else to say. I was on a Monster Hunter binge and wanted to make a Monster Hunter pony. Not much backstory because I've not come up with it yet.
Preferred Game Times: Schedule is pretty open at the moment. Currently I have games on Sunday and Tuesday, so days other than that are fine with me. Typically my limit is on early game starts, but that's more on a case-by-case basis. Don't be afraid to ask me.
Best Pony: Appledash. I mean, come on, it's the most adorable thing in the universe!
IRC Chat name: TyrannisUmbra
Preferred Rule-set: Have experience playing multiple variations of the original Sunrise ruleset, as well as Kkat's Revised ruleset. Am open to playing many different rulesets, as long as they have some kind of straightforward documentation. I prefer having a straightforward, comprehensive list of references.
Timezone: EST (GMT-5), though I tend to keep very strange hours and my sleep schedule tends to adapt to what I'm currently doing.
Character list: I prefer to make a new character for every game that I play. For a reference, the list of my characters is as follows:
Fire Lily - Magically gifted unicorn filly who's afraid of hurting other ponies.
Cloudy Breeze - Formerly known as Zephyr, a former Enclave captain who sacrificed family for her career, and could no longer live with herself because of the guilt. She subsequently faked her own death, dyed her mane, and started a new life under an assumed name.
Clara - A Changeling therapist aboard the starship Destiny. A kind and caring pony (despite not actually being a pony). She prefers not to be seen in her 'natural' form, and maybe even wishes she was /really/ a pony, deep down inside.
Ace - A suave, charismatic Earth Pony stallion. Life's his own personal game, and he /always/ wins.
Razor - A young unicorn mare out to become a Reaper. On the surface, she's tough, crude, impatient, and maybe even a little bloodthirsty. But on the inside, she has passion, tenacity, and a drive to teach the Wasteland that not everypony will just sit there and take it! Oh, and she wants to find her kidnapped mother, too.
Snack Cake - An Earth Pony mare from Stable P03. She's become timid since discovering the surface, though back in her stable she was friendly and outgoing. She hates violence, and that is the source of most of her fears. When left to herself, she enjoys nothing more than cooking! She was a dessert chef back in her stable, and loves sharing her delicious desserts with everypony.
Tracker - Monster Hunter unicorn. Not much else to say. I was on a Monster Hunter binge and wanted to make a Monster Hunter pony. Not much backstory because I've not come up with it yet.
Preferred Game Times: Schedule is pretty open at the moment. Currently I have games on Sunday and Tuesday, so days other than that are fine with me. Typically my limit is on early game starts, but that's more on a case-by-case basis. Don't be afraid to ask me.
Best Pony: Appledash. I mean, come on, it's the most adorable thing in the universe!
Spoiler: show
Questions! There are questions! So I will answer!
Forum Name: SunlightOctave
IRC Chat name: SunlightOctave
Preferred Rule-set: Kkat's ruleset, although open to anything you'll throw at me.
Timezone: CST/CDT
Character list: Sunlight "Octy" Octave
Preferred Game Times: Relatively Open, can't do Monday-Wednesday due to other obligations.
Best Pony: Applejack

Forum Name: SunlightOctave
IRC Chat name: SunlightOctave
Preferred Rule-set: Kkat's ruleset, although open to anything you'll throw at me.
Timezone: CST/CDT
Character list: Sunlight "Octy" Octave
Preferred Game Times: Relatively Open, can't do Monday-Wednesday due to other obligations.
Best Pony: Applejack

Spoiler: show
Forum Name: Ametros
IRC Chat name: Ametros
Preferred Rule-set: Don't mind.
Timezone: New Zealand - GMT+12
character list: None as of yet
Preferred Game Times: Variable
Best Pony: Luna
IRC Chat name: Ametros
Preferred Rule-set: Don't mind.
Timezone: New Zealand - GMT+12
character list: None as of yet
Preferred Game Times: Variable
Best Pony: Luna
Spoiler: show
Forum name:
IRC Chat name:
PNP Experience: (not required)
Game Notes: (required) Example: pre or post littlepip/ number of players/ location of game (hoofington/ fillydelphia/ Canterlot) and other important info.
IRC Chat name:
PNP Experience: (not required)
Game Notes: (required) Example: pre or post littlepip/ number of players/ location of game (hoofington/ fillydelphia/ Canterlot) and other important info.
-GreenBank (game full)
Spoiler: show
Forum name: GreenBank
IRC Chat name: ThePrettiestFilly/GreenBank
Timezone: EST
PNP Experience: G4, G8, G10, Sand Group, G15
Game Notes: A weekday/pre-Littlepip/5-6/ Mannesota
"Welcome to Stable 9, located beneath the ruins of scenic Circle Pines, MN (just fifteen minutes from the Twin Cities!). Unfortunately Vault 9 remains sealed on the orders of it's overmare keeping a population of 474 safe, secure, and in the height of luxury. The current gender ratio is 474 to 0, female/male. Thanks to a generous donation from Poseidon Energy, the original inhabitants of the vault were almost entirely made up of the student body and faculty of the all-female Wool College. Indeed, a clerical error* resulted in the entire population of the vault being female. Serendipitously Vault 9 is also equipped with the best artificial insemination facilities on the planet, contact the vault medical staff for details!"
