Check out The Foally of Man, a podcast featuring Chris the Brony and Robert the non-Brony as they explore Fallout: Equestria chapter by chapter. Watch/listen on YouTube, Libsyn, Twitter, and PodBean.
The Br0nyN34D
Saturday, July 11th, 2015
Last Update:
Sunday, December 31st, 2017
Dark, Crossover, Adventure
A young earth scientist, Zero, was given the task to retrieve valuable items for studies. He set out with a team of fellow scientists in search of these artifacts. What started as a simple mission fetch quest in New Hampshore has turned for the worst. Zero’s team has vanished and with them his means of communication. Zero now finds himself faced with more than just the hunt he was initially sent on, but now also faces the cruelty and barbaric nature of the Wastelands.

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