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Hello! Just Jet introducing himself^^

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:21 am
by JetWave
Helu, I'm JetWave. I'm a 16 year old (like age matters on the internet anyway?) swedish male who has drawing and gaming as hobbys.

I found out about Fallout Equestria pretty late. Just the day before new year actually, so the story was already finished when I started reading. Two weeks later I was done and daym I love this story! So well, as some of you have seen I have put up a bunch of fan art on DeviantArt for it and it has been the perfect drive to make me a better artist. I've also read all the chapters for MN7 and Heroes so far and I'm at chapter 20 of PH. I've heard some say that PH is better than the original but even though it's really, really good I still don't think it beats the original. Not so far as I've read at least.

I also have a Tumblr that I'm barrely using:

and here's my Deviant page:

I have been lurking here a little bit in the past, mostly looking for information for stuff I don't remember but recently I was chatting in a Swedish skyperoom and the subject became Fallout. None of them had read the story even though they had played Fallout a lot in the past. I asked why and they said it's too long. That it's not worth it. Really? Like, really guys? That's one of the worse excuses I have heard for not reading a book and sadly it's used a lot. Apparantly they think we read books to complete them! I don't do that. Or well, maybe but it's hardly my main reason! I read books and fanfics for the experience it gives, the epicness and emotions etc. People seem to forget that's the original point. You didn't watch both entire seasons of MLP: FiM so that you could tell people you watched the entire thing did you? No you did it for the plot! I'm sure you did with FO:E too!

Well, anyway, I felt like there my brother was the only one I could talk FO:E with since he had read it but well, we are BROTHERS. So it doesn't really count. So I headed over here. I don't understand why I haven't earlier though. Hopefully I will stay active for a while! I probably have to try catch up more with PH though since that seems to be a pretty big subject around here.

I have also had thoughts on joining a Fallout RP group for a while and test that stuff out. Anyone know of one that can stand a newbie like me? :pipshrug:

Re: Hello! Just Jet introducing himself^^

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:34 am
by Pantzar
Heya Jet, welcome to the forums. A lot of us are usualy hanging out in the IRC chat if you want to drop in and say hello.

Re: Hello! Just Jet introducing himself^^

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 1:22 pm
by Suraru
Welcome to post apocalyptic Equestria!
I've read about 30 chapters of PH, all of the original, and plan on reading others, and I do love PH more then the original, just because I can relate, a lot more then I thought, to Blackjack.

Come on the IRC, I chill in the NSFW area, so you might not see me, but eventually I'm going to join an RP once I get the guts XD

Re: Hello! Just Jet introducing himself^^

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 1:27 pm
by DontAskForCookies
Welcome Jet, nice to meet you.

I have seen your art on DA before, its some pretty awesome stuff.
If your looking for a PnP group I have one that may have an open slot if you want to give it a try as well as a second game I have cooking on the back-burner that I am thinking about starting up soon. As a matter of fact the pony above me, Pantzar, is in my PnP game.

Anyway, hope you enjoy your stay!

Re: Hello! Just Jet introducing himself^^

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 11:10 pm
by Zab
Jet? Jet...Jet...Jet!
Nope, not a clue.
Or maybe a clue. Twice a clue always helps.
Who are you again? Nonexistant? Noooo, of course not.
I must remember to water that before I get to my work every morning. Can't have enough people to kill!
No, wait. I don't kill people, silly me. My guns do. Obviously. Must've been a mistake in engineering.
Or biology, I forget which.
Maybe foreign languages! Those always seem to screw me up, down, left, right, diagonally inclined!
Oh, wait, new guy, right! Focus, me, focus! Unfocus so that scope isn't in your face. wait, no, that's a cookie. Right! Welcome!
Would you like to hear my pirate-speak? I think I got it nailed down.
Or perhaps I nailed down those wooden support beams. I forget which.
Oh, right. 'Don't ask for chocolate' took all my food away. See? There he is, smug on his carrot-y throne....
Oh, wait, that's a painting.
Heeeey, Dontaskforcookiiiiieeeesss. Can I haaaaave oooonnnneeeee?

Re: Hello! Just Jet introducing himself^^

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 4:45 pm
by Adder1
Welcome to the FoE: Resource forums. Enjoy your stay. ^^

And as stated, at least some of us tend to be on the IRC chat at any given time. Check it out!