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Did Fallout Equestria Had Internet Before the Megaspell hit?

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 2:35 pm
by Novaink
Hi guys could you help me with this question about if Equestria had a alternative Internet Before the war or no?
If you have any Information leave it in the comments below. :twilightsmile:

Re: Did Fallout Equestria Had Internet Before the Megaspell hit?

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 8:27 pm
by icekatze
hi hi

The ponies of Equestria probably didn't have something that is a direct analogue of our own internet, but they did have something like it, called the "Communication Web." In chapter 11, Diamond Tiara's messages talk about how she was talking to Silver Spoon via "Terminal Chat," when the megaspells hit, and then the communication web went down.

Re: Did Fallout Equestria Had Internet Before the Megaspell hit?

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 12:34 am
by Arcane_Scroll
It always made more sense to me, given stuff like Pipbucks, that they would use more of a mesh network rather than a "traditional" one. Each terminal, maneframe, and pipbuck would work as a node in the mesh, allowing massive network coverage that would be self repairing, as long as any devices still functioned within range.