Stable 99 is saved! After securing her home from an army of vicious raiders, Blackjack takes a well-earned opportunity to rest and recuperate. Despite everything, she finds herself struggling to decide how she feels about her budding relationship with Morning Glory, her young pegasus friend. Glory, meanwhile, is eager to help her come to a decision.
F/F erotica, rated dark just to be on the safe side -- mild blood and reference to traumatic injuries. Yes, this is a clopfic of a fanfic ([i]Project Horizons[/i]) of a crossover fanfic ([i]Fallout:Equestria[/i]). Yo dawg...
Feedback and criticism are encouraged, either here or at Thank you! :D
[i]Fallout: Equestria[/i] belongs to Kkat. [i]Project Horizons[/i] and these characters belong to Somber. Cover art (used with permission) by Mistermech/Mech Station.