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The Criple Brony
Saturday, December 12th, 2015
Last Update:
Thursday, November 5th, 2015
Adventure, Dark, Romance, Sad, Tragedy
You know the saying "Almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter"? Well, welcome to the worst city alive. To many people, Stalliongrad is just snow. Snow snow snow. But to the residents of this….glorious, wonderful city: it’s much more. War, coldth, and a fair share of mentally deranged psychopaths. Conveniently, that’s just who we’re following in this little anecdote. Four mentally deranged people on a quest to do… ‘things’. *Things includes (but is not limited to) the following: Murder, drugs, arson, larceny, blackmail, terrorism, rape and explosions. [i]Co-Written by TargetCandy4U (Criple Brony) and Zjackel17. The art, locations, factions and characters not including Veteran and his family are done by Zjackel. The editing, character's involving Veteran and story arc ideas are written by Target. This will contain different writing styles according to character and some minor errors in grammar and sometimes even lore. Warning: Contains swearing, gore, implied sex and rape, dark humor and topics best left out.[/i]

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