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Doubts on Submissions and Translation

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:55 pm
by Ghouleh
Um, hello, everypony.

I am currently involved in a translation project for Fallout Equestria into Brazilian Portuguese. I have read the previous thread concerning the permission for such a thing, but I have a question before I start submitting what's already been done.

My question, is, quite simply, is there (and what is) any sort of protocol that must be followed in order to submit a translation? Or should the chapters be merely copypasted into the submission e-mail? What I'd like is for somepony to clarify these issues for me, lest I break half a dozen rules while flailing blindly.

If there was already some sort of FAQ concerning story submissions, then I apologize for being as blind as Chapter 33 Blackjack.

Thank you in advance.

Re: Doubts on Submissions and Translation

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 6:23 pm
by Arcane_Scroll
Sorry for the delay, been busy with a site upgrade, a home move, and the holidays.

The only requirements is that the chapters be hosted somewhere. Some authors use Google Drive/Docs, some use Fimfiction, the Russian ones usually use Notabenoid. Really, it's up to you which one you use. Once you have a chapter done, feel free to email a link to it to the Submit link on the site.

Also, if you could translate the story overview/description too, it would help. That part is forgotten sooooo often.

And, good luck with the translating!

Re: Doubts on Submissions and Translation

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 6:58 pm
by Ghouleh
Thanks a lot for the heads-up! The translation project is currently hosted on Google Docs, so I guess we'll fit right in! Also, thank you for reminding me of the overview. I don't think we actually translated it! I'll be sure to submit the first few fully translated chapters, plus the overview, quite soon.

Again, thanks!

Re: Doubts on Submissions and Translation

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 3:25 am
by Arcane_Scroll
Awesome, looking forward to it!