Check out The Foally of Man, a podcast featuring Chris the Brony and Robert the non-Brony as they explore Fallout: Equestria chapter by chapter. Watch/listen on YouTube, Libsyn, Twitter, and PodBean.
Ocean Phoenix
Wednesday, August 20th, 2014
Last Update:
Saturday, March 22nd, 2014
Dark, Crossover, Adventure
Based on [i]Fallout: Equestria[/i], [i]Clouded Judgment[/i] takes place fifty years before a heroine rises from the depths of Stable 2 to save the world. No heroes here. No light. No security. No hope. Cloudy Daze is truly alone in the Wasteland, having had his only friend swept away at the precipice of freedom. He finds himself carried along by the currents of other, more powerful ponies - but even they are dwarfed by the ancient evils unleashed upon Equestria after the bombs fell. This pegasus has no place in a chaotic world of kings, giants, and demons. Why, then, does he continue to live? [i]Cover art by the wonderfully accommodating LordLaneus! If you're reading this, mate, thanks for putting up with me! This turned out great![/i]
Mar 6th, 2014
Mar 22nd, 2014

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