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Fallout Equestria: Nuclear Winter Wonderland

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 1:46 pm
by Kashin

This is a holiday group shot of any interested authors’ FOE heroes that I will be making in Illustrator.

Participants form left to right:
1. Citquine, Fallout Equestria: Wings, (Moth)
2. Blackfeather, Fallout Equestria: Before the End, (Sgt Muffin)
3. Punchclock, Equestria`s Dead, (terk.esh.delight) ... f=17&t=104
4. Frost Windchill, Fallout: Equestria- The Last Sentinel, (Adder1) ... t-Sentinel
5. Hedge, Thorncroft, (ErrantIndy) ... Thorncroft
6. Lucky Charm, Kiss Equestria Goodbye (DamnfoolBrony) ... %26quot%3B
7. Aurora Borealis, New Beginnings, (Ilushia) ... pfknyb4tr6
8. Tumbles, Stalliongrad, (Venompepsi)
9. Rusty Gears, Aqua Pura, (The Jack) ... f=17&t=107
NA. Pinkie Pie
10. Tumble Flow, Tidal Flow, ((DJ) Triple B)
11. Silver Storm, Heroes, (No One)
12. Ocher Bullion, Operation Flankorage, (Kashin)
NA. Serenity, Heroes, (No One)
13. Blackjack, Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons (Somber) ... izons.html
14. Puppysmiles, Pink Eyes (Mimezinga) ... -eyes.html
15. Hotwire, Fallout: Equestria Brotherhoof of Steel, (quick_study_pony)
NA. Homage, Fallout: Equestria, (Kkat)
NA. Hobo Pony, (a friendly hobo)
16. Littlepip, Fallout: Equestria (Kkat) ... stria.html
17. Blue Wire, Best Laid plans, (Volk) ... %26quot%3B
18. Clover, Tales of a Courier, (a friendly hobo)
19. Anne, Fallout Equestria: We're no Heroes, (Otherunicorn)
20. Romeo, Best Laid Plans(Damhoof) ... %26quot%3B
21. Silva Mane, Fallout Equestria: Price of Paradise, (Dice Art) ... ?f=17&t=46
22. Scorch, “Best Laid Plans”, (RedundantGamer) ... %26quot%3B
23. Snakebite Turniquet, Misfits, (DancesOnTheAshes) ... 3A-Misfits
24. Dewflower, FO:E the RPG, (Kattlarv) ... 4&hl=en_US
25. Buckshot, Probed, Lobotomized (Artemiev)
26. Wrench Jockey, Wrench Jockey, (Rippedshadow) ... ?f=17&t=61
27. Bullet Holes, Bullet Holes and Slug, (SlashySmiley)
28. Sunshy, Fly Away, (Freeflyingwolf) ... A-Fly-Away
NA. Slug, Bullet Holes and Slug, (SlashySmiley)
29. Quickscope, Fallout Equestria: Outsmart Bullet, (Slicerness)
30. Verse, Do Robot Ponies Dream of Electronic Bunnies, (ScottWolf)
31. Mist, Fallout Equestria: Gathering Darkness, (~Aerondight~) ... g-Darkness

Works on progress pics. Please do not redistribute these anywhere. DONE
W.I.P. All
Disclaimer: I did not make BJ's cutie mark, it is a beautifully made place holder that I found on DA somewhere.

For any interested pony. ... t?hl=en_US

Re: Fallout Equestria: Nuclear Winter Wonderland

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 4:26 pm
by Quick Study
Sounds cool, I'm in. Just one quick question, would it be too complicated if my character was wearing a advance gillie suit that would look like a decorated fir tree. Just trying to figure out what Hotwire is going to wear.

Re: Fallout Equestria: Nuclear Winter Wonderland

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 4:32 pm
by Nightmare Luna
God damn this sounds awesome. Now I wish I could actually write a story!

Looking forward to the end result!

Re: Fallout Equestria: Nuclear Winter Wonderland

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 6:04 pm
by Kashin
Quick Study wrote:Sounds cool, I'm in. Just one quick question, would it be too complicated if my character was wearing a advance gillie suit that would look like a decorated fir tree. Just trying to figure out what Hotwire is going to wear.
If you mean have him wearing a tree (with his head and hooves poking out) I could do that

Re: Fallout Equestria: Nuclear Winter Wonderland

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 6:27 pm
by Quick Study
Yea it's kind of in the future for my story, but eventually my character will begin to wear a Advance Gillie Suit, that kind of works like the Octo Camo from MGS4. It was the MoM's attempt at a stealth suit, but instead of turning the user invisible, the cloak will change itself into a bush, tall grass, a bail of hay, or anything else similar to these. This is done automaticly when in sneaking in a certin enviroment or the user can manualy set it as well.

So what I was thinking that Hotwire manualy sets the cloak to look like a Fir tree then has it decorated like a Christmas tree. So if you are able to do this let me know and I'll submit all the details on the google doc, and if not I'll submit my back up idea.

Re: Fallout Equestria: Nuclear Winter Wonderland

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 6:57 pm
by Kashin
I can texture a jumpsuit and put dodads on it

Re: Fallout Equestria: Nuclear Winter Wonderland

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 8:04 pm
by Quick Study
I guess which would you prefer, a Christmas themed Gillie Suit or a a modified set of Steel Ranger scribe robes that look like a Santa Suit.

Re: Fallout Equestria: Nuclear Winter Wonderland

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 8:12 pm
by The Jack
Uh... Could I participate too? Technically, I haven't actually written anything yet, but this might help motivate me. Not to mention, getting my character plastered in the same place as LittlePip and BlackJack would be beyond awesome.
I'll pop in all the required info if you say it's okay =D

EDIT: Read the last rule. Okay, now I have motivation; I'm going to churn out ATLEAST one chapter before december. I can't let a chance like this get away! =D

On a sidenote: Puppysmiles with the Rock Of Destiny wrapped in a red ribbon? Sweet Celestia that is adorable. xD

Re: Fallout Equestria: Nuclear Winter Wonderland

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 1:47 pm
by Quick Study
All right I made my submission, decided to give you both idea. Let you decided which would work better.

Re: Fallout Equestria: Nuclear Winter Wonderland

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 3:18 am
by Kashin
Kkat is on board