Equestria....destroyed in minutes by a war taken out of the hooves of pony and zebra kind alike. Everything completely obliterated, a land enclosed in a blanket of balefire and radiation. The cities, the towns...but whatever happened to the Crystal Empire?
Our story begins with the final moments of the Crystal Empire, when Caesar's legion of zebras attack the crystal city. The Legate(commander over the legion attack) is plotting a scheme with King Sombra, who he resurrected with dark magic. Little did he know of what Sombra was capable of, a mistake which would kill millions.
(200 years later)
Skyline, a stallion with a taste for adventure, has lived his whole life in the wasteland and enjoys it too, the scavenging, prewar treasures, and even blasting raiders to pieces. But ever since the conflict between Red Eye's forces and the Pegasus Enclave, he just doesn't find it fun anymore, Equestria has had enough wars already and he doesn't think another is going to help it any further. So he decides to leave...to explore and improve his skills in another wasteland; the Crystal Empire.