Check out The Foally of Man, a podcast featuring Chris the Brony and Robert the non-Brony as they explore Fallout: Equestria chapter by chapter. Watch/listen on
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Baltimare is an okay place to live. With a lot less radiation to worry about and a bustling food market, civilization appears to be regaining its footing. Visitors are simply asked to avoid the wildlife, the swamps, the raider corporation, the ongoing slaver–hellhound-Steel Ranger war, the drought, and any travel outside the republic.
Comet Scotia is a visitor to the Southern Wasteland. But she makes a fatal mistake (well, fatal for someone else) and winds up playing the role of a hero destined to bring sunshine and rainbows to Equestria. A profitable scheme at first, the lie drags Comet into a world of intrigue, deception, and illusions. That and a lot more lying.
Inspired by Kkat's original story.
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