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Trixie's Variety Show

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 3:59 am
by Kkat
I just stumbled across Trixie's Variety Show, a blog ( which intends to do a detailed, chapter-by-chapter review of Fallout: Equestria.

Here's the announcement blurb:
I am fully aware that the fanfiction “Fallout Equestria” has now been out a year today, so as a sort of commemorative thing I’ve decided to do a review of this behemoth. (I wanted to do it anyways eventually but this gives me a good excuse) So being a fan of the series itself and a few of the side fics I feel that this is a perfect time to get the ball rolling, and hopefully get Zach off his ass to finally read it… But whatever I’m rambling, I plan on making an entire new page just for this, doing a review on the whole thing from what I remember of my casual reading a few months ago, then go through the lengthy process of reviewing each chapter one by one, then finally summing it up with a comprehensive review over the whole thing again at the end. So this whole process is going to be very time consuming with the fact that I’m a terrible procrastinator coupled with the sheer size of this project. But on a final side note, sometime in the future I plan on also doing the now even bigger “Fo:E Project Horizons” and having Zach do “Fo:E Pink Eyes“. Well, that’s all for now, just thought I should actually take some initiative and do something by keeping the, what 3 people who’ve been here? An update on whats going to happen.
This will be something to keep an eye on, I think. :lwalk:

Re: Trixie's Variety Show

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 6:24 pm
by KingofMalta
Eyes Forward Sparkle

Re: Trixie's Variety Show

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 3:51 pm
by sargecadet
Just a heads up, TVS is continuing the Fallout: Equestria reviews.

Re: Trixie's Variety Show

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 10:31 pm
by FireEel
A blog that Kkat herself endorses?

Then this surely is a thing for me to keep my eyes on.

Re: Trixie's Variety Show

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:06 pm
by sargecadet
Hell yeah, it is!
Chapter reviews are gonna be released weekly from now on, with hopefully no long updating gaps :D