Check out The Foally of Man, a podcast featuring Chris the Brony and Robert the non-Brony as they explore Fallout: Equestria chapter by chapter. Watch/listen on
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We have seen the horrors of the Wasteland through the eyes of many. From the experienced perspectives of Littlepip and Blackjack, to the innocent and naive view of Puppysmiles, it would seem the Wasteland has no more challenges to offer. That is, until the Bronies showed up.
For the humans of Earth, it was the end. The Rapture occured, and everyone was offered a choice. Heaven, Hell, or the world of your desires. For Stephen Anderson, it was the Wastelands. His goal is simple, yet impossibly difficult. He wishes to bring the magic of friendship and harmony back to Equestria, perhaps with the help of a few friends.
But how do you create harmony in a world where harmony is dead?
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Littlepip, Homage, and Velvet Remedy censor images created by Astroty. Thank you!
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