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Fallout Equetria PNP
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 1:55 am
Is anyone here interested in a Fallout Equestria table top RPG?
Is any one interested in helping make make one or even share ideas on the the system could theoretically work?
Re: Fallout Equetria PNP
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 6:48 am
by The Jack
Hum. Talk about the devil.
I was thinking today that it would be awesome if someone came up with (or modified) a tabletop RPG system for Fo:E.
I was also thinking it would be awesome if the forum could play it in a thread or something, but then I realized that it would be too easy to cheat and such. Maybe a bunch of us (once there are enough willing people) could get together on some form of skype-ish thingy at set times to play? Well, the cheating problem is still there, but I guess trust must be given xD
Re: Fallout Equetria PNP
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 6:57 am
Well the thing is, we already have a system of sorts. SPECIAL is actually very easy to set up and use in excel when the formulas are inputed correctly. The only major issue is how to quantify Magic and Flight, as neither of these exist in any of the Fallout games. Also combat rules need some adjustment, but thats simple enough with enough time and effort.
Other thing is how to balance Earth Ponies vs Pegasus and Unicorn ponies, but thats nothing compared to quantifying Flight and Magic effectively.
Re: Fallout Equetria PNP
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 10:48 am
by FitzOmega
Don't remember where I read this but.. Aren't the Earth Ponies the strongest and have a bigger resistance ? And only Earth Ponies can use a power helmet :p
For the Flight and Magic... Can't tell... sorry. '^^
Re: Fallout Equetria PNP
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 10:50 am
by Artemiev
Er, Pegasi use power helmets too, just not the Ranger variant, but their own Enclave Armor...
Re: Fallout Equetria PNP
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 10:59 am
by FitzOmega
Ehhh.. ... I seriously have to sleep more... Sorry about that. '^^
Re: Fallout Equetria PNP
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 4:20 pm
by Kashin
Well, given how Kkat handled magic, I would give all ponies an extra perk at charicter creation. As for the earth ponies and flying, they would work the same way.
Earth ponies get a racial perk that would provide a weak, but continuously active power (Pinkie sense, AJ's unnatural endurance [honestly, for over a week of constant exertion and no sleep she was doing amazingly]) such as increasing a SPECIAL cap (lets be frank, Bigmac has 11 strength) that is related to their special talent. These could theoretically be improved as the game progresses.
All unicorns start with telekinesis and one or two spells (based on power, relevant to their special talent as their starting racial perk (they could be modified by traits, like limited magic would make you lose all but one of your spells, but that spell would be stronger). Additional spells and improvements to existing ones would come from perks (spells may only go as high as level 3 normally, this is raised to level 4 if you have limited magic or do something awesome enough to impress the Overbrony). Magic its self would probably run off a slowly regenerating pool based off one of the ponies SPECIAL stats chosen at character creation. Or if we want to go more complex, Strength affects the physical force that could be put behind a spell (this amount would be modified by the levels in a spell and non physical spells would be unaffected), Perception affects the power of precision spells (lasers, magic bullets and the like), Endurance determines the total spell points available, Charisma would determine how quickly the spell pool regenerates as well as determining the power of mind affecting spells, Intelligence reduces power costs and time needed to learn new spells, Agility would indicate how quickly a spell could build power as well as how quickly they could be cast reactivly and luck would provide a small bonus to all aspects as well as determine the power of spells that don't fit under any other stat or manipulate probability (re-rolls and such).
Pegasi would start with basic flying, this would improve/modify with additional perks, levels 1, 2, 3, and 4 in the areas of speed (self explanatory), maneuverability(for tricks, dodging and so on) and power(how much you can carry without flight penalties and the damage of impacts, level 4 would be the RD nuke). Just like spells, level 4 would be in-assessable without the Overbrony's permission. Rainbooms may only be preformed by level 4 speed fliers (they would probably be the only way to become level 4) with at least level 2 power (lower would throw you off the barrier).
This would be balanced, as improving ones racial abilities prevents them form gaining other useful perks that earth ponies would use and limit the Celestia tier powers. It also give the Blackjack option, where you essentially ignore your racial powers and just go all out on combat perks.
On the subject of power armor, I would figure that with sufficient repair and science skills, power armor could be modified for other species. For a unicorn I wouldn't think it would be much more complex than drilling a hole in the helmet's forehead then reprogramming the self repair spell not to close it.
Re: Fallout Equetria PNP
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 7:33 pm
As for the Perk thing, well, it works. For magic and flight you could also turn them into quest perks. So for example, if as A Pegasus you were taught a new couple of tricks from a veteran Enclave member you would get better stat, or a Unicorn learning a new spell from some other pony.
Further advancement would require more perks spent on your behalf, but as a whole it would work very nicely.
As for tying it to stats, I have no idea honestly.
The issue with power armour is training. Remember that Calamity used an unmodified Steel Rangers suit as spur the moment decision, so they are probably capable of being used regardless of race if you’re at least trained.
Re: Fallout Equetria PNP
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 11:49 pm
by otherunicorn
Another thought: Add 6 more character points during the SPECIAL stage, as well as the option to take UNICORN or PEGASUS as a stat. Earth ponies would get to distribute those six points in the base seven stats, resulting in a "stronger" character. Magic and flight skills would depend on the points you give them initially, modified by perks later as needed. You could make a magically strong unicorn who is physically very weak, as easily as a very strong unicorn who struggles to lift a pencil - likewise with flight.
Re: Fallout Equetria PNP
Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 4:27 am
The problem with that is sure fire way to break Earth Ponies. Say you do give them the extra 6 points, those points can be used to make some insane builds.
So lets take an EP gunslinger. The key stats to this build would be Perception, Agility and Luck. Perception to open better critical perks, Agility for high number of action points, and luck for high crit chance as well as better stats overall (assuming that we are use a FO3/NV SPECIAL system.
If we take FO1/2/Tactic mechanics into consideration, then they also have a range advantage that no other race could have.
Core SPECIAL stats are very unstable to extensive modification, however perk rate can be used to compensate. Say Earth Ponies get a perk every level, Unicorns and Pegasi get one every 2 levels.
Might work yes?