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How Y'all Doin?

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 2:41 pm
by LcUN8o5M
GozerTheEquestrian here. I probably should have done this a while back, but oh well. I posted in the PnP lfg last week, but haven't found any open spots. Anyhow, I'm trying to learn how to become a GM myself, been reading over the rules documents and I'm going to be observing LuckyLeaf's new group. Anyhow, if you have the patience to put up with a rooky GM, I'll probably post an outline of my ideas for a new PnP group in a week or two and start asking for applications then. Cheers!

Re: How Y'all Doin?

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 11:12 pm
by Adder1
"You're that visitor been pokin' around."

Hello, and welcome to the FoE: Resource forums. I see you're already acquainting yourself with it, so lemme point you over to the IRC channels. A lot of us tend to be on the main chat or the Tavern free RP, so check it out. Enjoy your stay. ^^