The settlement of Lunar Bay sits on a small section of the Equestrian coastline, with ponies living in peace with one another.
This settlement is the home of Fish Hook; a seawise earth pony that runs the local bait shop with his family. He is happy living in Lunar Bay, and thinks that the peace they have is achieved through the friendship that everyone shares with each other. But soon, that peace becomes threatened.
When a pony is found murdered on a local fishing boat, Fish Hook’s father is accused of the crime.
Fearing the fate of his father, Fish Hook makes it his goal to find the clues and track down the real murderer. Armed with only a simple gun and spear, he searches in and around Lunar Bay in hopes of finding the truth.
But his journey of discovery soon leads him to the deepest, darkest parts of Lunar Bay. Now he must face rivaling groups, secret societies, and even those that he once thought were his friends.