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Would another set of PNP/Dice channels come in handy?

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:59 pm
by Arcane_Scroll
I've noticed we have a lot of groups playing now, and have had a couple people suggest a PNP3/Dice3 set of channels. Just wondering if another set of channels would be of use? If so, I'll be happy to add them and a dicebot.

Re: Would another set of PNP/Dice channels come in handy?

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 2:19 pm
by SilverlightPony
It probably wouldn't hurt.

Another option is for a group to create their own dedicated set of channels. Octagon Group did this (partly because we didn't have a set playtime and wound up conflicting with other groups too often); we now have #OctagonPNP for non-session chat, OOC table chatter, and dice, #OctagonIC for in-character, and #OctagonSpectatorChat so anyone watching can chat about the game without their chat getting in the way of ours.

Re: Would another set of PNP/Dice channels come in handy?

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 3:43 am
by Pinkie Pie!
Yeah, I also set up a seperate channel group for Tango Group, namely #Tango_RP and #Tango_OOC.

Re: Would another set of PNP/Dice channels come in handy?

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 4:26 am
it would be advantageous yes.

Re: Would another set of PNP/Dice channels come in handy?

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 8:21 am
by Tosxychor
I am completely in favor of that. Following all the games becomes a real challenge when every group has its own channels xD I have like 15 FoE IRC channels open at any time! And that's terrible. Getting the groups to play in the conventional dice/pnp channels would certainly help towards that, and if there is the need for a third room, so be it. It's free, so why not?

Re: Would another set of PNP/Dice channels come in handy?

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 8:34 am
by Damhoof
The problems inherent with a public dicechannel would still be there. Better yet teach budding gms how to make their own bones.

Re: Would another set of PNP/Dice channels come in handy?

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 3:01 am
by Arcane_Scroll
Tosxychor wrote:I am completely in favor of that. Following all the games becomes a real challenge when every group has its own channels xD I have like 15 FoE IRC channels open at any time! And that's terrible. Getting the groups to play in the conventional dice/pnp channels would certainly help towards that, and if there is the need for a third room, so be it. It's free, so why not?
Agreed, it also makes things for GM's not familiar with IRC. I'll make them when I get up :cwalk:
Damhoof wrote:The problems inherent with a public dicechannel would still be there. Better yet teach budding gms how to make their own bones.
They don't have to anymore. Just PM Bones and say...

Code: Select all

@@@join #ChannelName
and he will join that channel