.....Ah... Ah really suck at Introductions. But here we go!
How ah ran in to this hunk of fun was just luck, ah was wasting some time looking for some pics of Enclave thanks to a RP ah was in, welp ah ran in to here. Been stopping bye time to time but never looked deep in to it, so ah do... and baam! This is here. So, ah have been looking for a "home" of fallout: equestria fans, and this fit the book! So that is why ah'm here. (Now ah wonder if ah'm the first Raider here...

As for me, not a tone. Me and my friends love to go on "wast land weeks" ware we live out as if we were in a wast land, no out side help and what not. Just what we can keep on are backs. (We do keep one cell for 911 use, we are not that crazy.) But ah'm a huge fan of all things post apocalyptic, must of all with nuclear fun.
Ah love RPing too, and a other big thing that got me to keep here was seeing that pen and paper rpg fun. But ah think that covers must things that need to be told. But as told, ah suck at this.

But hope to get and know y'all more!