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A buck in Rosso

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 4:54 pm
by Meinos Kaen
Hello, thar. Meinos Kaen here!

Well, it had to happen eventually. I have been watching FIM since the first series came out, but I never really managed to get interested in writing Fanfiction for it, or better, I never felt like I could write anything that could do the series' light-hearted tone justice, as much as I loved the laughs that it earned from me.

Then, a couple weeks ago, GoG put up Fallout 1 for free. I downladed it. Played it for the first time. My interest in the series blossomed again, also helped by Brian Fargo's successful Wasteland 2 kickstarter. Imagine my disappointment when I realized there wasn't much good Fallout Fanfiction. Salvation came to me in the shape of Fallout: Equestria. I was hit with an epyphany. I chanced upon good Fallout fanfiction, but also upon an universe, a version of MLP:FIM which I could write for.

From there to joining these forums, the trip was short indeed. With a vow of doing my best, I say 'Hello and well met', everypony. ... Still feels weird to write that, though!

Meinos Kaen

Re: A buck in Rosso

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 7:04 pm
by Shukin
Welcome to Goodsprin... er... FO:E forums, Meinos. I'm new here myself, and I hope we enjoy our stay XD

Re: A buck in Rosso

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 7:37 pm
by Zab
Hey, well welcome to both of you, then!
My know I got it in here somewhere...
Damnit, I lost the paper that had my name.
Or did I? Maybe I threw it out last week?
Or maybe I donated it. That would have been good to know.
Hmm....maybe it's somewhere in my leg...hold up, let me, kind of need that machine to walk straight....I'll find it eventually!

Re: A buck in Rosso

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 8:10 pm
by Adder1
Keep trying, Zab. Keep trying.

Anyway, welcome to the FoE: Resource forums. Enjoy your stay. ^^

You can find some of us online on the IRC chat at any given time. Check it out. =)

Re: A buck in Rosso

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 11:24 pm
by Zab
Adder1 wrote:Keep trying, Zab. Keep trying. were....AH! Yes! You are the accountant, right? The adding person!
Or maybe you were the minuser...I forget which.
Curse this mechanical thinking process of mine! Why can't the rodents take over my head instead of gears and wires?
Well, obviously because then it wouldn't be very comfortable in there. Why can I never see the obvious?
Left leg, right leg, left leg, thunk!

Re: A buck in Rosso

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 2:45 am
by Nightmare Luna
Oh come on one Zab, you lost the paper. Going to have to tattoo. it on your arm or something.

Also welcome to the forums, i look forward to your story.

Re: A buck in Rosso

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 3:26 am
by Meinos Kaen
Thanks for the warm welcome guys. And I look forward to your opinions and critiques. Only way I can get better, after all. :)

Meinos Kaen

Re: A buck in Rosso

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 10:33 pm
by DontAskForCookies
A tip of my hat to you Meinos, from one new guy to another!