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(CLOSED) Fallout Equestria: The Forbidden Forest PNP game

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 11:58 pm
by PWNY Fluttershy
UPDATE #1: Changed the playable races and made a couple of other changes.


This is the Overstallion of Stable [REDACTED] speaking to you about new opportunities that have just opened up for those lucky few that are selected to live out their little… adventures will suffice. So if you want to live out your... adventures, then please come down to my office and fill out the paperwork listed below, this is standard procedure. [PLEASE NOTE: You MUST have Survival as one of your TAGed skills!]

[ ... HbEE#gid=1]

Now that’s that out of the way please make your way to the armory

[ ... 3UGc#gid=9]

Please note that you only have clearance to section 0-1, we can’t have you running around with our level 4 weapons now can we? Also I have assigned you all 400 caps to spend on what you wish. Anything left over can be used as currency in the area you will be stationed in.

Location: The location you will be deployed in is a town called [REDACTED] located in the north-western region of Equestria, to which you will be either a traveler passing through on your journey south or an inhabitant of it. The area in question is comprised of a large forest, full of [ACCESS GRANTED] Batponys that now thirst for blood, not all, but most. This has made the inhabitants of the town very hateful of anything that’s not a earth.unicorn, or Pegasus pony. However sources indicated a large band of [REDACTED] is swooping through that area, so you have a choice should you be meet with said force, will you stand and fight for the inhabitants of the area or abandon them looking out for only your self and a select few? The choice is yours.

Also, rumors have been spreading that I am unfair to our griffin and zebra inhabitants, I would like to state that these claims are false. However, if you are selected and are a zebra or griffin, just be ready to expect fierce racism from the inhabitants and even violent outbursts from them. Now, be off with you, I must prepare.


When will the game start?: When it’s ready

On what day will the game be?: On Tuesday, wednesday or Thursday as these are my only open days from work.

What time will the game start?: 5 PM - 11 PM CST

What races are playable? Earth, Unicorn, Pegasus, Zebra, Griffin, Bat pony, Changeling.

What races are not playable?: If their not listed in the playable section above, their not playable. SO NO ALICORNS!

What Ruleset will we be using?: Kkat's standard ruleset

Max amount of PC’s?: no more then 6

How many PnP games have you GMed/played in?: I have played in 3 FoE PnP’s and this will be my first time GMing, so please… be gentle! D:

What other assets will we be using in terms of Perks and such?: All that info can be found here: ... t=606//url

Will we be using Roll20 or Skype or other programs to PNP?: Possibly, only time will tell.

Do you use IRC? Yes, you my username is PWNY and i'm mostly in the FoE chatroom

So what now?: Stop reading and spread the word you little pony! :derpytongue2:


Re: Fallout Equestria: The Forbidden Forest PNP game

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 11:20 pm
by Chysonallite
Hello; this looks really interesting, and I'd like to join this, if I may. I'm new to the FoE PNP and I've never done a chat-based RP before, but I'd be willing to give it a try! I do, however, have experience playing DnD 4e and Roleplaying is Magic (2nd and 3rd editions) over Skype with Roll20. I went on ahead and made a character here: ... sp=sharing

Re: Fallout Equestria: The Forbidden Forest PNP game

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 12:48 am
by Tennisdude9993
I'd totally be interested in joining up if it's any day other than Wednesday :p. Haha. Though I guess that depends on what day other players have free. I would like to throw my interest in though. I'll put up a character sheet in a bit.

Re: Fallout Equestria: The Forbidden Forest PNP game

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 1:33 am
by RadiantEclipse
Way too late for me and now changelings. Sort of interesting story but oh well.

Re: Fallout Equestria: The Forbidden Forest PNP game

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 11:49 pm
by MoonHoof
Could in theory do it Wednesday, possibly tuesday depending on when it starts up. And I've got a lot of experience with PnP so don't worry, I'll take it slow. :P
One question, is this in the chat room or an external system?

Re: Fallout Equestria: The Forbidden Forest PNP game

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 1:38 pm
by PWNY Fluttershy
MoonHoof wrote:Could in theory do it Wednesday, possibly tuesday depending on when it starts up. And I've got a lot of experience with PnP so don't worry, I'll take it slow. :P
One question, is this in the chat room or an external system?
I might switch over to Roll20 and Skype to PNP, only time will tell.

Re: Fallout Equestria: The Forbidden Forest PNP game

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 12:44 am
by MoonHoof
Then it is on, like Donkey Kong. :rainbowdetermined2:

Re: Fallout Equestria: The Forbidden Forest PNP game

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 6:14 am
by Jarulso
I'd be thrilled to join, so long as spaces are free. ^^

I may miss out for a while on Thursdays (Friday over here) due to TAFE, however, though it more-or-less depends on sorting out an earlier train so I can use the computers there, then how long the session runs for on that day, and how much the teacher wanders around xD ... sp=sharing