Players interested in game
1. SonOfGrim
2. f1r3w4rr10r
3. RadioHooves
4. FloRad
5. Beep Beep
game time
4PM Tuesday.
IRC Chat name: ThePrettiestFilly/GreenBank
Timezone: EST
PNP Experience: G4, G8, G10, Sand Group, G15
Game Notes: A weekday/pre-Littlepip/5-6/ Mannesota
"Welcome to Stable 9, located beneath the ruins of scenic Circle Pines, MN (just fifteen minutes from the Twin Cities!). Unfortunately Vault 9 remains sealed on the orders of it's overmare keeping a population of 474 safe, secure, and in the height of luxury. The current gender ratio is 474 to 0, female/male. Thanks to a generous donation from Poseidon Energy, the original inhabitants of the vault were almost entirely made up of the student body and faculty of the all-female Wool College. Indeed, a clerical error* resulted in the entire population of the vault being female. Serendipitously Vault 9 is also equipped with the best artificial insemination facilities on the planet, contact the vault medical staff for details!"
Players interested in game
1. SonOfGrim
2. f1r3w4rr10r
3. RadioHooves
4. FloRad
5. Beep Beep
game time
4PM Tuesday.
Spoiler: show
Forum name: Zepheniah
IRC Chat name: Zepheniah, Zeph
Timezone: GMT+1
Game Day: Saturday
Rule-Set: Space/Dust Ruleset
PNP Experience: 3.5D&D(Player)/Pathfinder(GM)/Pathfinder(Player)/Tango Group(Player)/Space(GM)/Dust(Player)/[Unannounced Group](Player)
Game Notes:
~25 Years Pre-Littlepip
number of players 4-6 (Preferred 4-5)
location of game: Vanhoover (basic map of the area)
Starting Caps: 300 caps worth of equipment, etc and 100 Caps as starting cash.
Starting location, etc, will be discussed, based on the characters.
Game is in Hardcore Mode: Food, Drink, Sleep and Ammo Weight, etc.
Everything required should be there. If you have any questions, ask beforehand: Either in PM here, or in the IRC. If you have to ask "how much AP to reload my weapon?" or "how much damage do I do?" in game on something you had beforehand, you won't be long for this group.
Signed Players:
-The Custodian
-King Kasai
-sgtlukeeng_3 [maybe - pending confirmation]
IRC Chat name: Zepheniah, Zeph
Timezone: GMT+1
Game Day: Saturday
Rule-Set: Space/Dust Ruleset
PNP Experience: 3.5D&D(Player)/Pathfinder(GM)/Pathfinder(Player)/Tango Group(Player)/Space(GM)/Dust(Player)/[Unannounced Group](Player)
Game Notes:
~25 Years Pre-Littlepip
number of players 4-6 (Preferred 4-5)
location of game: Vanhoover (basic map of the area)
Starting Caps: 300 caps worth of equipment, etc and 100 Caps as starting cash.
Starting location, etc, will be discussed, based on the characters.
Game is in Hardcore Mode: Food, Drink, Sleep and Ammo Weight, etc.
Everything required should be there. If you have any questions, ask beforehand: Either in PM here, or in the IRC. If you have to ask "how much AP to reload my weapon?" or "how much damage do I do?" in game on something you had beforehand, you won't be long for this group.
Signed Players:
-The Custodian
-King Kasai
-sgtlukeeng_3 [maybe - pending confirmation]
Spoiler: show
Forum Name: Son0fgrim
IRC Chat name: Son0fgrim, Grim, Karma.
Preferred Rule-set: Probably Sands
Timezone: United States Mountain time (I live in Colorado)
PNP Experience: 5 DND campiagns, DM'd 2 DND games, currently in Greenbanks Stable nine game and Zyrlana's Zebra brigade and Pathfinder game, was in Nikota's G17.
Preferred Game Times: Fridays or Saturdays between 9:00 AM and 10:00 PM ( I'll most likely start when all players are online so scheduling is flexible)
Game Notes: PC's are encouraged to have back story related wanting revenge on the antagonist (Bleeding Heart) though it's not required, the setting is one year after Little pip gets into the SPP tower and everything is still in chaos, The region is to the north in the Crystal mountains (between Equestria and the Crystal empire). for more details go here: http://forum.fallout-equestria.com/view ... f=24&t=529
IRC Chat name: Son0fgrim, Grim, Karma.
Preferred Rule-set: Probably Sands
Timezone: United States Mountain time (I live in Colorado)
PNP Experience: 5 DND campiagns, DM'd 2 DND games, currently in Greenbanks Stable nine game and Zyrlana's Zebra brigade and Pathfinder game, was in Nikota's G17.
Preferred Game Times: Fridays or Saturdays between 9:00 AM and 10:00 PM ( I'll most likely start when all players are online so scheduling is flexible)
Game Notes: PC's are encouraged to have back story related wanting revenge on the antagonist (Bleeding Heart) though it's not required, the setting is one year after Little pip gets into the SPP tower and everything is still in chaos, The region is to the north in the Crystal mountains (between Equestria and the Crystal empire). for more details go here: http://forum.fallout-equestria.com/view ... f=24&t=529
PS. post any improvements I can make to make this any better don't worry about being gentle I can take it.
PSS. PM me if you want to change anything thank you