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Editor needed for slighly insane story idea

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 6:08 am
by Anon3mous1
I'm transporting a Brony US Marine from Afghanistan into post-apocalyptic Equestria. :bjpshrug:

If that hasn't scared you off, yes, I am a serious, capable writer, and the first chapter is complete (aprox. 5000 words). Second chapter is very WiP and beyond that it's just a flexible plot outline.

I'm linking the document here, and it's completely open to edit (what the hell, I trust you guys). If your interested, give me a shout. I'm hoping for someone to correct any grammar issues and give me opinions writing style and technical issues. Although I would be extremely grateful for any amount help someone can give me. ... GLHMQ/edit

Re: Editor needed for slighly insane story idea

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:27 am
by sargecadet
I tried to open the link but got a "Document not available" error message. Did you set the share option to "anyone with link"? Then again, it may just be the frickin stupid base Internet here, so I don't know...

Anyways, that sounds like a really cool concept. I'd love to help proofread and give you my opinion on your story.

If you wouldn't mind reading my story also (I mean, if you have the time) here's a link to my chapter document: ... asic?pli=1

Good luck on your story!