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Map of Post-Great War Equestria

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 4:17 pm
by Meinos Kaen
Hello, thar. Meinos Kaen here.

So, you probably don't know this about me, but I tend to be a freaking perfectionist when I write something. Especially in the pre-writing research fase. Thus what prompted me to vow to not write more than the prologue of my story before finishing FO:E and PH, which are the stories which I will consider 'canon'. Now, to help me in my effort, I'm using the information take from both stories and the wiki to make a map of the post-apocalyptic Equestria.

It's currently a work-in-progress. The programs I'm using are AutoREALM -a wonderful freeware mapmaking software- and Photoshop.

Version 0.1
Spoiler: show

This is the first draft, I outlined some basic borders -shores on the north and south- and placed the landmarks of the principal cities in the stories. Canterlot in the north-east, Fillydelphia in the south-east, Manehattan in the lower center. Hoffington is the region closed off by the river. The last, uppermost landmark is the city I will use and develop in my story along with the northwestern region in which is situated, is Baltimare.

Re: Map of Post-Great War Equestria

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 1:17 pm
by Meinos Kaen
Version 1.0
Spoiler: show
Second version. After reading more Project Horizons and browsed the Wiki, I found the PipBuck styled map, which I used as a base for remaking the core region. Also, I noticed that while Project Horizons places hoofington in the east, it also says that it's near the sea and that Manehattan is not far from Hoofington proper. Being in the east, that would make most of Somber's geographical placements difficult to do, so I decided to just place Hoofington in the northwest, placing Baltimare in the soutwest.

Also, I added rivers, the main roads of the core region and a little addition that was missing from the wiki. Splendid Valley, in the north, cut from the Canterlot river (which goes to join the Hoofington one to make it indeed the biggest in Equestria like stated in PH) and Hoofington river. Also, I made another little valley in the southwest in Baltimare, if you've noticed. The identity of that spot will remain a secret for a bit longer...