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Team Fortress 2 (PC) discussion

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 4:03 pm
by Rippedshadow
Seeing as how there's at least 12 pony servers, it's safe to say quite a few bronies play TF2. So I figured, as a bit of an enthusiest, why not be the one to start up the discussion?

Do note: this topic is for the PC version, sorry console gamers.

So, anyway, if you're ever on a server, and some asshat named Rippedshadow charges around a corner and slices your face open, that was probably me and my turn script herp-derping around. Alternatively, you might be harassed by an El-Jefe wearing scout. That was probably me, too, in srs mode, because scout is srs bizness guiz.

TL;DR: Talk about TF2, fool.

Re: Team Fortress 2 (PC) discussion

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 1:29 am
by The Jack
I have the game, but I haven't played it very much. Usually I'm fairly un-enthusiastic about pvp games.
Usually because I lose brilliantly. xD