Check out The Foally of Man, a podcast featuring Chris the Brony and Robert the non-Brony as they explore Fallout: Equestria chapter by chapter. Watch/listen on YouTube, Libsyn, Twitter, and PodBean.
lunar headshot
Thursday, April 24th, 2014
Last Update:
Sunday, May 11th, 2014
Tragedy, Dark, Comedy, Crossover, Adventure
My name is Last Shell or at least i think so. For the last two years Stalliongrad has been my home. For the last two years i have been... alone. The Cold my only friend. As I go through the frozen city filled with Radioactivity, Raiders and Celestia knows what else. I feel as if something from me is missing. Everyday i fight to survive. Everyday i try to help those who need it. i don't know why but, i do. For as the last two years is all i can remember. but, one day a filly appeared in a dream and something inside me felt as i was going to save her but, there is one question i felt when i woke up. Who am I? A Ghost? or a Pony?
Apr 20th, 2014
May 10th, 2014
May 11th, 2014

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