Epic rolls and funny things

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Epic rolls and funny things

Post by f1r3w4rr10r » Sat Nov 09, 2013 1:50 pm


I just wanted to make a thread to share your epic rolls you witnessed and/or funny (out of context) things that happened in your PnP games.

I will just make the start with this one:

Luminescence has a battle saddle with two linked Recharger Rifles.
Roll to hit: 1
Damage Roll: 30++ -> 30+10+10
Result: 150 damage on target
f1r3w4rr10r (GM): There is a terrible screeching sound in the air, as the two shots fly towards the target, as if Discord himself has possessed the weapons. Not a single scream comes from the creature as it gets hit with a crackling sound. There is an almost comical "puff" as it explodes into a cloud of embers, burning into the ground and the log next to it.

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Re: Epic rolls and funny things

Post by Tankenstein_PhD » Sat Nov 09, 2013 3:53 pm

Not quite so epic, but I've got one from G4.

Our party was on a ship crewed by friendly NPC's and early on in one session my character goes looking for the bathroom. The GM has me roll to recognize the signage, and I fail...wandering into the wrong gender bathroom. There's a mare in there who screams and throws things at my rapidly retreating character, who then finds the correct bathroom.

Later in the session, my character spots her in the hallway and decides to go apologize and explain that it was all a mistake.

He is also drunk off his flank when he decides this.

Keep in mind, also, that he's only CHA 5 with the booze in him and I've never put a single point into Speech, so when I catch up to the mare in question and try to explain things to her the odds are overwhelming that I'll fail and she'll slap me silly.

I pass. Not a crit success, but in this case ANY success was so unexpected that I think it worth mentioning. I fully expected my character to wake up with a hangover and a bruise on his cheek. (He did wake up with a hangover crit failed an END check and puked everywhere though.)

Another one was in the Crystal Empire group Viewing Glass is running. My character goes to attack the miniboss of our first encounter. I just keep making crit fail after crit fail, and I'm pretty sure VG was getting to the point of just throwing checks at me in the hope I would eventually pass at least one and redeem the situation.

I didn't. Bones essentially told both of us to go f*** our selves. My character (who's supposed to be well-versed in swordplay) winds up clumsily flinging his sword into the distance and running from the combat to retrieve it.

One of these days, Bones, one of these days...

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Re: Epic rolls and funny things

Post by SilverlightPony » Sun Nov 10, 2013 1:09 am

Tankenstein_PhD wrote:Bones essentially told both of us to go f*** our selves.
You failed to make a worthy sacrifice to the Random Number Gods before the session.

Anywho, probably the most astounding luck I've had with rolls was back when Octagon Group was running. We started the campaign with Rippedshadow as our GM, and later on Menti took over (still using Rippedshadow's notes on story ideas), while still playing his PC. We were going into a stable to rescue a unicorn filly (the younger sister of one of our party members) and her parents. We get in, track them to the stable's medical center, and find a mad ghoul scientist (who was unaware of anything relating to Unity) trying to use some sort of device to combine the unicorn filly, an EP filly, and a pegasus filly into an alicorn to serve as a vessel for Luna and/or Celestia's soul(s).

This was written as, effectively, a scripted event; we weren't supposed to be able to save them, unless we got extremely lucky with our "will we make it in time?" rolls.

Code: Select all

[23:26] <&Menti|GM> you guys should've been /waaaaaay/ late... but those d100 roles were kind to you
[23:26] <%Rippedshadow> It was technically a scripted failure unless you guys, like, critsucceeded.
[23:26] <%Rippedshadow> But
[23:26] <%Rippedshadow> not my choice, so you get the alternative
[23:27] <%Rippedshadow> so much for your own personal alicorn
[23:27] <&Menti|GM> you guys were literally /one/ roll away from failing
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Re: Epic rolls and funny things

Post by InsanebowDash » Mon Nov 18, 2013 11:32 pm

You have no idea.

I was playing a character who was incapable of speaking. As part of her being Dashited, the Enclave surgically removed her voicebox with a medical laser.
We were in a Stable and my GM was sending the characters through an Autodoctor machine. He was choosing random effects out of a book for comic effect.
He was rolling a D10,000 using the software we use to simulate the board.
As my character went through he rolled a 1. On a D10,000.
Needless to say, my character got her voice back, something I thought would never happen. And had planned to never happen. Completely changed the entire campaign with one single roll.

1 in 10,000 chance. Beat that.

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Re: Epic rolls and funny things

Post by Rippedshadow » Mon Nov 18, 2013 11:46 pm

Oh goodie, one of these threads.

A bit tired to think through everything, but the most memorable thing I can remember is when Kkat's own Little Gloom started her own religion thanks to an excessively lucky speech check. Little Gloom had less then 15 speech, and crit-succeeded in convincing some steel rangers we had following us around to join a religion based around Luna.

What's especially funny, is how this later evolved into the party building the New Lunar Republic afterwards, from a town we saved.
I do things, sometimes. Maybe...
Planetside 2? Maybe.

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