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Fallout Equestria Trading Card Game

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 7:15 pm
by SecondSeraphim
I had the interesting thought earlier today. A Fallout Equestria trading card game. I was actually surprised that I hadn't heard of one before but when I searched nothing came up. I have some experience with creating card game having worked on a project to create a card game for a different fandom a number of years ago, and I wouldn't mind working on something like this if I could get enough people together to make a go of it. What does everyone think?

Re: Fallout Equestria Trading Card Game

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 1:31 am
by G-man64
I've played many card games (Yu-Gi-Oh, Chaotic, Zach Bell, some Pokemon, and very little Magic) and have nothing better to do with my life. Feel free to seek my assistance (but I cannot draw). Also I've made up some TCG's in the past.