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by The Jack
Sun May 13, 2012 4:53 pm
Forum: PnP RPG
Topic: FoE: PnP Tango Group
Replies: 11
Views: 46294

Re: FoE: PnP Tango Group

As a firsttimer, I don't have anything to compare this to, but I don't care because I found this /awesome/! xD
Now, if only I could get the others to like Gears a bit more... xD
by The Jack
Sat May 05, 2012 12:34 pm
Forum: Introductions
Topic: Good news everypony ...
Replies: 8
Views: 34664

Re: Good news everypony ...

Mornin' there! =D
Welcome to the forums!^^
by The Jack
Wed Apr 11, 2012 7:14 am
Forum: Writers Forum
Topic: The advice thread
Replies: 167
Views: 414022

Re: The advice thread

The gravity at Soaring Eagle was less then half the force when on land, living for a few generations on the station having weakened the bones of all the ponies living there as well as making them smaller then most. Most ponies of 'age' have some sort of medical training as broken bones are frequent...
by The Jack
Wed Apr 11, 2012 7:07 am
Forum: Writers Forum
Topic: Attitude towards augmentation
Replies: 17
Views: 63596

Re: Attitude towards augmentation

Ember would probably be against getting a cybernetic implant. Not on moral grounds but just because she doesn't like the way they look. She'd be ok with getting bio-implants if she positively had to, but she'd want one that doesn't change the way she looks. Yeah, she's a bit vain. Hah xD I guess th...
by The Jack
Thu Apr 05, 2012 3:00 pm
Forum: Writers Forum
Topic: Stable numbers
Replies: 112
Views: 423048

Re: Stable numbers

I finally figured out what social experiment that is used in Stable 38 (the one I'm using); excessive anti-zebra propaganda, so that if the Stable survived, tehy could continue the war if neccesary.
by The Jack
Sat Mar 17, 2012 11:02 am
Forum: Works In Progress
Topic: Fallout Equestria: Operation Flankorage
Replies: 95
Views: 299377

Re: Fallout Equestria: Operation Flankorage

Yeeeeaaah. I was just about to go play Mass Effect, and then I see this has updated. And since I'm here now, it should be obvious I picked this over ME3 xD Now, lets get this started! Right. Echo peeking out from an alcove with her head resting on her forelegs is cute, no matter if she has armor or ...
by The Jack
Sun Mar 11, 2012 6:23 pm
Forum: Writers Forum
Topic: Attitude towards augmentation
Replies: 17
Views: 63596

Re: Attitude towards augmentation

Right. This was not a question about what the characters have already chosen, but what they would chose if given the described opportunity, and why. But oh well, I won't force you to talk xD *majorly derps* Myyyy bad. Frost would choose bio-magical augmentation over cybernetic augmentation because ...
by The Jack
Fri Mar 09, 2012 8:12 am
Forum: Writers Forum
Topic: Attitude towards augmentation
Replies: 17
Views: 63596

Re: Attitude towards augmentation

Despite being a full cyborg, given the option, Anne would remain 100% genuine pony. Why? Because that was how she was born. Just out of curiosity, would you mind elaborating on that? I want to get different moral perspectives on this y'see; I have some difficulties figuring out peoples reasoning wh...
by The Jack
Thu Mar 08, 2012 12:32 pm
Forum: Writers Forum
Topic: Attitude towards augmentation
Replies: 17
Views: 63596

Re: Attitude towards augmentation

Frost would choose (or rather chose ) bio-magical augmentation. No further comment. No particular reason as to why? *sadface* Mm, perhaps because he already chose to do so in the past. If that's enough, now no further comment. Right. This was not a question about what the characters have already ch...
by The Jack
Thu Mar 08, 2012 12:30 pm
Forum: Writers Forum
Topic: Interesting Character Quirks
Replies: 28
Views: 94962

Re: Interesting Character Quirks

Weeee, sounds like he and LittlePip would get along well when she starts breaking out the infamous swearing. [/sarcasm] xD Hmm, interesting character quirks that Gears have... Not sure what counts as "interesting". He's Steel Ranger level interested in technology :3 He's also very fond of the radio;...