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The ponies we left behind

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 2:00 pm
by DontAskForCookies
Hey, just wanted to throw a few new pieces out into the community and see what people thought of them.

I sketched the first one out at Starbucks this morning while I waited for the bank to open up. It is suppose to be a pony version of the NPC "Miss Fortune" from F:NV. To be honest I never took the perk necessarily for her to show up, but I always liked her costume design. I mean, its just so ridiculous! Especially when you consider the fact that she is supposedly sneaking around everywhere and that she is totally able to disappear after combat. Probably more than anything it was that fact that made me want to do the pic, as seeing her as a Pegasus sort of explains how she can pop in and out of combat.


This next pic is a glance into the making of an OC of mine that I don't really feel comfortable talking about at this point as he is likely to change dramatically between now and when/if I implement him. Would still like to hear any input you may have at this point though, never to early to get feedback!


Hope everyone enjoyed the pic's.
Remember to reply with thoughts/opinions/critiques!!!

Re: The ponies we left behind

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 9:36 pm
by DontAskForCookies